
Spray: zbiór opowiadań erotycznych

Vanessa Salt

Zbiór zawiera części 1 i 2 cyklu Spray autorstwa Vanessy Salt. W tym niepohamowanie erotycznym opowiadaniu dwóch policyjnych aspirantów Patrik i Mounir spotyka artystkę graffiti Veronique. Podniecenie jest natychmiastowe i obezwładniające. Mniej doświadczonym Patrikiem kieruje ślepa żądza. Wraz z resztą bohaterów doświadcza czegoś, o czym wcześniej mógł tylko pomarzyć. Eksperymentom i ekstazie nie ma końca.


Spring 2.5 Aspect Oriented Programming. Create dynamic, feature-rich, and robust enterprise applications using the Spring framework

Massimiliano Dess?É?íÂ!¨, Brian Fitzpatrick, Massimiliano Dessi

Developing powerful web applications with clean, manageable code makes the maintenance process much easier. Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) is the easiest and quickest way to achieve such results. Spring is the only Java framework to offer AOP features. The combined power of Spring and AOP gives a powerful and flexible platform to develop and maintain feature-rich web applications quickly.This book will help you to write clean, manageable code for your Java applications quickly, utilizing the combined power of Spring and AOP. You will master the concepts of AOP by developing several real-life AOP-based applications with the Spring Framework, implementing the basic components of Spring AOP: Advice, Joinpoint, Pointcut, and Advisor.This book will teach you everything you need to know to use AOP with Spring. It starts by explaining the AOP features of Spring and then moves ahead with configuring Spring AOP and using its core classes, with lot of examples. It moves on to explain the AspectJ support in Spring. Then you will develop a three-layered example web application designed with Domain-Driven Design (DDD) and built with Test-Driven Development methodology using the full potential of AOP for security, concurrency, caching, and transactions.


Spring 5 Design Patterns. Master efficient application development with patterns such as proxy, singleton, the template method, and more

Dinesh Rajput

Design patterns help speed up the development process by offering well tested and proven solutions to common problems. These patterns coupled with the Spring framework offer tremendous improvements in the development process.The book begins with an overview of Spring Framework 5.0 and design patterns. You will understand the Dependency Injection pattern, which is the main principle behind the decoupling process that Spring performs, thus making it easier to manage your code. You will learn how GoF patterns can be used in Application Design. You will then learn to use Proxy patterns in Aspect Oriented Programming and remoting. Moving on, you will understand the JDBC template patterns and their use in abstracting database access. Then, you will be introduced to MVC patterns to build Reactive web applications. Finally, you will move on to more advanced topics such as Reactive streams and Concurrency.At the end of this book, you will be well equipped to develop efficient enterprise applications using Spring 5 with common design patterns


Spring 5.0 By Example. Grasp the fundamentals of Spring 5.0 to build modern, robust, and scalable Java applications

Claudio Eduardo de Oliveira

With growing demands, organizations are looking for systems that are robust and scalable. Therefore, the Spring Framework has become the most popular framework for Java development. It not only simplifies software development but also improves developer productivity. This book covers effective ways to develop robust applications in Java using Spring.The book has three parts, where each one covers the building of a comprehensive project in Java and Spring. In the first part, you will construct a CMS Portal using Spring's support for building REST APIs. You will also learn to integrate these APIs with AngularJS and later develop this application in a reactive fashion using Project Reactor, Spring WebFlux, and Spring Data. In the second part, you’ll understand how to build a messaging application, which will consume the Twitter API and perform filtering and transformations. Here, you will also learn about server-sent events and explore Spring’s support for Kotlin, which makes application development quick and efficient. In the last part, you will build a real microservice application using the most important techniques and patterns such as service discovery, circuit breakers, security, data streams, monitoring, and a lot more from this architectural style.By the end of the book, you will be confident about using Spring to build your applications.


Spring 5.0 Cookbook. Recipes to build, test, and run Spring applications efficiently

Sherwin John C.Tragura

The Spring framework has been the go-to framework for Java developers for quite some time. It enhances modularity, provides more readable code, and enables the developer to focus on developing the application while the underlying framework takes care of transaction APIs, remote APIs, JMX APIs, and JMS APIs. The upcoming version of the Spring Framework has a lot to offer, above and beyond the platform upgrade to Java 9, and this book will show you all you need to know to overcome common to advanced problems you might face.Each recipe will showcase some old and new issues and solutions, right from configuring Spring 5.0 container to testing its components. Most importantly, the book will highlight concurrent processes, asynchronous MVC and reactive programming using Reactor Core APIs. Aside from the core components, this book will also include integration of third-party technologies that are mostly needed in building enterprise applications. By the end of the book, the reader will not only be well versed with the essential concepts of Spring, but will also have mastered its latest features in a solution-oriented manner.


