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Shinesa Cambric, Michael Ratemo
As more and more companies are moving to cloud and multi-cloud environments, being able to assess the compliance of these environments properly is becoming more important. But in this fast-moving domain, getting the most up-to-date information is a challenge—so where do you turn?Cloud Auditing Best Practices has all the information you’ll need. With an explanation of the fundamental concepts and hands-on walk-throughs of the three big cloud players, this book will get you up to speed with cloud auditing before you know it.After a quick introduction to cloud architecture and an understanding of the importance of performing cloud control assessments, you’ll quickly get to grips with navigating AWS, Azure, and GCP cloud environments. As you explore the vital role an IT auditor plays in any company’s network, you'll learn how to successfully build cloud IT auditing programs, including using standard tools such as Terraform, Azure Automation, AWS Policy Sentry, and many more.You’ll also get plenty of tips and tricks for preparing an effective and advanced audit and understanding how to monitor and assess cloud environments using standard tools.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently apply and assess security controls for AWS, Azure, and GCP, allowing you to independently and effectively confirm compliance in the cloud.
If you want to upskill yourself in cloud computing domains to thrive in the IT industry, then you’ve come to the right place. Cloud Computing Demystified for Aspiring Professionals helps you to master cloud computing essentials and important technologies offered by cloud service providers needed to succeed in a cloud-centric job role.This book begins with an overview of transformation from traditional to modern-day cloud computing infrastructure, and various types and models of cloud computing. You’ll learn how to implement secure virtual networks, virtual machines, and data warehouse resources including data lake services used in big data analytics — as well as when to use SQL and NoSQL databases and how to build microservices using multi-cloud Kubernetes services across AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. You'll also get step-by-step demonstrations of infrastructure, platform, and software cloud services and optimization recommendations derived from certified industry experts using hands-on tutorials, self-assessment questions, and real-world case studies.By the end of this book, you'll be ready to successfully implement cloud computing standardized concepts, services, and best practices in your workplace.
CloudBees offers a Platform as a Service (PaaS) to build, run, manage web applications, and support the entire application lifecycle right from development to deployment.The development and deployment of web- and mobile-based Java applications are the basic services that CloudBees has to offer. With these services you can efficiently build and enhance applications, and connect them to existing networks and systems.Cloud Development and Deployment with CloudBees introduces you to the concept of Platform as a Service. It talks about the services in detail that developers can leverage in order to build, manage, and deploy their applications with ease onto the cloud. You will learn the intricacies of the CloudBees ecosystem and how it can be extended to match your specific requirements.Cloud Development and Deployment with CloudBees will get you started with the concepts of PaaS and why it is considered better than other forms of services. You will then learn to create and manage your account, understand the CloudBees ecosystem, and subscribe to the wide array of services available. After this, you will use the clickStart feature that will enable you to set up, run, and host your application on the cloud. You will also venture out into the development phase by understanding Jenkins and how it would help you to build, maintain, and integrate your project build. You will then learn how to use the RUN@CLOUD platform to host your application, and you will also delve into cloud concepts, and understand the architectural constraints and how to monitor the application. Finally, you will deep dive into the extensive capabilities of using clickStack to create or customize your own stack.
Ganesh Ramakrishnan, Mansoor Haqanee
As organizations embrace cloud-centric environments, it becomes imperative for security professionals to master the skills of effective cloud investigation. Cloud Forensics Demystified addresses this pressing need, explaining how to use cloud-native tools and logs together with traditional digital forensic techniques for a thorough cloud investigation. The book begins by giving you an overview of cloud services, followed by a detailed exploration of the tools and techniques used to investigate popular cloud platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). Progressing through the chapters, you’ll learn how to investigate Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, and containerized environments such as Kubernetes. Throughout, the chapters emphasize the significance of the cloud, explaining which tools and logs need to be enabled for investigative purposes and demonstrating how to integrate them with traditional digital forensic tools and techniques to respond to cloud security incidents. By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to handle security breaches in cloud-based environments and have a comprehensive understanding of the essential cloud-based logs vital to your investigations. This knowledge will enable you to swiftly acquire and scrutinize artifacts of interest in cloud security incidents.
