

Virtual Reality Blueprints. Create compelling VR experiences for mobile and desktop

Charles Palmer, John Williamson

Are you new to virtual reality? Do you want to create exciting interactive VR applications? There's no need to be daunted by the thought of creating interactive VR applications, it's much easier than you think with this hands-on, project-based guide that will take you through VR development essentials for desktop and mobile-based games and applications. Explore the three top platforms—Cardboard VR, Gear VR, and OculusVR —to design immersive experiences from scratch.You’ll start by understanding the science-fiction roots of virtual reality and then build your first VR experience using Cardboard VR. You'll then delve into user interactions in virtual space for the Google Cardboard then move on to creating a virtual gallery with Gear VR. Then you will learn all about virtual movements, state machines, and spawning while you shoot zombies in the Oculus Rift headset. Next, you'll construct a Carnival Midway, complete with two common games to entertain players.Along the way, you will explore the best practices for VR development, review game design tips, discuss methods for combating motion sickness and identify alternate uses for VR applications


Vulkan Cookbook. Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API—Vulkan

Pawel Lapinski

Vulkan is the next generation graphics API released by the Khronos group. It is expected to be the successor to OpenGL and OpenGL ES, which it shares some similarities with such as its cross-platform capabilities, programmed pipeline stages, or nomenclature. Vulkan is a low-level API that gives developers much more control over the hardware, but also adds new responsibilities such as explicit memory and resources management. With it, though, Vulkan is expected to be much faster.This book is your guide to understanding Vulkan through a series of recipes. We start off by teaching you how to create instances in Vulkan and choose the device on which operations will be performed. You will then explore more complex topics such as command buffers, resources and memory management, pipelines, GLSL shaders, render passes, and more. Gradually, the book moves on to teach you advanced rendering techniques, how to draw 3D scenes, and how to improve the performance of your applications.By the end of the book, you will be familiar with the latest advanced techniques implemented with the Vulkan API, which can be used on a wide range of platforms.


Wprowadzenie do fizyki w grach, animacjach i symulacjach Flash

Dev Ramtal, Adrian Dobre

Twoje gry i animacje jeszcze nigdy nie były tak realne! Dobre odwzorowanie praw fizyki w grach zazwyczaj sprawia, że stają się one bardziej atrakcyjne. Dlaczego tak uważamy? Pewnie ma to związek z naszą intuicją — lubimy, gdy przedmioty w grze zachowują się zgodnie z oczekiwaniami. Realistyczne zderzenia, grawitacja, odbicia to tylko część elementów, których zastosowanie zwiększy Twoją szansę na sukces! Ta książka porusza wszystkie aspekty związane z wykorzystaniem praw fizyki w grach, animacjach i symulacjach tworzonych we Flashu. W trakcie lektury zostaniesz stopniowo i bezboleśnie wprowadzony w świat obliczeń numerycznych — od najprostszych, pozwalających nadać ruch odbijającej się piłce, do najbardziej skomplikowanych, odwzorowujących na przykład prawdziwy ruch planet w Układzie Słonecznym. Ponadto dowiesz się, jaki wpływ na ruch ma tarcie oraz jak zaprezentować siłę wyporu. Książka ta jest idealną pozycją dla każdego programisty chcącego Tworzyć gry i animacje jak najbliższe rzeczywistemu światu. Zdobądź tę książkę i opanuj wiedzę na temat: wykorzystania praw fizyki w projektowaniu gier i animacji symulowania uderzeń, odbić i zderzeń wpływu siły grawitacji i tarcia na ruch obiektów Odwzoruj prawdziwy świat w najdrobniejszych szczegółach!


Wprowadzenie do HTML5. Nauka HTML5 i JavaScriptu na przykładzie gier

Jeanine Meyer

Skuteczny sposób na HTML5! Standard HTML5 umożliwia tworzenie nie tylko dynamicznych, multimedialnych stron WWW, ale także zaawansowanych aplikacji internetowych i gier. Do niedawna, żeby to osiągnąć, konieczna była instalacja dodatkowych rozszerzeń. Teraz można to zrealizować, korzystając tylko i wyłącznie z HTML-a, JavaScriptu i kaskadowych arkuszy stylów CSS… Jeśli chcesz szybko i przyjemnie poznać podstawowe założenia HTML5 oraz natychmiast wykorzystać je w praktyce, sięgnij po tę książkę. W charakterze materiału do analizy wykorzystuje ona popularne gry, takie jak "Wisielec", kości czy blackjack. "Wprowadzenie do HTML5" pokaże Ci nowe, ekscytujące możliwości standardu HTML5 oraz sposoby integrowania HTML-a z JavaScriptem i CSS. Dzięki podanym przykładom zrozumiesz, jak te elementy wzajemnie się uzupełniają. Każdy rozdział jest poświęcony innej aplikacji i ma podobną strukturę. Na początku znajdują się wymagania, a następnie funkcje HTML5, CSS i JavaScriptu niezbędne do konkretnej implementacji. W dalszej części szczegółowo omawiana jest sama implementacja. Jeśli masz nieco większe doświadczenie w tworzeniu stron WWW, ta książka przybliży Ci sposoby wykorzystania JavaScriptu w połączeniu z dokumentami HTML oraz zapozna Cię z nowościami w HTML5, takimi jak obsługa zdarzeń, walidacja formularzy, wykorzystanie lokalnego magazynu danych czy elementy canvas, video i audio. Przykłady są wystarczająco proste, aby ich zrozumienie nie przysparzało problemów, ale na tyle inspirujące, by dać możliwość stworzenia ciekawych interaktywnych aplikacji WWW. Połącz przyjemne z pożytecznym: Poznaj JavaScript, CSS i HTML5 Naucz się rysować w przeglądarce internetowej Korzystaj ze zdarzeń Przechowuj dane w przeglądarce użytkownika Bądź na bieżąco z najnowszymi trendami! Nauka jeszcze nigdy nie była tak wciągająca!


