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Building Analytics Teams. Harnessing analytics and artificial intelligence for business improvement
John K. Thompson, Douglas B. Laney
In Building Analytics Teams, John K. Thompson, with his 30+ years of experience and expertise, illustrates the fundamental concepts of building and managing a high-performance analytics team, including what to do, who to hire, projects to undertake, and what to avoid in the journey of building an analytically sound team. The core processes in creating an effective analytics team and the importance of the business decision-making life cycle are explored to help achieve initial and sustainable success.The book demonstrates the various traits of a successful and high-performing analytics team and then delineates the path to achieve this with insights on the mindset, advanced analytics models, and predictions based on data analytics. It also emphasizes the significance of the macro and micro processes required to evolve in response to rapidly changing business needs.The book dives into the methods and practices of managing, developing, and leading an analytics team. Once you've brought the team up to speed, the book explains how to govern executive expectations and select winning projects.By the end of this book, you will have acquired the knowledge to create an effective business analytics team and develop a production environment that delivers ongoing operational improvements for your organization.
Containers enable you to package an application with all the components it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it as one package. Docker containers have revolutionized the software supply chain in both small and large enterprises.Starting with an introduction to Docker fundamentals and setting up an environment to work with it, you’ll delve into concepts such as Docker containers, Docker images, and Docker Compose. As you progress, the book will help you explore deployment, orchestration, networking, and security. Finally, you’ll get to grips with Docker functionalities on public clouds such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP), and learn about Docker Enterprise Edition features. Additionally, you’ll also discover the benefits of increased security with the use of containers.By the end of this Docker book, you’ll be able to build, ship, and run a containerized, highly distributed application on Docker Swarm or Kubernetes, running on-premises or in the cloud.
Every idea, concept, and project needs documentation, which is traditionally kept in a variety of documents on different devices. Confluence 5 centralizes that documentation and provides it in one single location, available from almost any device and location.Atlassian Confluence 5 Essentials is a practical, hands-on guide explaining not only how to install and administrate Confluence, but also everything you need to create, share, and collaborate on your documentation. This book will give you everything you need to get started with Confluence.Before you can start creating content, Confluence needs to be available. That is exactly where we start with this book; installing Confluence. Through a number of clear, practical exercises you will go from installation and administration, to creating content and involving your teammates.This book will teach you how to quickly create compelling content. You will learn how to involve your teammates in the process, using the Confluence workbox and share features. You will learn how Confluence can be customized with regards to look and feel, extra functionality, and integration with other tools, so that there is nothing in your way when you want to introduce Confluence 5 within your organisation.If you need to develop better collaboration on mission critical projects, then this book is for you!
Michael Olafusi, Olanrewaju Oyinbooke
M365 Excel is a modern Excel version that is constantly updated with features that make creating and automating analyses, reports, and dashboards very easy compared with older Excel versions. This book will help you leverage its full capabilities, beginning with a quick overview of what dashboards are and how they are different from other types of reports. Then, you’ll familiarize yourself with the different standard dashboards currently available and what they are meant to accomplish for organizations. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with the use of new powerful tools such as Power Query and dynamic array formulae in the automation of analysis, gaining insights into the right approach to take in building effective dashboards. You’ll equip yourself with not only all the essential formulae, charts, and non-chart visuals but also learn how to set up your dashboard perfectly. Along the way, you’ll build a couple of awesome dashboards from scratch to utilize your newfound knowledge.By the end of this book, you will be able to carry out an impressive and robust level of analysis on business data that may come from multiple sources or files, using better processes, formulae, and best practices in M365 to create insightful dashboards faster.
Knowledge of Python is a great foundation for learning other languages. This book will help you advance in your software engineering career by leveraging your Python programming skills to learn JavaScript and apply its unique features not only for frontend web development but also for streamlining work on the backend.Starting with the basics of JavaScript, you’ll cover its syntax, its use in the browser, and its frameworks and libraries. From working with user interactions and ingesting data from APIs through to creating APIs with Node.js, this book will help you get up and running with JavaScript using hands-on exercises, code snippets, and detailed descriptions of JavaScript implementation and benefits. To understand the use of JavaScript in the backend, you’ll explore Node.js and discover how it communicates with databases. As you advance, you’ll get to grips with creating your own RESTful APIs and connecting the frontend and backend for holistic full-stack development knowledge.By the end of this Python JavaScript book, you’ll have the knowledge you need to write full-fledged web applications from start to finish. You’ll have also gained hands-on experience of working through several projects, which will help you advance in your career as a JavaScript developer.
Reinforcement Learning (RL) is a popular and promising branch of AI that involves making smarter models and agents that can automatically determine ideal behavior based on changing requirements. This book will help you master RL algorithms and understand their implementation as you build self-learning agents.Starting with an introduction to the tools, libraries, and setup needed to work in the RL environment, this book covers the building blocks of RL and delves into value-based methods, such as the application of Q-learning and SARSA algorithms. You'll learn how to use a combination of Q-learning and neural networks to solve complex problems. Furthermore, you'll study the policy gradient methods, TRPO, and PPO, to improve performance and stability, before moving on to the DDPG and TD3 deterministic algorithms. This book also covers how imitation learning techniques work and how Dagger can teach an agent to drive. You'll discover evolutionary strategies and black-box optimization techniques, and see how they can improve RL algorithms. Finally, you'll get to grips with exploration approaches, such as UCB and UCB1, and develop a meta-algorithm called ESBAS.By the end of the book, you'll have worked with key RL algorithms to overcome challenges in real-world applications, and be part of the RL research community.
ECMAScript 6 introduces several new Object-Oriented features that drastically change the way developers structure their projects. Web developers now have some advanced OOP functionality at their disposal to build large-scale applications in JavaScript.With this book, we'll provide you with a comprehensive overview of OOP principles in JavaScript and how they can be implemented to build sophisticated web applications. Kicking off with a subtle refresher on objects, we'll show you how easy it is to define objects with the new ES6 classes. From there, we'll fly you through some essential OOP principles, forming a base for you to get hands-on with encapsulation. You'll get to work with the different methods of inheritance and we'll show you how to avoid using inheritance with Duck Typing. From there, we'll move on to some advanced patterns for object creation and you'll get a strong idea of how to use interesting patterns to present data to users and to bind data. We'll use the famous promises to work with asynchronous processes and will give you some tips on how to organize your code effectively. You'll find out how to create robust code using SOLID principles and finally, we'll show you how to clearly define the goals of your application architecture to get better, smarter, and more effective coding. This book is your one-way ticket to becoming a JavaScript Jedi who can be counted on to deliver flexible and maintainable code.