Spring 5.0 Microservices. Scalable systems with Reactive Streams and Spring Boot - Second Edition

Rajesh R V

The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of the control container for the Java platform. The framework’s core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions to build web applications on top of the Java EE platform.This book will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring that focuses on Reactive Programming, you’ll be able to build modern, internet-scale Java applications in no time. The book starts off with guidelines to implement responsive microservices at scale. Next, you will understand how Spring Boot is used to deploy serverless autonomous services by removing the need to have a heavyweight application server.Later, you’ll learn how to go further by deploying your microservices to Docker and managing them with Mesos. By the end of the book, you will have gained more clarity on the implementation of microservices using Spring Framework and will be able to use them in internet-scale deployments through real-world examples.


Spring 5.0 Projects. Build seven web development projects with Spring MVC, Angular 6, JHipster, WebFlux, and Spring Boot 2

Nilang Patel

Spring makes it easy to create RESTful applications, merge with social services, communicate with modern databases, secure your system, and make your code modular and easy to test. With the arrival of Spring Boot, developers can really focus on the code and deliver great value, with minimal contour.This book will show you how to build various projects in Spring 5.0, using its features and third party tools. We'll start by creating a web application using Spring MVC, Spring Data, the World Bank API for some statistics on different countries, and MySQL database. Moving ahead, you'll build a RESTful web services application using Spring WebFlux framework. You'll be then taken through creating a Spring Boot-based simple blog management system, which uses Elasticsearch as the data store. Then, you'll use Spring Security with the LDAP libraries for authenticating users and create a central authentication and authorization server using OAuth 2 protocol. Further, you'll understand how to create Spring Boot-based monolithic application using JHipster. Toward the end, we'll create an online book store with microservice architecture using Spring Cloud and Net?ix OSS components, and a task management system using Spring and Kotlin.By the end of the book, you'll be able to create coherent and ?exible real-time web applications using Spring Framework.


Spring Boot 2.0 Cookbook. Configure, test, extend, deploy, and monitor your Spring Boot application both outside and inside the cloud - Second Edition

Alex Antonov

The Spring framework provides great flexibility for Java development, which also results in tedious configuration work. Spring Boot addresses the configuration difficulties of Spring and makes it easy to create standalone, production-grade Spring-based applications.This practical guide makes the existing development process more efficient. Spring Boot Cookbook 2.0 Second Edition smartly combines all the skills and expertise to efficiently develop, test, deploy, and monitor applications using Spring Boot on premise and in the cloud. We start with an overview of the important Spring Boot features you will learn to create a web application for a RESTful service. Learn to fine-tune the behavior of a web application by learning about custom routes and asset paths and how to modify routing patterns. Address the requirements of a complex enterprise application and cover the creation of custom Spring Boot starters.This book also includes examples of the new and improved facilities available to create various kinds of tests introduced in Spring Boot 1.4 and 2.0, and gain insights into Spring Boot DevTools. Explore the basics of Spring Boot Cloud modules and various Cloud starters to make applications in “Cloud Native” and take advantage of Service Discovery and Circuit Breakers.


Spring Boot 2.0 Projects. Build production-grade reactive applications and microservices with Spring Boot

Mohamed Shazin Sadakath

Spring Boot is a lightweight framework that provides a set of tools to create production-grade applications and services. Spring Boot 2.0 Projects is a comprehensive project-based guide for those who are new to Spring, that will get you up to speed with building real-world projects. Complete with clear step-by-step instructions, these easy-to-follow tutorials demonstrate best practices and key insights into building efficient applications with Spring Boot. The book starts off by teaching you how to develop a web application using Spring Boot, followed by giving you an understanding of creating a Spring Boot-based simple blog management system that uses Elasticsearch as the data store. Next, you’ll build a RESTful web services application using Kotlin and the Spring WebFlux framework - a new framework that enables you to create reactive applications in a functional way. Toward the last few chapters, you will build a taxi-hailing API with reactive microservices using Spring Boot, in addition to developing a Twitter clone with the help of a Spring Boot backend. To build on your knowledge further, you’ll also learn how to construct an asynchronous email formatter.By the end of this book, you’ll have a firm foundation in Spring programming and understand how to build powerful, engaging applications in Java using the Spring Boot framework.