Cloud Foundry for Developers. Deploy, manage, and orchestrate cloud-native applications with ease
Rick Farmer, Rahul Kumar Jain, David Wu
Cloud Foundry is the open source platform to deploy, run, and scale applications. Cloud Foundry is growing rapidly and a leading product that provides PaaS (Platform as a Service) capabilities to enterprise, government, and organizations around the globe. Giants like Dell Technologies, GE, IBM, HP and the US government are using Cloud Foundry innovate faster in a rapidly changing world. Cloud Foundry is a developer’s dream. Enabling them to create modern applications that can leverage the latest thinking, techniques and capabilities of the cloud, including:? DevOps? Application Virtualization? Infrastructure agnosticism ? Orchestrated containers? Automation? Zero downtime upgrades? A/B deployment? Quickly scaling applications out or inThis book takes readers on a journey where they will first learn the Cloud Foundry basics, including how to deploy and scale a simple application in seconds. Readers will build their knowledge of how to create highly scalable and resilient cloud-native applications and microservices running on Cloud Foundry. Readers will learn how to integrate their application with services provided by Cloud Foundry and with those external to Cloud Foundry. Readers will learn how to structure their Cloud Foundry environment with orgs and spaces. After that, we’ll discuss aspects of continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), monitoring and logging. Readers will also learn how to enable health checks, troubleshoot and debug applications.By the end of this book, readers will have hands-on experience in performing various deployment and scaling tasks. Additionally, they will have an understanding of what it takes to migrate and develop applications for Cloud Foundry.
Giuseppe Di Federico, Fabrizio Barcaroli
Identity is paramount for every architecture design, making it crucial for enterprise and solutions architects to understand the benefits and pitfalls of implementing identity patterns. However, information on cloud identity patterns is generally scattered across different sources and rarely approached from an architect’s perspective, and this is what Cloud Identity Patterns and Strategies aims to solve, empowering solutions architects to take an active part in implementing identity solutions.Throughout this book, you’ll cover various theoretical topics along with practical examples that follow the implementation of a standard de facto identity provider (IdP) in an enterprise, such as Azure Active Directory. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll explore the different factors that contribute to an enterprise's current status quo around identities and harness modern authentication approaches to meet specific requirements of an enterprise. You’ll also be able to make sense of how modern application designs are impacted by the company’s choices and move on to recognize how a healthy organization tackles identity and critical tasks that the development teams pivot on.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to breeze through creating portable, robust, and reliable applications that can interact with each other.
The Ballerina programming language was created by WSO2 for the modern needs of developers where cloud native development techniques have become ubiquitous. Ballerina simplifies how programmers develop and deploy cloud native distributed apps and microservices.Cloud Native Applications with Ballerina will guide you through Ballerina essentials, including variables, types, functions, flow control, security, and more. You'll explore networking as an in-built feature in Ballerina, which makes it a first-class language for distributed computing. With this app development book, you'll learn about different networking protocols as well as different architectural patterns that you can use to implement services on the cloud. As you advance, you'll explore multiple design patterns used in microservice architecture and use serverless in Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft Azure platforms. You will also get to grips with Docker, Kubernetes, and serverless platforms to simplify maintenance and the deployment process. Later, you'll focus on the Ballerina testing framework along with deployment tools and monitoring tools to build fully automated observable cloud applications.By the end of this book, you will have learned how to apply the Ballerina language for building scalable, resilient, secured, and easy-to-maintain cloud native Ballerina projects and applications.
Cloud Native Architectures. Design high-availability and cost-effective applications for the cloud
Tom Laszewski, Kamal Arora, Erik Farr, Piyum Zonooz
Cloud computing has proven to be the most revolutionary IT development since virtualization. Cloud native architectures give you the benefit of more flexibility over legacy systems. To harness this, businesses need to refresh their development models and architectures when they find they don’t port to the cloud. Cloud Native Architectures demonstrates three essential components of deploying modern cloud native architectures: organizational transformation, deployment modernization, and cloud native architecture patterns.This book starts with a quick introduction to cloud native architectures that are used as a base to define and explain what cloud native architecture is and is not. You will learn what a cloud adoption framework looks like and develop cloud native architectures using microservices and serverless computing as design principles. You’ll then explore the major pillars of cloud native design including scalability, cost optimization, security, and ways to achieve operational excellence. In the concluding chapters, you will also learn about various public cloud architectures ranging from AWS and Azure to the Google Cloud Platform.By the end of this book, you will have learned the techniques to adopt cloud native architectures that meet your business requirements. You will also understand the future trends and expectations of cloud providers.
