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Ronicky Doone

Max Brand

His name was famous throughout the wild Old West. From Tombstone to Sonora hed won the respect of every law-abiding citizen-and the hatred of every bushwhacking bandit. While Bill Gregg stole Ronicky Doones best mare, Doone thanked him with a bullet in the leg. When he discovered that Bill was desperately searching for a girl whose name he didnt know, Ronicys interest was captured. Helping him track the girl down was no real challenge for Ronicky, but rescuing her from the evil New Yorker who held her prisoners might be another matter. But Ronicky Doone never backed down from a challenge! This is the first of a trilogy involving the adventure-seeking, straight-shooting cowboy. Another great read by Max Brand.


Rozdzióbią nas kruki, wrony

Stefan Żeromski

Szymon Winrych glówny bohater Rozdzióbią nas kruki, wrony to powstaniec styczniowy, który choć zdaje sobie sprawę z tego, że powstanie dogorywa, nie poddaje się i walczy do upadłego. Uparcie dąży do celu. Nie straszny mu głód ani ziąb. Nie boi się też samotności. Jego zaciekłość i konsekwencja w działaniu to rezultat świadomości, że po klęsce powstania pałeczkę przejmą przeciwnicy walki narodowowyzwoleńczej. Nie chce dopuścić do tego, aby zwolennicy lojalizmu dowodzili, że powstanie nie miało sensu, a jedyne, co przyniosło, to niepotrzebny rozlew krwi.


The Rome Express

Arthur Griffiths

Set in an era when train travel was a privilege of the wealthy few, Arthur Griffiths The Rome Express features the exciting story of a murder on a luxury train and the ensuing investigation with most of the characters coming from higher classes. The passengers in the sleeping car of the Rome Express were just woken and informed that they will reach Paris soon, and a general bustle fills the train. Only one passenger cannot be awoken by the porter, no matter how loudly he knocks on the compartment door. At last, when the door is forced open, the occupant of the compartment is found dead stabbed to the heart! The murderer must be found among the passengers...


LAiguille creuse

Maurice Leblanc

Une aventure que se déroule en partie dans les lieux magnifiques: Ambrumésy et dans dautres villes françaises. Lhistoire de la battre contre Arsene Lupin un filou génial, et Isidore Beautrelet, jeune lycéen et détective amateur, lhistoire du jeu du chat et de la souris entre Lupin et linspecteur Ganimard et aussi lhistoire de lopposition entre un gentleman-cambrioleur et Herlock Sholmes. Mystérieuse chasse a lun des plus grands énigmes dArsene Lupin un secret de laiguille creuse. Mais personne ne sait quest ce que Lupin a lintention de faire...


The Tempting of Tavernake

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The Tempting of Tavernake is written by Edward Phillips Oppenheim. He composed some one hundred and fifty novels, mainly of the suspense and international intrigue nature, but including romances, comedies, and parables of everyday life. The hero of this novel, however, is very unusual for several reasons. Tavernake is unemotional, unable to sympathize or even understand the most common social situations. He is diligent, precise, obsessive in his pursuit of wealth, but oblivious to the feelings of the people around him. They simply dont matter. He meets Beatrice Burnay an American in London without any money. Odd, uncomfortable, almost autistic, he rescues from hunger and possible suicide, and in return she educates him on the possibilities of human emotion.


The History of Mr Polly

Herbert George Wells

An intriguing HG Wells work, not of the sci-fi variety, which details a mans struggle to find himself and get along with his world. Published in 1910, this novel is the story of Alfred Polly, a generally non-descript member of the English lower middle class. The story begins when he is thirty-five years old, miserably unhappy with his life, both his circumstances and himself. In other words, he is a man with a badly muddled sense of reality who, sick of the life that he leads, burns down the outfitters shop that he has come to hate, gives his wife half of the insurance money, and disappears, exchanging his acceptable life as a shopkeeper for that of a wanderer. Unexpected events, however, conspire at the last moment to lead the bewildered Mr. Polly to a bright new future after he saves a life, fakes his death, and escapes to a life of heroism, hope and ultimate happiness.


The Elusive Pimpernel

Emmuska Orczy

It is the early days of the French Republic, and Robespierres revolutionaries find their wicked schemes repeatedly being thwarted. It appears that Sir Percy Blakeney the cunning and heroic Pimpernel is more than a match for them all. But Sir Percys spy-catching archenemy, Chauvelin, has devised a plan. Another fun adventure novel, and the sequel to The Scarlet Pimpernel. It continues telling the story of the League of the Scarlet Pimpernel as they attempt to save more aristocrats from the Reign of Terror. Sir Percy attempts to smuggle French aristocrats out of the country to safety, while Chauvelin plays out a vile plot to eliminate the Pimpernel and his beautiful wife, once and for all.


Wuthering Heights

Emily Brontë

Wuthering Heights is a wild, passionate story of the intense and almost demonic love between Catherine Earnshaw and Heathcliff, a foundling adopted by Catherines father. After Mr Earnshaws death, Heathcliff is bullied and humiliated by Catherines brother Hindley and wrongly believing that his love for Catherine is not reciprocated, leaves Wuthering Heights, only to return years later as a wealthy and polished man. He proceeds to exact a terrible revenge for his former miseries.