Spring Boot 3.0 Cookbook. Proven recipes for building modern and robust Java web applications with Spring Boot

Felip Miguel Puig

In today's dynamic landscape, crafting robust and scalable Java web applications presents formidable challenges. Spring Boot emerges as the leading framework for web and microservices development, featuring a dynamic ecosystem and seamless integrations to address a spectrum of scenarios, from scaling apps on the cloud to deploying them to production. In this book, you’ll explore its streamlined, convention-over-configuration approach, simplifying application development.You’ll start by covering recipes showcasing Spring Boot's features. As you progress, you’ll understand how it helps streamline application development while staying ahead of technology trends. The book helps you grasp concepts effectively, explores basic REST APIs, shows you how to escalate to advanced scenarios, and tackle common cloud application challenges like security, scalability, performance optimization, and automated deployments. Dedicated sections are designed to help you stay ahead of the curve with recipes that delve into the latest trends such as containers, observability, native images, DevOps, test automation, and microservices, ensuring your applications align with evolving industry standards.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and automate the deployment of a scalable and high-performing distributed solution using Spring Boot 3.


Spring Boot and Angular. Hands-on full stack web development with Java, Spring, and Angular

Devlin Basilan Duldulao, Seiji Ralph Villafranca

Angular makes building applications with the web easy and Spring Boot helps get an application up and running using just a few lines of code and minimal configuration. This book provides insights into building full-stack apps using Angular and Spring Boot effectively to reduce overall development time and increase efficiency.You'll start by setting up your CI/CD pipeline and then build your web application’s backend guided by best practices. You'll then see how Spring Boot allows you to build applications faster and more efficiently by letting the Spring Framework and Spring Boot extension do the heavy lifting. The book demonstrates how to use Spring Data JPA and add its dependencies along with Postgres dependencies in the project to save or persist a user's data in a database for future use. As you advance, you'll see how to write tests and test a service using Mockito. Finally, you'll create a CI workflow or pipeline for a Spring Boot and Angular application to enable operations to deliver quality applications faster.By the end of this Spring Boot and Angular book, you'll be able to build a full-stack web application and deploy it through continuous integration and continuous deployment.


Spring Data. Want to make it easier to implement data access with your Spring-powered applications? Then this is the book you need. A complete tutorial to Spring Data, it makes learning easier with lots of code examples and clear instructions

Petri Kainulainen

Spring Framework has always had a good support for different data access technologies. However, developers had to use technology-specific APIs, which often led to a situation where a lot of boilerplate code had to be written in order to implement even the simplest operations. Spring Data changed all this. Spring Data makes it easier to implement Spring-powered applications that use cloud-based storage services, NoSQL databases, map-reduce frameworks or relational databases.Spring Data is a practical guide that is full of step-by-step instructions and examples which ensure that you can start using the Java Persistence API and Redis in your applications without extra hassle.This book provides a brief introduction to the underlying data storage technologies, gives step-by-step instructions that will help you utilize the discussed technologies in your applications, and provides a solid foundation for expanding your knowledge beyond the concepts described in this book.You will learn an easier way to manage your entities and to create database queries with Spring Data JPA. This book also demonstrates how you can add custom functions to your repositories. You will also learn how to use the Redis key-value store as data storage and to use its other features for enhancing your applications.Spring Data includes all the practical instructions and examples that provide you with all the information you need to create JPA repositories with Spring Data JPA and to utilize the performance of Redis in your applications by using Spring Data Redis.


Spring: Developing Java Applications for the Enterprise. Build robust applications and microservices with Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud

Ravi Kant Soni, Rajesh R V, Amuthan Ganeshan

This carefully designed course aims to get you started with Spring, the most widely adopted Java framework, and then goes on to more advanced topics such as building microservices using Spring Boot within Spring. With additional coverage of popular web frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, Java Server Faces, Tapestry, Docker, and Mesos, you'll have all the skills and expertise you need to build great applications. Starting with the Spring Framework architecture and setting up the key components of the Spring Application Development Environment, you will learn how to configure Spring Container and manage Spring beans using XML and Annotation. Next, you will delve into Spring MVC, which will help you build flexible and loosely coupled web applications. You'll also get to grips with testing applications for reliability. Moving on, this course will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring, this book will help you build modern, Internet-scale Java applications in no time.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Learning Spring Application Development by Ravi Kant Soni? Spring MVC Beginner's Guide - Second Edition by Amuthan Ganeshan? Spring Microservices by Rajesh RV


Spring Essentials. Build mission-critical enterprise applications using Spring Framework and Aspect Oriented Programming

