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Creating Concrete5 Themes. Create high quality concrete5 themes using practical recipes and responsive techniques to make it mobile-ready

Remo Laubacher, Concrete5 Project

Creating a concrete5 theme isn't complicated if there’s already a HTML document. There are only very few PHP functions you’ll have to add, but those are powerful and give you a lot of freedom. As you’ll learn to create mobile ready themes, you’ll start to see that there’s almost no limit in what you can do.Creating Concrete5 Themes is a practical, hands-on guide that provides you with a number of examples that will teach you how to create powerful concrete5 themes, change the look of content block elements, and even make your site ready for mobile devices.Creating Concrete5 Themes starts with a few words about the editing concept and architecture of concrete5 and then continues with the creation of a basic theme which gets extended with more and more elements until the theme is mobile ready.You will learn where to find the information necessary to get your own concrete5 site and then get a quick introduction to understand the idea of the in-site editing concept. We’ll then create a theme which is extended with features and more details as we progress. You’ll also see some examples to show you the process of overriding elements from the core without losing the ability to upgrade concrete5 in the future. Once we’ve customized every element in concrete5 to build a complete theme, we’ll have a look at responsive techniques to make your site ready for small screen devices such as mobile phones and tablets. 


D Web Development. Leverage the power of D and the vibe.d framework to develop web applications that are incredibly fast

Kai Nacke

D is a programming language with C-like syntax and static typing. The vibe.d framework builds on powerful D concepts like template meta-programming and compile-time function execution to provide an easy-to-use environment for web applications. The combination of a feature-rich web programming framework with a language compiling to native code solves two common issues in web development today: it accelerates your development and it results in fast, native web applications. Learning the vibe.d framework before you start your application will help you to choose the right features to reach your goal.This book guides you through all aspects of web development with D and the vibe.d framework.Covering the popular operating systems today, this guide starts with the setup of your development system. From the first Hello World-style application you will move on to building static web pages with templates. The concise treatment of web forms will give you all the details about form handling and web security. Using the abstractions of the web framework you will learn how to easily validate user input. Next, you will add database access to your application, providing persistent storage for your data. Building on this foundation, you will expose your component and integrate other components via REST. Learning about the internals of vibe.d you will be able to use low-level techniques such as raw TCP access. The vibe.d concepts can also be used for GUI clients, which is the next topic that you will learn. vibe.d is supported by an active community, which adds new functionality. This comprehensive guide concludes with an overview of the most useful vibe.d extensions and where to find them. It also shows you how to integrate these extensions in your application.The concepts are always illustrated with source code, giving you an insight into how to apply them in your application.


Python Unlocked. Become more fluent in Python—learn strategies and techniques for smart and high-performance Python programming

Arun Tigeraniya

Python is a versatile programming language that can be used for a wide range of technical tasks—computation, statistics, data analysis, game development, and more. Though Python is easy to learn, it’s range of features means there are many aspects of it that even experienced Python developers don’t know about. Even if you’re confident with the basics, its logic and syntax, by digging deeper you can work much more effectively with Python – and get more from the language.Python Unlocked walks you through the most effective techniques and best practices for high performance Python programming - showing you how to make the most of the Python language. You’ll get to know objects and functions inside and out, and will learn how to use them to your advantage in your programming projects. You will also find out how to work with a range of design patterns including abstract factory, singleton, strategy pattern, all of which will help make programming with Python much more efficient. Finally, as the process of writing a program is never complete without testing it, you will learn to test threaded applications and run parallel tests. If you want the edge when it comes to Python, use this book to unlock the secrets of smarter Python programming.


