
Baśnie i bajki europejskie. Wybór

Praca zbiorowa

Tom Baśnie i bajki europejskie zawiera zbiór popularnych historii, opowiadanych dzieciom w całej Europie. W książeczce można znaleźć zarówno baśnie i bajki niemieckie Jakuba i Wilhelma Grimmów (Kopciuszek, Czerwony Kapturek, Śnieżka), duńskie Jana Christiana Andersena (Dziewczynka z zapałkami, Księżniczka na ziarnku grochu, Królowa śniegu) czy rosyjskie Aleksandra Puszkina (Baśń o królu Sałtanie, Złota rybka), jak i tradycyjne polskie bajki o Panu Twardowskim czy Waligórze i Wyrwidębie.


Chińska papuga

Earl Derr Biggers

Earl Derr Biggers (18841933), amerykański pisarz, zyskał uznanie jako autor powieści detektywistycznych. Chińska papuga należy do jednej z jego serii powieściowych, w której Biggers wykreował postać detektywa chińskiego pochodzenia Charliego Chana. Charakterystyczny styl pracy śledczego oraz metodyczne podejście do rozwiązywania zagadek kryminalnych zaskarbiły i detektywowi, i autorowi sympatię czytelników. Biggers studiował na Uniwersytecie Harvarda. Zanim został pisarzem, pracował jako dziennikarz i krytyk teatralny.


The Waves

Virginia Woolf

The novel is about six friends who have known since childhood: Bernard, Louis, Neville, Susie, Ron and Ginny. After a few key episodes, their life appears from early childhood to the last days. As in most Virginia Woolf books, the plot as such is absent, it is entirely focused on the inner world of its characters, the flow of their thoughts and feelings, the whole story is an uncontrollable, bubbling flow, stream of thoughts, stream of life, stream of time.


Jewels Have a Long Life

Henry Bedford-Jones

Again the strange Sphinx Emerald came to the scene to play its part in the unrolling historic drama. This series about the Sphinx Emerald constitutes, as has been said, a veritable Outline of History or perhaps Highlights of History would be more accurate. For this reason the greatest event in all history could not be left out.


Lucian the Dreamer

Joseph Smith Fletcher

Joseph Smith Fletcher was an English journalist, writer and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He studied law before turning to journalism. This book opens with the first page of his experiences at the train station. If you love a story that sticks to the end, then this book is for you.




Trylogia starogreckich tragedii jednego z największych antycznych tragików, sięgająca V wieku p.n.e. Opowiada o losach Agamemnona, Ofiarnicy oraz Eumenidy. Jednym z najsłynniejszych motywów tragedii jest zabójstwo króla Agamemnona przez jego żonę Klitajmestrę. Oresteja uważana jest za najznakomitsze dzieło Ajschylosa. Porusza ona temat zemsty oraz jej konsekwencji, a także tego, jaki wpływ mają bogowie na czyny i wybory bohaterów.


Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree

Ernest Bramah

Ernest Brammah Smith is best-known for two series, the Max Carrados books about a blind detective, all of whose Perceptions are enormously enhanced, and a series of tales in which the Chinese Kai Lung tells stories often to stave off some unpleasant fate, like Scheherazade. This collection of eight Kai Lung stories came out in 1940, two years before the authors death. They show the same wit as the earlier ones. The China which Kai Lung inhabits has numerous features of the fantasy Land of Fable, and many of the embedded tales are fantasy; all are told in an ornate manner which ironically, often hilariously, exaggerates the old Chinese tradition of understatement and politesse. The main sequence begins with The Wallet of Kai Lung and ends with Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry-Tree; of the posthumous collections, Kai Lung Raises His Voice usefully assembles all the remaining series stories.


The Golden Scarecrow

Hugh Walpole

Children come to this world with knowledge of the world that they left, and spiritual connection with him through the satellite, which they just call their Friend. Some adults can grow up without losing their friend, and some children repel him when they are young. The Golden Scarecrow needs a childs heart and willingness to believe in something that we dont see, but I think that if you want to give him a chance.