Shameer Kunjumohamed, Hamidreza Sattari

Spring is an open source Java application development framework to build and deploy systems and applications that run on the JVM. It is the industry standard and the most popular framework among Java developers with over two-thirds of developers using it.Spring Essentials makes learning Spring so much quicker and easier with the help of illustrations and practical examples. Starting from the core concepts of features such as inversion of Control Container and BeanFactory, we move on to a detailed look at aspect-oriented programming. We cover the breadth and depth of Spring MVC, the WebSocket technology, Spring Data, and Spring Security with various authentication and authorization mechanisms. Packed with real-world examples, you’ll get an insight into utilizing the power of Spring Expression Language in your applications for higher maintainability. You’ll also develop full-duplex real-time communication channels using WebSocket and integrate Spring with web technologies such as JSF, Struts 2, and Tapestry. At the tail end, you will build a modern SPA using EmberJS at the front end and a Spring MVC-based API at the back end.By the end of the book, you will be able to develop your own dull-fledged applications with Spring.


Spring Fever

Natalia Brożek

Czy tym razem wiosna okaże się czasem nadziei i nowych początków? Ida nie lubi wiosny, która kojarzy jej się tylko z trudnymi wydarzeniami z przeszłości. A to właśnie teraz musi podjąć ważną decyzję. Jesienią chciałaby zacząć studia po kilkuletniej przerwie w nauce, ale nie jest pewna, czy wielkie miasto to miejsce dla niej. Matka proponuje, aby dziewczyna na kilka tygodni wprowadziła się do brata. Choć mieszkający w Krakowie Staszek nie jest zachwycony tym pomysłem, zgadza się przyjąć siostrę pod swój dach. Ida musi tylko zachować szczegóły z jego życia w tajemnicy przed matką. Kiedy dziewczyna staje w progu jego mieszkania, nie może uwierzyć własnym oczom. Stara kamienica na podejrzanym osiedlu w niczym nie przypomina apartamentu, którego zdjęcia wysyłał rodzinie brat, a praca marzeń, o której tyle mówił, okazuje się zmyślona. Aby zarobić na utrzymanie, Staszek musiał znaleźć współlokatora. Chłopak na starcie zraża do siebie Idę ryzykownym primaaprilisowym żartem. Ponadto Eryk jest jej całkowitym przeciwieństwem. Ten gitarzysta z kapeli rockowej nie rozstaje się ze swoimi glanami, skórzaną kurtką i ukochanym owczarkiem niemieckim. Aby zatrzeć pierwsze złe wrażenie, Eryk postanawia pokazać siostrze współlokatora uroki Krakowa. Czy uda mu się przekonać ją do życia w mieście, dużych psów, wiosny... i do siebie? Powieść dodająca energii i poprawiająca humor jak wiosenne słońce.


Spring Microservices. Internet-scale architecture with Spring framework, Spring Cloud, Spring Boot

Rajesh R V

The Spring Framework is an application framework and inversion of the control container for the Java platform. The framework's core features can be used by any Java application, but there are extensions to build web applications on top of the Java EE platform. This book will help you implement the microservice architecture in Spring Framework, Spring Boot, and Spring Cloud. Written to the latest specifications of Spring, you'll be able to build modern, Internet-scale Java applications in no time.We would start off with the guidelines to implement responsive microservices at scale. We will then deep dive into Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Docker, Mesos, and Marathon. Next you will understand how Spring Boot is used to deploy autonomous services, server-less by removing the need to have a heavy-weight application server. Later you will learn how to go further by deploying your microservices to Docker and manage it with Mesos. By the end of the book, you'll will gain more clarity on how to implement microservices using Spring Framework and use them in Internet-scale deployments through real-world examples.


Spring: Microservices with Spring Boot. Build and deploy microservices with Spring Boot

Ranga Rao Karanam

Microservices helps in decomposing applications into small services and move away from a single monolithic artifact. It helps in building systems that are scalable, flexible, and high resilient. Spring Boot helps in building REST-oriented, production-grade microservices. This book is a quick learning guide on how to build, monitor, and deploy microservices with Spring Boot. You'll be first familiarized with Spring Boot before delving into building microservices. You will learn how to document your microservice with the help of Spring REST docs and Swagger documentation. You will then learn how to secure your microservice with Spring Security and OAuth2. You will deploy your app using a self-contained HTTP server and also learn to monitor a microservice with the help of Spring Boot actuator. This book is ideal for Java developers who knows the basics of Spring programming and want to build microservices with Spring Boot.This book is embedded with useful assessments that will help you revise the concepts you have learned in this book. This book is repurposed for this specific learning experience from material from Packt's Mastering Spring 5.0 by Ranga Rao Karanam.


