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Kali Linux is the most popular and advanced penetration testing Linux distribution within the cybersecurity industry. Using Kali Linux, a cybersecurity professional will be able to discover and exploit various vulnerabilities and perform advanced penetration testing on both enterprise wired and wireless networks. This book is a comprehensive guide for those who are new to Kali Linux and penetration testing that will have you up to speed in no time. Using real-world scenarios, you’ll understand how to set up a lab and explore core penetration testing concepts. Throughout this book, you’ll focus on information gathering and even discover different vulnerability assessment tools bundled in Kali Linux. You’ll learn to discover target systems on a network, identify security flaws on devices, exploit security weaknesses and gain access to networks, set up Command and Control (C2) operations, and perform web application penetration testing. In this updated second edition, you’ll be able to compromise Active Directory and exploit enterprise networks. Finally, this book covers best practices for performing complex web penetration testing techniques in a highly secured environment. By the end of this Kali Linux book, you’ll have gained the skills to perform advanced penetration testing on enterprise networks using Kali Linux.
Android is a powerful operating system widely used in various devices, phones, TVs, wearables, automobiles, and more. This Android cookbook will teach you how to leverage the latest Android development technologies for creating incredible applications while making effective use of popular Jetpack libraries. You’ll also learn which critical principles to consider when developing Android apps.The book begins with recipes to get you started with the declarative UI framework, Jetpack Compose, and help you with handling UI states, Navigation, Hilt, Room, Wear OS, and more as you learn what's new in modern Android development. Subsequent chapters will focus on developing apps for large screens, leveraging Jetpack’s WorkManager, managing graphic user interface alerts, and tips and tricks within Android studio. Throughout the book, you'll also see testing being implemented for enhancing Android development, and gain insights into harnessing the integrated development environment of Android studio. Finally, you’ll discover best practices for robust modern app development.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build an Android application using the Kotlin programming language and the newest modern Android development technologies, resulting in highly efficient applications.
What is consumer “virtual reality�? Wearing a head-mounted display you view stereoscopic 3D scenes. You can look around by moving your head, and walk around using hand controls or motion sensors. You are engaged in a fully immersive experience. On the other hand, Unity is a powerful game development engine that provides a rich set of features such as visual lighting, materials, physics, audio, special effects, and animation for creating 2D and 3D games. Unity 5 has become the leading platform for building virtual reality games, applications and experiences for this new generation of consumer VR devices.Using a practical and project-based approach, this book will educate you about the specifics of virtual reality development in Unity.You will learn how to use Unity to develop VR applications which can be experienced with devices such as the Oculus Rift or Google Cardboard. We will then learn how to engage with virtual worlds from a third person and first person character point of view. Furthermore, you will explore the technical considerations especially important and possibly unique to VR. The projects in the book will demonstrate how to build a variety of VR experiences. You will be diving into the Unity 3D game engine via the interactive Unity Editor as well as C-Sharp programming.By the end of the book, you will be equipped to develop rich, interactive virtual reality experiences using Unity.So, let's get to it!
Ethereum is one of the commonly used platforms for building blockchain applications. It's a decentralized platform for applications that can run exactly as programmed without being affected by fraud, censorship, or third-party interference.This book will give you a deep understanding of how blockchain works so that you can discover the entire ecosystem, core components, and its implementations. You will get started by understanding how to configure and work with various Ethereum protocols for developing dApps. Next, you will learn to code and create powerful smart contracts that scale with Solidity and Vyper. You will then explore the building blocks of the dApps architecture, and gain insights on how to create your own dApp through a variety of real-world examples. The book will even guide you on how to deploy your dApps on multiple Ethereum instances with the required best practices and techniques. The next few chapters will delve into advanced topics such as, building advanced smart contracts and multi-page frontends using Ethereum blockchain. You will also focus on implementing machine learning techniques to build decentralized autonomous applications, in addition to covering several use cases across a variety of domains such as, social media and e-commerce. By the end of this book, you will have the expertise you need to build decentralized autonomous applications confidently.
GraphQL is an alternative to traditional REST technology for querying Web APIs. Together with Angular and TypeScript, it provides a tech stack option for building future-proof web applications that are robust and maintainable at any scale.This book leverages the potential of cutting-edge technologies like GraphQL and Apollo and helps Angular developers add it to their stack. Starting with introducing full-stack development, you will learn to create a monorepo project with Lerna and NPM Workspaces. You will then learn to configure Node.js-based backend using GraphQL, Express, and Apollo Server. The book will demonstrate how to build professional-looking UIs with Angular Material. It will then show you how to create Web APIs for your frontend with GraphQL. All this in a step-by-step manner. The book covers advanced topics such as local state management, reactive variables, and generating TypeScript types using the GraphQL scheme to develop a scalable codebase.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to be able to build your full-stack application.
A mashup is a web page or application that combines data from two or more external online sources into an integrated experience. This book is your entryway to the world of mashups and Web 2.0. You will create PHP projects that grab data from one place on the Web, mix it up with relevant information from another place on the Web and present it in a single application. This book is made up of five real-world PHP projects. Each project begins with an overview of the technologies and protocols needed for the project, and then dives straight into the tools used and details of creating the project: Look up products on Amazon.Com from their code in the Internet UPC database A fully customized search engine with MSN Search and Yahoo! A personal video jukebox with YouTube and Last.FM Deliver real-time traffic incident data via SMS and the California Highway Patrol! Display pictures sourced from Flickr in Google mapsAll the mashup applications used in the book are built upon free tools and are thoroughly explained. You will find all the source code used to build the mashups used in this book in the code download section for this book.
Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is a field of study that researches, designs, and develops software solutions that solve human problems. This book will help you understand various aspects of the software development phase, from planning and data gathering through to the design and development of software solutions. The book guides you through implementing methodologies that will help you build robust software.You will perform data gathering, evaluate user data, and execute data analysis and interpretation techniques. You’ll also understand why human-centered methodologies are successful in software development, and learn how to build effective software solutions through practical research processes. The book will even show you how to translate your human understanding into software solutions through validation methods and rapid prototyping leading to usability testing. Later, you will understand how to use effective storytelling to convey the key aspects of your software to users. Throughout the book, you will learn the key concepts with the help of historical figures, best practices, and references to common challenges faced in the software industry.By the end of this book, you will be well-versed with HCI strategies and methodologies to design effective user interfaces.
Khalid Elshafie, Mozafar Haider
Strapi is a Node.js-based, flexible, open-source headless CMS with an integrated admin panel that anyone can use and helps save API development time. APIs built with Strapi can be consumed using REST or GraphQL from any client. With this book, you'll take a hands-on approach to exploring the capabilities of the Strapi platform and creating a custom API from scratch.This book will help JavaScript developers to put their knowledge to work by guiding them through building powerful backend APIs. You'll see how to effortlessly create content structures that can be customized according to your needs, and gain insights into how to write, edit, and manage your content seamlessly with Strapi. As you progress through the chapters, you'll discover a wide range of Strapi features, as well as understand how to add complex features to the API such as user authentication, data sorting, and pagination. You'll not only learn how to find and use existing plugins from the open-source community but also build your own plugins with custom functionality with the Strapi plugin API and add them to the admin panel. Finally, you'll learn how to deploy the API to Heroku and AWS.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build powerful, scalable, and secure APIs using Strapi.