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Jezebels Daughter

Wilkie Collins

The heroine of the novel, Mina, the only daughter of Madame de Fontaine, is in love with Fritz. But Fritzs father is opposed to his sons marriage and believes that Mina and her mother encroached on the familys wealth. Suddenly, the grooms father, Mr. Koehler, falls ill, and Madame de Fontaine gives the sick man a miraculous medicine. She cures him of a fatal illness. But this medicine turns out to be an antidote. Who poisoned Herr Koehler?


The Maid-at-Arms

Robert W. Chambers

This is an outstanding book written in the old style. The story is set between the middle and the end of the Revolutionary War and has a good mix of adventure, romance and complex characters with a bit of history thrown in for good measure.


Totem and Taboo. Resemblances Between the Psychic Lives of Savages and Neurotics

Sigmund Freud

Totem and Taboo is a work by Sigmund Freud in which he develops his theory of the origin of morality and religion. This is one of the most significant works of Sigmund Freud. This work is a large-scale and original, balancing on the verge of psychoanalysis, cultural studies and anthropology study of the characteristics of the psychosexual perception of a primitive man, a study still considered an absolute classic of psychoanalysis...


Śmierć Mesaliny

Leo Belmont

Leo Belmont (18651941) był polskim eseistą, poetą, prozaikiem oraz znawcą i tłumaczem literatury francuskiej i rosyjskiej. Napisał wiele pseudohistorycznych romansów, sensacyjnie przedstawiających życie królów. Śmierć Messaliny to barwna opowieść o starożytnym Rzymie, poruszająca też wątki filozoficzne i etyczne. Słynąca z urody Messalina jest trzecią żoną cesarza Klaudiusza. Zaniedbywana przez męża, postanawia ośmieszyć go przed całym ludem oraz arystokracją i zostaje nierządnicą.


The Race of Life

Guy Boothby

It was almost night when this melancholy little party appeared at the main station. Dick, with great foresight, sent the food cart several miles to meet them, so my mother was relieved of pain when her husbands body was brought to his horse. Rude and rude, Dick was a thoughtful guy, and I firmly believe that he would go through fire and water to serve my mother, whom he greatly admired.


The Sorrows of Young Werther

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

The tragic story of a young burgher, who could not find an answer to his feelings and rejected by society, was instantly translated into other languages and gave rise to a series of sequels and imitations the so-called Verterian. Over time, Werther, the rebellious martyr became one of the eternal images of world literature and introduced the sociopsychological phenomenon of verterism into European culture, associated with the melancholic mentality and the problem of suicide as the highest manifestation of free will.


Księżniczka Dagny. Romans

Wanda Miłaszewska

Przejmująca, wzruszająca opowieść o Karen, szwedzkiej emigrantce na ziemiach polskich, i jej niepełnosprawnej córce Dagny. Porzucone przez niefrasobliwego ojca, wiodą ubogie i pełne trudności życie. Uwięzioną na czwartym piętrze kamienicy Dagny odwiedza jedynie starszy o rok, niewidomy syn krawcowej. Wanda Miłaszewska (18941944) polska pisarka, redaktorka tygodnika dla kobiet Bluszcz, nauczycielka rysunku. Wraz z mężem Stanisławem, dramaturgiem i publicystą, zginęła pod gruzami walącego się domu podczas powstania warszawskiego.


The Maverick Queen

Zane Grey

After his partner was killed during a card game, Link Bradway travels to South Pass, Wyoming to find the killer. But South Pass is awash with players and gunsmiths, and Bradways quest leads him directly to a bloody battle when he discovers that he will need much more than a gun to stay alive.