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Implementing DevOps with Ansible 2. A step-by-step guide to automating all DevOps stages with ease using Ansible

Jonathan McAllister

Thinking about adapting the DevOps culture for your organization using a very simple, yet powerful automation tool, Ansible 2? Then this book is for you!In this book, you will start with the role of Ansible in the DevOps module, which covers fundamental DevOps practices and how Ansible is leveraged by DevOps organizations to implement consistent and simplified configuration management and deployment. You will then move on to the next module, Ansible with DevOps, where you will understand Ansible fundamentals and how Ansible Playbooks can be used for simple configuration management and deployment tasks. After simpler tasks, you will move on to the third module, Ansible Syntax and Playbook Development, where you will learn advanced configuration management implementations, and use Ansible Vault to secure top-secret information in your organization. In this module, you will also learn about popular DevOps tools and the support that Ansible provides for them (MYSQL, NGINX, APACHE and so on). The last module, Scaling Ansible for the enterprise, is where you will integrate Ansible with CI and CD solutions and provision Docker containers using Ansible.By the end of the book you will have learned to use Ansible to leverage your DevOps tasks.


Learning Ceph. Unifed, scalable, and reliable open source storage solution - Second Edition

Karan Singh, Vaibhav Bhembre, Anthony D'Atri

Learning Ceph, Second Edition will give you all the skills you need to plan, deploy, and effectively manage your Ceph cluster. You will begin with the first module, where you will be introduced to Ceph use cases, its architecture, and core projects. In the next module, you will learn to set up a test cluster, using Ceph clusters and hardware selection. After you have learned to use Ceph clusters, the next module will teach you how to monitor cluster health, improve performance, and troubleshoot any issues that arise. In the last module, you will learn to integrate Ceph with other tools such as OpenStack, Glance, Manila, Swift, and Cinder.By the end of the book you will have learned to use Ceph effectively for your data storage requirements.


Command Line Fundamentals. Learn to use the Unix command-line tools and Bash shell scripting

Vivek Nagarajan

The most basic interface to a computer—the command line—remains the most flexible and powerful way of processing data and performing and automating various day-to-day tasks. Command Line Fundamentals begins by exploring the basics, and then focuses on the most common tool, the Bash shell (which is standard on all Linux and iOS systems). As you make your way through the book, you'll explore the traditional Unix command-line programs as implemented by the GNU project. You'll also learn to use redirection and pipelines to assemble these programs to solve complex problems. By the end of this book, you'll have explored the basics of shell scripting, allowing you to easily and quickly automate tasks.


Vue.js 2 and Bootstrap 4 Web Development. Build responsive SPAs with Bootstrap 4, Vue.js 2, and Firebase

Olga Filipova

In this book, we will build a full stack web application right from scratch up to its deployment.We will start by building a small introduction application and then proceed to the creation of a fully functional, dynamic responsive web application called ProFitOro. In this application, we will build a Pomodoro timer combined with office workouts. Besides the Pomodoro timer and ProFitOro workouts will enable authentication and collaborative content management. We will explore topics such as Vue reactive data binding, reusable components, routing, and Vuex store along with its state, actions, mutations, and getters. We will create Vue applications using both webpack and Nuxt.js templates while exploring cool hot Nuxt.js features such as code splitting and server-side rendering. We will use Jest to test this application, and we will even revive some trigonometry from our secondary school! While developing the app, you will go through the new grid system of Bootstrap 4 along with Vue.js’ directives. We will connect Vuex store to the Firebase real-time database, data storage, and authentication APIs and use this data later inside the application’s reactive components. Finally, we will quickly deploy our application using the Firebase hosting mechanism.


ROS Robotics By Example. Learning to control wheeled, limbed, and flying robots using ROS Kinetic Kame - Second Edition

Carol Fairchild, Dr. Thomas L. Harman

ROS is a robust robotics framework that works regardless of hardware architecture or hardware origin. It standardizes most layers of robotics functionality from device drivers to process control and message passing to software package management. But apart from just plain functionality, ROS is a great platform to learn about robotics itself and to simulate, as well as actually build, your first robots. This does not mean that ROS is a platform for students and other beginners; on the contrary, ROS is used all over the robotics industry to implement flying, walking and diving robots, yet implementation is always straightforward, and never dependent on the hardware itself.ROS Robotics has been the standard introduction to ROS for potential professionals and hobbyists alike since the original edition came out; the second edition adds a gradual introduction to all the goodness available with the Kinetic Kame release.By providing you with step-by-step examples including manipulator arms and flying robots, the authors introduce you to the new features. The book is intensely practical, with space given to theory only when absolutely necessary. By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience on controlling robots with the best possible framework.


Secret Recipes of the Python Ninja. Over 70 recipes that uncover powerful programming tactics in Python

Cody Jackson, Steven F. Lott

This book covers the unexplored secrets of Python, delve into its depths, and uncover its mysteries.You’ll unearth secrets related to the implementation of the standard library, by looking at how modules actually work. You’ll understand the implementation of collections, decimals, and fraction modules. If you haven’t used decorators, coroutines, and generator functions much before, as you make your way through the recipes, you’ll learn what you’ve been missing out on. We’ll cover internal special methods in detail, so you understand what they are and how they can be used to improve the engineering decisions you make. Next, you’ll explore the CPython interpreter, which is a treasure trove of secret hacks that not many programmers are aware of. We’ll take you through the depths of the PyPy project, where you’ll come across several exciting ways that you can improve speed and concurrency. Finally, we’ll take time to explore the PEPs of the latest versions to discover some interesting hacks.


Intelligent IoT Projects in 7 Days. Build exciting projects using smart devices

Agus Kurniawan

Intelligent IoT Projects in 7 days is about creating smart IoT projects in just 7 days. This book will help you to overcome the challenge of analyzing data from physical devices. This book aims to help you put together some of the most exciting IoT projects in a short span of time. You'll be able to use these in achieving or automating everyday tasks—one project per day.We will start with a simple smart gardening system and move on to a smart parking system, and then we will make our own vending machine, a smart digital advertising dashboard, a smart speaker machine, an autonomous fire fighter robot, and finally look at a multi-robot cooperation using swarm intelligence


Building RESTful Web Services with Spring 5. Leverage the power of Spring 5.0, Java SE 9, and Spring Boot 2.0 - Second Edition

Raja CSP Raman, Ludovic Dewailly

REST is an architectural style that tackles the challenges of building scalable web services. In today's connected world, APIs have taken a central role on the web. APIs provide the fabric through which systems interact, and REST has become synonymous with APIs.The depth, breadth, and ease of use of Spring makes it one of the most attractive frameworks in the Java ecosystem. Marrying the two technologies is therefore a very natural choice.This book takes you through the design of RESTful web services and leverages the Spring Framework to implement these services. Starting from the basics of the philosophy behind REST, you'll go through the steps of designing and implementing an enterprise-grade RESTful web service. Taking a practical approach, each chapter provides code samples that you can apply to your own circumstances.This second edition brings forth the power of the latest Spring 5.0 release, working with MVC built-in as well as the front end framework. It then goes beyond the use of Spring to explores approaches to tackle resilience, security, and scalability concerns. Improve performance of your applications with the new HTTP 2.0 standards. You'll learn techniques to deal with security in Spring and discover how to implement unit and integration test strategies.Finally, the book ends by walking you through building a Java client for your RESTful web service, along with some scaling techniques using the new Spring Reactive libraries.