Xamarin.Forms Projects. Build seven real-world cross-platform mobile apps with C# and Xamarin.Forms

Johan Karlsson, Daniel Hindrikes

Xamarin.Forms is a lightweight cross-platform development toolkit for building applications with a rich user interface.In this book you'll start by building projects that explain the Xamarin.Forms ecosystem to get up and running with building cross-platform applications. We'll increase in difficulty throughout the projects, making you learn the nitty-gritty of Xamarin.Forms offerings. You'll gain insights into the architecture, how to arrange your app's design, where to begin developing, what pitfalls exist, and how to avoid them. The book contains seven real-world projects, to get you hands-on with building rich UIs and providing a truly cross-platform experience. It will also guide you on how to set up a machine for Xamarin app development. You'll build a simple to-do application that gets you going, then dive deep into building advanced apps such as messaging platform, games, and machine learning, to build a UI for an augmented reality project.By the end of the book, you'll be confident in building cross-platforms and fitting Xamarin.Forms toolkits in your app development. You'll be able to take the practice you get from this book to build applications that comply with your requirements.


XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and

Kurt Jaegers

Move beyond the world of flat 2D-based game development and discover how to create your own exciting 3D games with Microsoft XNA 4.0. Create a 3D maze, fire shells at enemy tanks, and drive a rover on the surface of Mars while being attacked by alien saucers.XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide takes you step-by-step through the creation of three different 3D video games with Microsoft XNA 4.0. Learn by doing as you explore the worlds of 3D graphics and game design.This book takes a step-by-step approach to building 3D games with Microsoft XNA, describing each section of code in depth and explaining the topics and concepts covered in detail. From the basics of a 3D camera system to an introduction to writing DirectX shader code, the games in this book cover a wide variety of both 3D graphics and game design topics. Generate random mazes, load and animate 3D models, create particle-based explosions, and combine 2D and 3D techniques to build a user interface.XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide will give you the knowledge to bring your own 3D game creations to life.


XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide - Visual Basic Edition. Create your own exciting games with Visual Basic and Microsoft XNA 4.0

Kurt Jaegers

XNA Game Studio enables hobbyists and independent game developers to easily create video games, and now gives that power to Visual Basic developers. XNA lets you bring your creations to life on Windows, the Xbox 360 and the Windows Phone platforms. The latest release of XNA has added support to Visual Basic and therefore, Visual Basic developers now have the power to give life to their creativity with XNA.This book covers both the concepts and the implementations necessary to get you started on bringing your own creations to life with XNA. It presents four different games, including a puzzler, space shooter, multi-axis shoot 'em up, and a jump-and-run platformer. Each game introduces new concepts and techniques to build a solid foundation for your own ideas and creativity.This book details the creation of four games, all in different styles, from start to finish using Visual Basic and the Microsoft XNA framework. Beginning with the basics of drawing images to the screen, the book then incrementally introduces sprite animation, particles, sound effects, tile-based maps, and path finding. It then explores combining XNA with Windows Forms to build an interactive map editor, and builds a platform-style game using the editor-generated maps. Finally, the book covers the considerations necessary for deploying your games to the Xbox 360 platform.By the end of the book, you will have a solid foundation of game development concepts and techniques as well as working sample games to extend and innovate upon. You will have the knowledge necessary to create games that you can complete without an army of fellow game developers at your back.


XR Development with Unity. A beginner's guide to creating virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences using Unity

Anna Braun, Raffael Rizzo

The drastic surge in the demand for XR development has led to an imminent need for comprehensive resources, learning material, and overall know-how in this area. This one-stop resource will ensure that professionals venturing into XR development can access all XR-related techniques to build appealing XR applications, without relying on Google every step of the way.This book is your guide to developing XR applications with Unity 2021.3 or later versions, helping you to create VR, AR, and MR experiences of increasing complexity. The chapters cover the entire XR application development process from setting up an interactive XR scene using the XR Interaction Toolkit or AR Foundation, adding physics, animations, continuous movement, teleportation, sound effects, and visual effects, to testing and deploying to VR headsets, simulators, smartphones, and tablets. Additionally, this XR book takes you on a journey from the basics of Unity and C# to advanced techniques such as building multiplayer applications and incorporating hand- and gaze-tracking capabilities.By the end of this book, you'll be fully equipped to create cutting-edge XR projects for engaging individual, academic, and industrial use cases that captivate your audience.