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Biznes i ekonomia
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Popularnonaukowe i akademickie
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Przewodniki i podróże
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- Mindfulness
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- Rodzicielstwo i psychologia dziecka
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
Dla dzieci
Microsoft Office
Narzędzia programistyczne
Rozwój osobisty
Sieci komputerowe
Systemy operacyjne
Testowanie oprogramowania
Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
In this AI era, employing leading machine learning and AI models such as ChatGPT for responding to customer feedback and prototyping applications is crucial to drive business success in the competitive market. This book is an indispensable guide to integrating cutting-edge technology into business operations and leveraging AI to analyze sentiment at scale, helping free up valuable time to enhance customer relationships.Immerse yourself in the future of AI-enabled application development by working with Power Automate, Power Apps, and the new Copilot Studio. With this book, you’ll learn foundational AI concepts as you explore the extensive capabilities of the low-code Power Platform. You’ll see how Microsoft's advanced machine learning technologies can streamline common business tasks such as extracting key data elements from customer documents, reviewing customer emails, and validating passports and drivers’ licenses. The book also guides you in harnessing the power of generative AI to expedite tasks like creating executive summaries, building presentations, and analyzing resumes. You’ll build apps using natural language prompting and see how ChatGPT can be used to power chatbots in your organization.By the end of this book, you’ll have charted your path to developing your own reusable AI automation patterns to propel your business operations into the future.
Domain-driven design (DDD) is one of the most sought-after skills in the industry. This book provides you with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples that will see you introducing DDD in your Go projects in no time. Domain-Driven Design with Golang starts by helping you gain a basic understanding of DDD, and then covers all the important patterns, such as bounded context, ubiquitous language, and aggregates. The latter half of the book deals with the real-world implementation of DDD patterns and teaches you how to build two systems while applying DDD principles, which will be a valuable addition to your portfolio. Finally, you’ll find out how to build a microservice, along with learning how DDD-based microservices can be part of a greater distributed system. Although the focus of this book is Golang, by the end of this book you’ll be able to confidently use DDD patterns outside of Go and apply them to other languages and even distributed systems.
The complete everyday reference guide to Power BI, written by an internationally recognized Power BI expert duo, is back with a new and updated edition.Packed with revised practical recipes, Microsoft Power BI Cookbook, Second Edition, helps you navigate Power BI tools and advanced features. It also demonstrates the use of end-to-end solutions that integrate those features to get the most out of Power BI. With the help of the recipes in this book, you’ll gain advanced design and development insight, practical tips, and guidance on enhancing existing Power BI projects.The updated recipes will equip you with everything you need to know to implement evergreen frameworks that will stay relevant as Power BI updates. You’ll familiarize yourself with Power BI development tools and services by going deep into the data connectivity, transformation, modeling, visualization, and analytical capabilities of Power BI. By the end of this book, you’ll make the most of Power BI’s functional programming languages of DAX and M and deliver powerful solutions to common business intelligence challenges.
Tekton is a powerful yet flexible Kubernetes-native open source framework for creating continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) systems. It enables you to build, test, and deploy across multiple cloud providers or on-premise systems.Building CI/CD Systems Using Tekton covers everything you need to know to start building your pipeline and automating application delivery in a cloud-native environment. Using a hands-on approach, you will learn about the basic building blocks, such as tasks, pipelines, and workspaces, which you can use to compose your CI/CD pipelines. As you progress, you will understand how to use these Tekton objects in conjunction with Tekton Triggers to automate the delivery of your application in a Kubernetes cluster.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to compose Tekton Pipelines and use them with Tekton Triggers to build powerful CI/CD systems.
Canvas is an online learning management system (LMS) and one of the most powerful teaching tools that educational institutions worldwide have adopted thanks to its streamlined functionality, intuitive user interface, and robust features. This revised second edition of Canvas LMS Course Design will show you how to design, create, and teach engaging classes in online, hybrid, or fusion settings using the Canvas LMS.The book will guide you through the steps of setting up your Canvas account, creating activities and assignments, designing and customizing the course layout, and teaching your course. Whether you're using an institutional or Free-for-Teacher account, you'll be able to use Canvas for grading, feedback, and communication with and between students. As you progress, you'll learn how to integrate external apps and services with Canvas. Finally, the book features an exclusive section detailing how you can use Canvas' built-in resources as well as other resources to tackle challenges while working with the LMS. Throughout, this book will give you the technical knowledge you need to create unique learning experiences for students.By the end of this Canvas LMS Course Design, you'll be able to successfully teach online with the help of logical descriptions and step-by-step screenshots that clearly explain how to build a phenomenal course.
Python Data Visualization Cookbook. Visualize data using Python's most popular libraries
Dimitry Foures, Giuseppe Vettigli, Tarek Amr, Igor Milovanovic
Python Data Visualization Cookbook will progress the reader from the point of installing and setting up a Python environment for data manipulation and visualization all the way to 3D animations using Python libraries. Readers will benefit from over 60 precise and reproducible recipes that will guide the reader towards a better understanding of data concepts and the building blocks for subsequent and sometimes more advanced concepts.Python Data Visualization Cookbook starts by showing how to set up matplotlib and the related libraries that are required for most parts of the book, before moving on to discuss some of the lesser-used diagrams and charts such as Gantt Charts or Sankey diagrams. Initially it uses simple plots and charts to more advanced ones, to make it easy to understand for readers. As the readers will go through the book, they will get to know about the 3D diagrams and animations. Maps are irreplaceable for displaying geo-spatial data, so this book will also show how to build them. In the last chapter, it includes explanation on how to incorporate matplotlib into different environments, such as a writing system, LaTeX, or how to create Gantt charts using Python.