When adopting cloud infrastructure, you are often looking to modernize the automation of workflows such as continuous integration and software delivery. Minimizing operational overhead via fully managed solutions such as Cloud Build can be tough. Moreover, learning Cloud Build’s API and build schema, scalability, security, and integrating Cloud Build with other external systems can be challenging. This book helps you to overcome these challenges by cementing a Google Cloud Build foundation.The book starts with an introduction to Google Cloud Build and explains how it brings value via automation. You will then configure the architecture and environment in which builds run while learning how to execute these builds. Next, you will focus on writing and configuring fully featured builds and executing them securely. You will also review Cloud Build's functionality with practical applications and set up a secure delivery pipeline for GKE. Moving ahead, you will learn how to manage safe roll outs of cloud infrastructure with Terraform. Later, you will build a workflow from local source to production in Cloud Run. Finally, you will integrate Cloud Build with external systems while leveraging Cloud Deploy to manage roll outs.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to automate workflows securely by leveraging the principles of Google Cloud Build.
Build systems that leverage the benefits of the cloud and applications faster than ever before with cloud-native development. This book focuses on architectural patterns for building highly scalable cloud-native systems. You will learn how the combination of cloud, reactive principles, devops, and automation enable teams to continuously deliver innovation with confidence.Begin by learning the core concepts that make these systems unique. You will explore foundational patterns that turn your database inside out to achieve massive scalability with cloud-native databases. You will also learn how to continuously deliver production code with confidence by shifting deployment and testing all the way to the left and implementing continuous observability in production. There's more—you will also learn how to strangle your monolith and design an evolving cloud-native system.By the end of the book, you will have the ability to create modern cloud-native systems.
Awarded as one of the best books of all time by BookAuthority, Cloud Native Programming with Golang will take you on a journey into the world of microservices and cloud computing with the help of Go.Cloud computing and microservices are two very important concepts in modern software architecture. They represent key skills that ambitious software engineers need to acquire in order to design and build software applications capable of performing and scaling. Go is a modern cross-platform programming language that is very powerful yet simple; it is an excellent choice for microservices and cloud applications. Go is gaining more and more popularity, and becoming a very attractive skill.This book starts by covering the software architectural patterns of cloud applications, as well as practical concepts regarding how to scale, distribute, and deploy those applications. You will also learn how to build a JavaScript-based front-end for your application, using TypeScript and React. From there, we dive into commercial cloud offerings by covering AWS. Finally, we conclude our book by providing some overviews of other concepts and technologies that you can explore, to move from where the book leaves off.
Businesses today are evolving so rapidly that having their own infrastructure to support their expansion is not feasible. As a result, they have been resorting to the elasticity of the cloud to provide a platform to build and deploy their highly scalable applications. This book will be the one stop for you to learn all about building cloud-native architectures in Python. It will begin by introducing you to cloud-native architecture and will help break it down for you. Then you’ll learn how to build microservices in Python using REST APIs in an event driven approach and you will build the web layer. Next, you’ll learn about Interacting data services and building Web views with React, after which we will take a detailed look at application security and performance. Then, you’ll also learn how to Dockerize your services. And finally, you’ll learn how to deploy the application on the AWS and Azure platforms. We will end the book by discussing some concepts and techniques around troubleshooting problems that might occur with your applications after you’ve deployed them. This book will teach you how to craft applications that are built as small standard units, using all the proven best practices and avoiding the usual traps. It's a practical book: we're going to build everything using Python 3 and its amazing tooling ecosystem. The book will take you on a journey, the destination of which, is the creation of a complete Python application based on microservices over the cloud platform
For cloud security engineers, it’s crucial to look beyond the limited managed services provided by cloud vendors and make use of the wide array of cloud native tools available to developers and security professionals, which enable the implementation of security solutions at scale. This book covers technologies that secure infrastructure, containers, and runtime environments using vendor-agnostic cloud native tools under the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF).The book begins with an introduction to the whats and whys of the cloud native environment, providing a primer on the platforms that you’ll explore throughout. You’ll then progress through the book, following the phases of application development. Starting with system design choices, security trade-offs, and secure application coding techniques that every developer should be mindful of, you’ll delve into more advanced topics such as system security architecture and threat modelling practices. The book concludes by explaining the legal and regulatory frameworks governing security practices in the cloud native space and highlights real-world repercussions that companies have faced as a result of immature security practices.By the end of this book, you'll be better equipped to create secure code and system designs.
Kubernetes is a modern cloud native container orchestration tool and one of the most popular open source projects worldwide. In addition to the technology being powerful and highly flexible, Kubernetes engineers are in high demand across the industry.This book is a comprehensive guide to deploying, securing, and operating modern cloud native applications on Kubernetes. From the fundamentals to Kubernetes best practices, the book covers essential aspects of configuring applications. You’ll even explore real-world techniques for running clusters in production, tips for setting up observability for cluster resources, and valuable troubleshooting techniques. Finally, you’ll learn how to extend and customize Kubernetes, as well as gaining tips for deploying service meshes, serverless tooling, and more on your cluster.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to confidently run and extend modern applications on Kubernetes.
