

Zane Grey

Pearl Zane Grey (1872 1939) was an American author best known for his popular adventure novels and stories that presented an idealized image of the American frontier. Zane Grey is the author of 86 books, he is today considered the father of the Western genre, with its heady romances and mysterious outlaws. Raised together in the wild country of the Tonto basin, Jake and Verde grew up closer than brothers. But when they both fell in love with the same fickle woman, their friendship turned to raging hate. The only force that could mend that shattered trust was the raging fury of nature itself. Grey, a word-painter of the western landscape, gives readers his best in describing the mountain winter, but not until he has frolicked with the hearts of two jealous brothers.


The Portrait of a Lady

Henry James

Isabel, the main character of the story, knows the charm of marriage with a worthless person. Her fate the confluence of fatal circumstances. Being a dowry and finding herself in Europe, she refuses to quite worthy applicants for a hand, and having received a fortune, she links life with the rogue Osmond, who married her only to provide a bastard daughter, Pansy, born of a courtesan, a decent existence. Illusions are crumbling, there is no hope for happiness, but Isabelle, with stoic courage, endures all the misfortunes that have fallen to her lot.


Dutch Courage and Other Stories

Jack London

The young man dreams of the sea, runs away from home, hides in the hold of the ship, with the help of a friend is supplied with food. Then the terrible happens the robinsonade of a man locked in a hold! The food spoils, the young man cannot leave his shelter for many reasons, he suffocates, suffers from hunger... The agony of body and soul begins, only at the very end comes salvation.


Tahiti. Band IIV

Friedrich Gerstäcker

Friedrich Gerstäcker (1816-1872) war ein deutscher Schriftsteller. Er war ein Autor von spannenden Abenteuerromanen und -erzählungen, aber auch Dorfgeschichten, der Landschaften und kulturelle Verhältnisse so gut wiederzugeben verstand, dass noch heute ein überwiegend jugendliches Publikum seine bekannten Romane liest. Auf seinen Streifzügen vor allem in die Neue Welt, Nord- und Südamerika, Australien und nach Tahiti enstand eine große Anzahl persönlicher Geschichten, die er literarisch verarbeitete und reflektierte. Seine Erzählungen und Romane regten zahlreiche Nachahmer an. Tahiti ist ein Roman aus der Mitte des 19.Jahrhunderts in dem alle typischen Elemente eines Abenteuerromans aus der Südsee vereint sind: der gewissenlose Halunke, der edle Jüngling, das schöne, züchtige junge Mädchen. René, ein junger Franzose, hat die Nase voll vom üblen Leben auf dem Walfischfänger Delaware und desertiert. Ein geflohener, katholischer Matrose verliebt sich in eine protestantische Südsee-Insulanerin. Seine Liebe zu einer Insulanerin wird allerdings zum Problem...


Отцы и дети (Ojcowie i dzieci)

Иван Сергеевич Тургенев, Iwan Siergiejewicz Turgieniew

201eОтцы и дети201d 2013 знаменитый роман Тургенева, ставший одним из самых известных русских произведений в истории о взаимоотношениях поколений. Споры главного героя Евгения Базарова, называющего себя нигилистом, и отрицающего всеобщие представления о жизни, искусстве, морали, человеческой природе, и его антагониста Павла Кирсанова, аристократа в полном значении этого слова, составляют центральную проблематику романа. Но сюжетная линия строится больше на внутреннем конфликте самого Базарова. Только что отрицавший все устоявшиеся понятия герой, не веривший в любовь, смеявшийся над своим другом, способным на нежные чувства, вдруг сам глубоко и страстно влюбляется. И всё вдруг переворачивается с ног на голову 2013 с любовью Базаров совладать не в силах, она оказывается сильнее самых твердых убеждений...


Arsene Lupin gentleman-cambrioleur

Maurice Leblanc

Arsene Lupin un Robin des Bois de la Belle Epoque, lénigmatique personnage, le fantaisiste gentleman, qui nopere que dans les châteaux et les salons, linsaisissable cambrioleur dont on racontait les prouesses dans tous les journaux depuis des mois, lhomme aux mille déguisements. Ce nest pas un aristocrate qui vit comme un anarchiste mais un anarchiste qui vit comme un aristocrate. Ajoutons cela la fascination de se mettre du mauvais côté de la loi, ainsi quune allusion non dissimulée Sherlock Holmes, et ce recueil sans prétention au départ ravira tout amateur de littérature policiere.


Daisy Miller. A Study

Henry James

A short story which deals, as many other novels by James, with the changing role of women in Society and the differences that begun to arise between the old stiff Europe and the America at the end of the XIXth century. It portrays the confused courtship of the eponymous American girl by Winterbourne, a compatriot of hers with much more sophistication. His pursuit of her is hampered by her own flirtatiousness, which is frowned upon by the other expatriates they meet in Switzerland and Italy. Her lack of understanding of the social mores of the society she so desperately wishes to enter ultimately leads to tragedy. This little story catalyzed a lot of late 19th century debate about American values and European values and- particularly the confident, un-blushing American girl who is not inclined to conform to the snobbish tastes and attitudes of the upper class people she meets as her family becomes wealthy.


King Solomons Mines

H. Rider Haggard

King Solomons Mines is the first English adventure novel, which takes place in Africa. Allan Quatermain the protagonist of the story, an ambitious and courageous guy who is ready to give a helping hand to difficult times. He recruits the same adventurers as his assistants and the group advances in search of the missing brother of one of the detachments. As a result, readers can watch not only the rescues of Allan Quatermain, but also the interesting adventures of a group of adventurers in an uncharted part of Africa.