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The Iron Grip

Edgar Wallace

1929 short story collection by Edgar Wallace revolving around the demobbed soldier (WWI) Jack Wireless Bryce and his engagement by the law firm Hemmer & Hemmer. Operating on the fringes of lawlessness, Bryce uses his brains and brawn to protect a range of the firms more vulnerable and downright gullible clients. His new career as a detective creates a compelling tale of adventure. Most of his adventures involve rescuing various damsels in distress from the clutches of men who are far from gentle. The tales are told with real zip, with a dash of grit and humor. Eventually, however, he is overpowered caught in the tender grip of love from which he has no desire to escape.


Hrabia Monte Christo

Aleksander Dumas ojciec

Sztandarowa powieść Aleksandra Dumasa ojca. Bohaterem książki jest 19-letni Edmund Dantes marynarz idealista. Niebawem ma zostać awansowany na kapitana statku i ożenić się z wybranką swego serca, piękną Mercedes. Niestety pada ofiarą spisku. Oskarżony o bonapartyzm trafia do więzienia. Po 14 latach udaje mu się zbiec. Odnajduje ogromny skarb i jako hrabia Monte Christo wraca w rodzinne strony, by odnaleźć ukochaną i dokonać zemsty na swych oprawcach.


Advice Limited

E. Phillips Oppenheim

The long boat train which had only a few minutes before started from Dover Pier Station on its way to Victoria came to an unexpected halt alongside the almost deserted platform of the Town Station. Habitual travellers, who knew the irregularity of such a proceeding, let down the windows and leaned out from their places. There was little to be seen, however, and nothing to be learnt from the various attendants. About a dozen station officials and a few other men who looked like officials in mufti were forming a sort of a ring around one of the vans in the rear of the train from which a number of heavy, iron clamped cases were being unloaded. The proceedings were entirely unusual. Curious questions and comments flashed backwards and forwards amongst the passengers. The train attendants, however, knew nothing of what was transpiring.


The Way of an Eagle

Ethel M. Dell

The Way of an Eagle novel (1919) opens in India, as scapegrace Nick Ratcliffe rescues Muriel, the generals daughter, from dire peril. Between starvation and attack, death is almost certain. Nick is small, odd-looking, and unpredictable. But he has somehow won the generals unconditional confidence. Not so with Muriel. Repelled yet fascinated by his mockery and ferocity his way of an eagle she agrees to a betrothal, then breaks it off for clean-cut Blake Grange. Back in England, Muriel gradually learns the truth of her feelings and of Blakes. But when she returns to India Nick, now maimed in his countrys service, is nowhere to be seen until new peril strikes. True love prevails. This is an old-fashioned adventure/romance and its impossible to put down.


The Village Rector

Honoré de Balzac

Forget the erroneous title, the central figure of this particular slice of Balzacs lifelong gift to literature is a woman of character, Madame Veronique Graslin. Honoré de Balzac (20 May 1799 18 August 1850) is considered to be one of the fathers of realism in fiction and has crafted a vivid picture of Europe during the end of the Bourbon Monarchy. The first characters presented are the shopkeeper Sauviat and his family. The daughter, Veronique, is beautiful and charming, a favorite in the entire quarter. When she is eleven she falls desperately ill with smallpox. Her beauty has been ruined by the disease and her parents love her even more and try to give her everything money can buy in compensation. A marriage to a rich banker is arranged. What causes Veronique to later live a life of penance?


The Brothers. A Story

Herbert George Wells

The Brothers A Story. Herbert George Wells was a prolific English writer who wrote in a variety of genres, including the novel, politics, history, and social commentary. Wells returned to a literary genre in which he had always excelled: the satire written in the form of an allegory. In a land torn apart by civil war, Bolaris was fiercely loyal to the Strong Men. So when Number Four informed him that Ratzel, leader of the enemy, had been captured, it was naturally a cause for celebration that was until Bolaris actually met his great opponent? The likeness between Bolaris and Ratzel was so remarkable that Bolaris was left in no doubt that they were related brothers, or perhaps even twins. As sworn enemies, and now as his captor, Bolaris had to work out a way to discover the truth of his identity and do so without sacrificing his loyalty.


If Sinners Entice Thee

William Le Queux

Then its an entire mystery? Yes, Phrida. But its astounding! It really seems so utterly impossible, declared my well-beloved, amazed at what I had just related. Ive simply stated hard facts. But theres been nothing about this affair in the papers. For certain reasons the authorities are not exactly anxious for any publicity. It is a very puzzling problem, and they do not care to own themselves baffled, I replied.


They See in Darkness

Ethel Lina White

The Elephant Never Forgets is a more psychological story. The main character, Anna, a young Englishwoman, wants to visit Russia because of her interest in a proletarian experiment and a faithless newspaper editor. The trip is delayed. Anna fell into a trap, stunned by the terrifying atmosphere of suspicion and the crazy tactic of postponing the Soviet Union...