José Ángel Fernández, Manuel Lázaro Ramírez
Cloud observability is complex and costly due to the use of hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure as well as various Azure tools, hampering IT teams’ ability to monitor and analyze issues. The authors distill their years of experience with Microsoft to share the strategic insights and practical skills needed to optimize performance, ensure reliability, and navigate the dynamic landscape of observability on Azure.You’ll get an in-depth understanding of cloud observability and Azure Monitor basics, before getting to grips with the configuration and optimization of data sources and pipelines for effective monitoring. You’ll learn about advanced data analysis techniques using metrics and the Kusto Query Language (KQL) for your logs, design proactive incident response strategies with automated alerts, and visualize reports via dashboards. Using hands-on examples and best practices, you’ll explore the integration of Azure Monitor with Azure Arc and third-party tools, such as Datadog, Elastic Stack, or Dynatrace. You’ll also implement artificial intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps) and secure monitoring for hybrid and multi-cloud environments, aligned with emerging trends.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to develop robust and cost-optimized observability solutions for monitoring your Azure infrastructure and apps using Azure Monitor.
Cloud Penetration Testing. Learn how to effectively pentest AWS, Azure, and GCP applications
With AWS, Azure, and GCP gaining prominence, understanding their unique features, ecosystems, and penetration testing protocols has become an indispensable skill, which is precisely what this pentesting guide for cloud platforms will help you achieve. As you navigate through the chapters, you’ll explore the intricacies of cloud security testing and gain valuable insights into how pentesters evaluate cloud environments effectively.In addition to its coverage of these cloud platforms, the book also guides you through modern methodologies for testing containerization technologies such as Docker and Kubernetes, which are fast becoming staples in the cloud ecosystem. Additionally, it places extended focus on penetration testing AWS, Azure, and GCP through serverless applications and specialized tools. These sections will equip you with the tactics and tools necessary to exploit vulnerabilities specific to serverless architecture, thus providing a more rounded skill set.By the end of this cloud security book, you’ll not only have a comprehensive understanding of the standard approaches to cloud penetration testing but will also be proficient in identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities that are unique to cloud environments.
Cloud Scale Analytics with Azure Data Services. Build modern data warehouses on Microsoft Azure
Azure Data Lake, the modern data warehouse architecture, and related data services on Azure enable organizations to build their own customized analytical platform to fit any analytical requirements in terms of volume, speed, and quality.This book is your guide to learning all the features and capabilities of Azure data services for storing, processing, and analyzing data (structured, unstructured, and semi-structured) of any size. You will explore key techniques for ingesting and storing data and perform batch, streaming, and interactive analytics. The book also shows you how to overcome various challenges and complexities relating to productivity and scaling. Next, you will be able to develop and run massive data workloads to perform different actions. Using a cloud-based big data-modern data warehouse-analytics setup, you will also be able to build secure, scalable data estates for enterprises. Finally, you will not only learn how to develop a data warehouse but also understand how to create enterprise-grade security and auditing big data programs.By the end of this Azure book, you will have learned how to develop a powerful and efficient analytical platform to meet enterprise needs.
Cloud Security Automation. Get to grips with automating your cloud security on AWS and OpenStack
Security issues are still a major concern forall IT organizations. For many enterprises,the move to cloud computing has raisedconcerns for security, but when applicationsare architected with focus on security,cloud platforms can be made just as secureas on-premises platforms. Cloud instancescan be kept secure by employing securityautomation that helps make your data meetyour organization's security policy.This book starts with the basics of whycloud security is important and howautomation can be the most effective wayof controlling cloud security. You willthen delve deeper into the AWS cloudenvironment and its security servicesby dealing with security functions suchas Identity and Access Managementand will also learn how these servicescan be automated. Moving forward,you will come across aspects suchas cloud storage and data security, automatingcloud deployments, and so on. Then,you'll work with OpenStack security modulesand learn how private cloud securityfunctions can be automated for bettertime- and cost-effectiveness. Toward the endof the book, you will gain an understandingof the security compliance requirementsfor your Cloud.By the end of this book, you will havehands-on experience of automating yourcloud security and governance.