AI Product Manager's Handbook. Build, integrate, scale, and optimize products to grow as an AI product manager - Second Edition

Irene Bratsis

This book will provide you with a detailed roadmap for successfully building, maintaining, and evolving artificial intelligence (AI)-driven products, serving as an indispensable companion on your journey to becoming an effective AI PM.We'll explore the AI landscape, demystify complex terms, and walk you through infrastructure, algorithms, and deployment strategies. You’ll master essential skills to understand the optimal flow of AI processes, learn about the product development life cycle from ideation to deployment, and familiarize yourself with commonly used model development techniques. We'll discuss the intricacies of building products natively with AI, as well as evolving traditional software product to AI products. Regardless of your use case, we’ll show you how you can craft compelling stories to captivate your audience. We'll help you find the right balance between foundational product design elements and the unique aspects of managing AI products, so you can prioritize wisely. We’ll also explore career considerations for AI PMs.By the end of this book, you will understand the importance of AI integration and be able to explore emerging AI/ML models like Generative AI and LLMs. You’ll discover open-source capabilities and best practices for ideating, building, and deploying AI products across verticals.


Docker High Performance. Complete your Docker journey by optimizing your application's work?ows and performance - Second Edition

Allan Espinosa, Russ McKendrick

Docker is an enterprise-grade container platform that allows you to build and deploy your apps. Its portable format lets you run your code right from your desktop workstations to popular cloud computing providers. This comprehensive guide will improve your Docker work?ows and ensure your application's production environment runs smoothly.This book starts with a refresher on setting up and running Docker and details the basic setup for creating a Docker Swarm cluster. You will then learn how to automate this cluster by using the Chef server and cookbooks. After that, you will run the Docker monitoring system with Prometheus and Grafana, and deploy the ELK stack. You will also learn best practices for optimizing Docker images.After deploying containers with the help of Jenkins, you will then move on to a tutorial on using Apache JMeter to analyze your application's performance. You will learn how to use Docker Swarm and NGINX to load-balance your application, and how common debugging tools in Linux can be used to troubleshoot Docker containers.By the end of this book, you will be able to integrate all the optimizations that you have learned and put everything into practice in your applications.


Learning Articulate Storyline. You don't need any programming skills to create great e-learning material with Storyline. This book will get you up to speed with all the super user-friendly features of the tool, making you a proficient e-learning author in no time

Stephanie Harnett

Storyline is an authoring tool packed with out-of-the-box features that don't require any special knowledge to operate. That's right; this is a programming-free zone! E-learning authoring is no longer limited to developers; the doors are now wide open for subject matter experts with their content, writers with their storyboards, and designers with their media to work in conjunction with developers to collectively create some very cool e-learning projects. Learning Articulate Storyline introduces the powerful and easy-to-use features that are changing the landscape of e-learning development. You will learn about the new paradigms and features that set Storyline apart from other development tools. You'll gain insight into how you can best leverage your skills and some best practices when working with Storyline. Storyline rocks! And you're about to discover why. The aim of this book is to help you bring content to life in interesting and engaging ways, customizing the learner experience, allowing for hands-on participation, and optimizing your production processes to streamline your efforts. This book will help you enhance your skills and become an accomplished e-learning author and Storyline user.You'll work on several different projects, all created from scratch by you as you work through this book. Each task focuses on a set of complementary topics to complete the project. You'll be up and running building your first project within 10 minutes of starting this book and will add content, animate it, and control object and slide behavior to complete your first project. You'll then move on to more advanced topics to incorporate media elements, quizzing, and scenarios, then conclude by publishing your projects.When you finish this book you will be able to confidently create shining examples of e-learning done the right way, and it is this skill that will set you apart from the crowd.


Getting Started with SpriteKit

Jorge Jordán

SpriteKit is Apple’s game engine to develop native iOS games. Strongly boosted by the Apple Inc., Cupertino, it has increased in popularity since its first release. This book shows you the solutions provided by SpriteKit to help you create any 2D game you can imagine and apply them to create animations that will highlight your existing apps.This book will give you the knowledge you need to apply SpriteKit to your existing apps or create your own games from scratch.Throughout the book, you will develop a complete game. The beautiful designs implemented in the game in this book will easily lead you to learn the basis of 2D game development, including creating and moving sprites, and adding them to a game scene. You will also discover how to apply advanced techniques such as collision detection, action execution, playing music, or running animations to give a more professional aspect to the game. You will finish your first game by learning how to add a main menu and a tutorial, as well as saving and loading data from and to the player’s device. Finally, you will find out how to apply some mobile games techniques such as accelerometer use or touch detection.