
The House of the Schemers

Fred M. White

There were various rumors about house No.13. There were no lights, badly painted blinds were always lowered, windows were black over the years. The feeling of loneliness and secrecy permeated the interior of No.13. Surprisingly there lived a young beautiful lady, about 20 years old. However, she was very frightened. And all this darkness was displayed on it.


Queen Lucia

E.F. Benson

The village of Rieseholm worships Queen Lucia. She completely commands the village, the ever-benevolent dictator of all things that really matter. However, someone had the pleasure of overthrowing a queen so great. And it was Olga Braisley, an opera singer from London. She is a real celebrity, not at all like that queen. Can she do it?


The Loudwater Mystery

Edgar Jepson

This novel was first published in 1920 and is along the lines of a classic whodunnit. Lord Loudwater is brash, short tempered and always bullying people. He was loved by none, feared by many and hated by all. When he is inexplicably found fatality stabbed with a letter opener, the list of suspects seems endless. Unfortunately for Detective Flexen, who is to investigate the case, Lord Loudwater was not a very agreeable sort of fellow and almost every person in his vicinity had a motive for the crime. Was it his young wife or her lover, his former fiancé or even one of the servants? If you like the old style crime novels where you are presented with a puzzle and have to try and work out who the killer is, then you should like this.


Na srebrnym globie. Rękopis z Księżyca

Jerzy Żuławski

Pierwsza część Trylogii księżycowej Jerzego Żuławskiego jednego z pionierów polskiej fantastyki naukowej. Napisana w formie pamiętnika z wyprawy, opowiada o misji kolonizacyjnej na Księżyc i tworzeniu tam nowego społeczeństwa. Fantastyczny sztafaż pozwala snuć refleksję o zmaganiach człowieka z własnymi słabościami i mechanizmach rządzących ludzkimi relacjami społecznymi.



Bolesław Prus

Starożytny Egipt, XI wiek przed naszą erą. Państwem zarządza młody faraon Ramzes XIII. Następca tronu zamierza przeprowadzić reformy, które poprawią los poddanych. Tymczasem skarbiec faraona jest pusty, rośnie też zadłużenie państwa pożyczającego ogromne sumy od Fenicjan. Niezbędne do reform środki młody władca zamierza zdobyć podczas wojny z bogatą Asyrią. Planom Ramzesa sprzeciwiają się jednak kapłani, którzy mają znaczący wpływ na politykę państwa i którzy posiadają bogactwa ukryte w podziemnym labiryncie. Ramzes podejmuje walkę z kapłanami, której celem jest przywrócenie pełni władzy faraonom. Nie docenia jednak wiedzy i siły swych przeciwników...


The Mischief Maker

E. Phillips Oppenheim

This story takes place before WWI and follows the adventures of a disgraced English politician who hasnt given up on his country in her hour of need. His nemesis is a suave but evil German prince who is plotting the downfall of he British empire. The only thing that stands in his way is our hero... and two beautiful women. The Mischief-Maker presents a fascinating picture of the political mindset of the day to go along with the twists and turns of the story. And so on, and with the material of conspiracies, politics, love and adventure the story is woven around the atmosphere of the early 20th century in London and Paris with that peculiar polish in dialogue and fascinating coloring characteristic of the popular author.


Dziennik Franciszki Krasińskiej

Klementyna Hoffmanowa

Akcja tej powieści historycznej umiejscowiona jest u schyłku panowania Augusta III Sasa. Autorka skupia się na przedstawieniu sylwetki głównej bohaterki Franciszki Krasińskiej. Utwór ma formę listów i pamiętników. Na pierwszy plan wysuwa się emocjonalność i wewnętrzne przeżycia bohaterki, natomiast wydarzenia historyczne i polityczne są tylko tłem dla rozterek kobiecego serca.


The Sea Lady

Herbert George Wells

This charming, little-known fantasy by the author of The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds is also a sharply satirical look at the mores and moral of Edwardian England. During a family outing at the beach a family sees a young woman struggling further out in the water. Its only when they rescue her that they see that shes a mermaid. They quickly take her into the beach house, still unaware that the mermaid has planned the whole incident in order to meet a young man. Her motives are not quite clear; nor are her intentions of what she plans to do with the young man after she gets him, since she lives beneath the sea. On occasion she drops her guard and lets it be known she is death underwater. Will she be stopped in time from committing this dastardly deed? The Sea Lady takes a pretty good subject mermaid turned siren in proper British society and totally drops the ball.