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The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow

Anna Katharine Green

Anna Katharine Green was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America, received praise for her accurate, well plotted stories. Her novels have always been one of the groundworks of mystery and detective fiction and The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow is a great example of the ingenious and thrilling story. In this novel, a young woman is killed by an arrow in the middle of the museum, so all of the other visitors are closed inside while the crime is investigated! A good classic mystery that we recommend very highly!



George Sand

Dans le roman Horace de George Sand, le personnage principal est confronté de nombreuses épreuves. Malheureusement, il ne tire pas une leçon juste de son expérience. Le protagoniste, passant dune romance douteuse, affichant ses idées avant-gardistes, un simple carriere, qui spécule sur ces idées.


Leśna Różyczka (Tom 9). Leśna Różyczka. Juarez

Karol May

Juarez to dziewiąty tom przygód z cyklu Leśna Różyczka, czyli prześladowania dookoła świata. Podczas licznych i szalonych podróży po wielu krajach i kontynentach odważni bohaterowie spotykają na swojej drodze różne postaci niektóre sprzyjają realizacji ich planów i wyciągają pomocną dłoń, inne wręcz przeciwnie narażają drużynę na niebezpieczeństwa i same proszą się o pogruchotanie kości w potyczce.


Mademoiselle of Monte Carlo. The Mystery of the Suicide Tables

William Le Queux

Yes! Im not mistaken at all! Its the same woman! whispered the tall, good-looking young Englishman in a well-cut navy suit as he stood with his friend, a man some ten years older than himself, at one of the roulette tables at Monte Carlo, the first on the right on entering the roomthat one known to habitual gamblers as The Suicides Table. Are you quite certain? asked his friend. Positive. I should know her again anywhere. Shes very handsome. And look, too, by Jove! how she is winning!


Jacobs Ladder

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Jacobs Ladder begins: Seated at breakfast on that memorable July morning, Jacob Pratt presented all the appearance of a disconsolate man. His little country sitting-room was as neat and tidy as the capable hands of the inimitable Mrs. Harris could make it. His coffee was hot and his eggs were perfectly boiled. Through the open windows stretched a little vista of the many rows of standard roses which had been the joy of his life. Yet blank misery dwelt in the soul of this erstwhile cheerful little man, and the spirit of degradation hung like a gloomy pall over his thoughts and being. Only the day before he had filed his petition in bankruptcy.


A Christmas Carol. In Prose. Being a Ghost Story of Christmas

Charles Dickens

A Christmas Carol in Prose, Being a Ghost Story of Christmas, commonly known as A Christmas Carol, is one of the most legendary stories by Charles Dickens. This edition contains the original 1843 illustrations by celebrated caricaturist John Leech. The story has long since become one of the most beloved stories in the English language. As much a part of the holiday season as holly, mistletoe, and evergreen wreaths, this perennial favourite continues to delight new readers and rekindle thoughts of charity and goodwill. The tale begins on a cold and bleak Christmas Eve in London, exactly seven years after the death of Ebenezer Scrooges business partner, Jacob Marley. Scrooge, an old miser, hates Christmas. He refuses his nephew Freds Christmas dinner invitation. At home that night, Scrooge is visited by Marleys ghost, who is forever cursed to wander the earth dragging a network of heavy chains, forged during a lifetime of greed and selfishness. Marley tells Scrooge that he has one chance to avoid the same fatehe will be visited by three spirits, one on each successive evening, and he must listen to them or be cursed to carry chains of his own, much longer than Marleys chains.


Fighting Snub Reilly

Edgar Wallace

Fighting Snub Reilly is one of the mystery story from collection which includes eight short mysteries by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre. There are others: Jimmys Brother, The Christmas Cup, The Man In The Golf Hut, A Romance In Brown, The Perfect Gentleman, Kid-Glove Harry, Nig-Nog. Edgar Wallace was a British author who is best known for creating King Kong. Wallace was a very prolific writer despite his sudden death at age 56. In total Wallace is credited with over 170 novels, almost 1,000 short stories, and 18 stage plays. Wallaces works have been turned into well over 100 films.


The Real Thing and Other Tales

Henry James

The main character, an aspiring artist, hires a faded noble couple, Monarchs, as models after they have lost most of their money and need to find some kind of work. They are real in the sense that they are beautifully of the aristocratic type, but they turn out to be inappropriate for the artists work. The artist must finally get rid of the monarchs, especially after his friend and colleague, artist Jack Hawley, criticized the work in which monarchs are represented.