Programowanie gier

Unity i C#. Podstawy programowania gier

Ewa Ross, Jacek Ross

Unity. Przepisy na interfejs gry

Francesco Sapio

Unity. Przewodnik projektanta gier

Mike Geig

Unity. Tworzenie gier mobilnych

Jon Manning, Paris Buttfield-Addison

Unreal Engine 4 Game Development Quick Start Guide. Programming professional 3D games with Unreal Engine 4

Rachel Cordone

Unreal Engine 4 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for mastering post-processing effects and advanced shading techniques

Brais Brenlla Ramos, John P. Doran

Unreal Engine 4 Virtual Reality Projects. Build immersive, real-world VR applications using UE4, C++, and Unreal Blueprints

Kevin Mack, Robert Ruud

Unreal Engine 4.x Scripting with C++ Cookbook. Develop quality game components and solve scripting problems with the power of C++ and UE4 - Second Edition

John P. Doran, William Sherif, Stephen Whittle