Securing resources in the cloud is challenging, given that each provider has different mechanisms and processes. Cloud Security Handbook helps you to understand how to embed security best practices in each of the infrastructure building blocks that exist in public clouds.This book will enable information security and cloud engineers to recognize the risks involved in public cloud and find out how to implement security controls as they design, build, and maintain environments in the cloud. You'll begin by learning about the shared responsibility model, cloud service models, and cloud deployment models, before getting to grips with the fundamentals of compute, storage, networking, identity management, encryption, and more. Next, you'll explore common threats and discover how to stay in compliance in cloud environments. As you make progress, you'll implement security in small-scale cloud environments through to production-ready large-scale environments, including hybrid clouds and multi-cloud environments. This book not only focuses on cloud services in general, but it also provides actual examples for using AWS, Azure, and GCP built-in services and capabilities.By the end of this cloud security book, you'll have gained a solid understanding of how to implement security in cloud environments effectively.
In the fast-paced tech world where businesses rely ever more on cloud infrastructure, the role of a cloud solution architect serves as the backbone of operations. The Solution Architects Career Masterplan isn’t just informative; it’s an actionable roadmap to thriving in this role, providing the knowledge and strategies necessary to build a successful career in cloud computing.You’ll dive headfirst into mastering the role's core principles, strategically charting your career trajectory, and expanding your network within the cloud community. As you advance to the practical aspects, you’ll explore tailored education options, gain hands-on experience, and prepare to seize strategic opportunities. Finally, you’ll prepare for success by arming yourself with interview strategies, staying updated with evolving cloud technologies, and actively contributing to the cloud community.By the end of this book, you'll be on your path to a rewarding career in cloud architecture with this trusted companion.
Ajay Mahajan, Munish Kumar Gupta, Shyam Sundar S
Businesses today are evolving so rapidly that they are resorting to the elasticity of the cloud to provide a platform to build and deploy their highly scalable applications. This means developers now are faced with the challenge of building build applications that are native to the cloud. For this, they need to be aware of the environment, tools, and resources they’re coding against. If you’re a Java developer who wants to build secure, resilient, robust, and scalable applications that are targeted for cloud-based deployment, this is the book for you. It will be your one stop guide to building cloud-native applications in Java Spring that are hosted in On-prem or cloud providers - AWS and AzureThe book begins by explaining the driving factors for cloud adoption and shows you how cloud deployment is different from regular application deployment on a standard data centre. You will learn about design patterns specific to applications running in the cloud and find out how you can build a microservice in Java Spring using REST APIsYou will then take a deep dive into the lifecycle of building, testing, and deploying applications with maximum automation to reduce the deployment cycle time. Gradually, you will move on to configuring the AWS and Azure platforms and working with their APIs to deploy your application. Finally, you’ll take a look at API design concerns and their best practices. You’ll also learn how to migrate an existing monolithic application into distributed cloud native applications.By the end, you will understand how to build and monitor a scalable, resilient, and robust cloud native application that is always available and fault tolerant.
Cloud-Native Development and Migration to Jakarta EE will help you unlock the secrets of Jakarta EE's evolution as you explore the migration and modernization of your applications. You’ll discover how to make your code compatible with the latest Jakarta EE version and how to leverage its modern features effectively.First, you’ll navigate the realm of cloud-native development as you demystify containers and get introduced to the Eclipse MicroProfile, a powerful tool in your toolkit. Next, you’ll take the bold step of transitioning your applications from local hardware to the limitless possibilities of the cloud. By following the author’s expert guidance to deploy your Jakarta EE applications on Microsoft Azure, you’ll gain hands-on experience in managing cloud resources.In the final leg of your journey, you’ll explore the world of serverless architecture. You’ll learn to design and run services that are truly serverless, harnessing the potential of the event-driven paradigm for scalability and cost-efficiency.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Jakarta EE and become a proficient cloud-native developer. Join us on this exciting journey of transformation and innovation as you pave the way for the future of Jakarta EE and cloud-native development.
Cloud-Native Observability with OpenTelemetry is a guide to helping you look for answers to questions about your applications. This book teaches you how to produce telemetry from your applications using an open standard to retain control of data. OpenTelemetry provides the tools necessary for you to gain visibility into the performance of your services. It allows you to instrument your application code through vendor-neutral APIs, libraries and tools.By reading Cloud-Native Observability with OpenTelemetry, you’ll learn about the concepts and signals of OpenTelemetry - traces, metrics, and logs. You’ll practice producing telemetry for these signals by configuring and instrumenting a distributed cloud-native application using the OpenTelemetry API. The book also guides you through deploying the collector, as well as telemetry backends necessary to help you understand what to do with the data once it's emitted. You’ll look at various examples of how to identify application performance issues through telemetry. By analyzing telemetry, you’ll also be able to better understand how an observable application can improve the software development life cycle.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with OpenTelemetry, be able to instrument services using the OpenTelemetry API to produce distributed traces, metrics and logs, and more.