Spring MVC 4. Projektowanie zaawansowanych aplikacji WWW

Geoffroy Warin

Wszyscy jesteśmy świadkami dynamicznego rozwoju branży aplikacji internetowych. Projektanci i programiści muszą jeszcze szybciej tworzyć coraz doskonalsze i atrakcyjniejsze aplikacje, a następnie błyskawicznie udostępniać je użytkownikom, przy dość ograniczonym budżecie. Platforma Spring Boot i środowiska chmurowe pozwalają sprostać tym wymaganiom: niezwykłe aplikacje można tworzyć i przekazywać w rekordowym tempie, w dodatku wyposażone w tak istotne funkcjonalności jak internacjonalizacja, sesje rozproszone, logowanie społecznościowe, wielowątkowość i wiele innych. Jeśli programujesz w Javie, choć trochę znasz platformę Spring i chcesz tworzyć użyteczne oraz nowoczesne aplikacje WWW, masz w ręku właściwą książkę. Ten podręcznik w niezwykle praktyczny sposób podchodzi do zagadnienia budowy skomplikowanych aplikacji z wykorzystaniem nowoczesnych technologii. Podczas lektury poszczególnych rozdziałów będziesz mógł od podstaw przyjrzeć się konstruowaniu w pełni działającej aplikacji WWW, a potem spróbować własnych sił w tej dziedzinie, z wykorzystaniem internacjonalizacji, weryfikacji formularzy oraz obsługi rozproszonych sesji i pamięci podręcznej. Dowiesz się również, jak porządnie przetestować aplikację i opublikować ją w internecie. W tej książce znajdziesz: praktyczne omówienie platformy Spring Boot i Spring Tool Suite wyjaśnienie implementacji architektury MVC wskazówki dotyczące projektowania zaawansowanych formularzy, weryfikacji typów danych wprowadzanych przez użytkownika i obsługi błędów zasady działania aplikacji REST i wykorzystywania zapytań HTTP wyczerpujące omówienie zagadnień bezpieczeństwa aplikacji opis dobrych praktyk, takich jak testy jednostkowe i testy akceptacji, optymalizacja zapytań, metody zarządzania pamięcią podręczną Programuj jak mistrz — odkryj Spring MVC! Geoffroy Warin — programuje od dziecka. Jest gorącym orędownikiem tworzenia otwartego kodu. Niezachwianie wierzy w ideę Software Craftsmanship (osiągania mistrzostwa w programowaniu). Jest uznanym specjalistą w dziedzinie budowania biznesowych aplikacji WWW w języku Java i entuzjastą platform Groovy oraz Spring. Po godzinach prowadzi bloga, jest szkoleniowcem i autorem oraz współautorem książek.


Spring MVC: Beginner's Guide. Unleash the power of the latest Spring MVC 4.x to develop a complete application - Second Edition

Amuthan Ganeshan

Spring MVC helps you build flexible and loosely coupled web applications. The Spring MVC Framework is architected and designed in such a way that every piece of logic and functionality is highly configurable. Also, Spring can integrate effortlessly with other popular web frameworks such as Struts, WebWork, Java Server Faces, and Tapestry. The book progressively teaches you to configure the Spring development environment, architecture, controllers, libraries, and more before moving on to developing a full web application. It begins with an introduction to the Spring development environment and architecture so you're familiar with the know-hows. From here, we move on to controllers, views, validations, Spring Tag libraries, and more. Finally, we integrate it all together to develop a web application. You'll also get to grips with testing applications for reliability.


Spring MVC Blueprints. Design and implement real-world web-based applications using the Spring Framework 4.x specification based on technical documentation

Sherwin John C.Tragura

Spring MVC is the ideal tool to build modern web applications on the server side. With the arrival of Spring Boot, developers can really focus on the code and deliver great value, leveraging the rich Spring ecosystem with minimal configuration.Spring makes it simple to create RESTful applications, interact with social services, communicate with modern databases, secure your system, and make your code modular and easy to test. It is also easy to deploy the result on different cloud providers.This book starts all the necessary topics in starting a Spring MVC-based application. Moving ahead it explains how to design model objects to handle file objects. save files into a data store and how Spring MVC behaves when an application deals with uploading and downloading files. Further it highlights form transactions and the user of Validation Framework as the tool in validating data input. It shows how to create a customer feedback system which does not require a username or password to log in. It will show you the soft side of Spring MVC where layout and presentation are given importance. Later it will discuss how to use Spring Web Flow on top of Spring MVC to create better web applications. Moving ahead, it will teach you how create an Invoice Module that receives and transport data using Web ServicesBy the end of the book you will be able to create efficient and flexible real-time web applications using all the frameworks in Spring MVC.