Програмування ігор

Mastering Unity 2D Game Development. Mastering Unity 2D Game Development will give your game development skills a boost and help you begin creating and building an RPG with Unity 2D game framework

Mastering Unity 2D Game Development. Using Unity 5 to develop a retro RPG - Second Edition

Ashley Godbold, Simon Jackson

Mastering Unity 5.x. Click here to enter text

Alan Thorn

Mastering Unity Game Development with C#. Harness the full potential of Unity 2022 game development using C#

Mohamed Essam

Mastering Unity Scripting. Learn advanced C# tips and techniques to make professional-grade games with Unity

Alan Thorn

Matematyka w programowaniu gier i grafice komputerowej. Tworzenie i renderowanie wirtualnych środowisk 3D oraz praca z nimi

Penny de Byl

Mathematics for Computer Graphics and Game Programming. Master the science of computer graphics, from vector representation to advanced OpenGL programming

Mercury Learning and Information, D. P. Kothari, G. Awari, D. Shrimankar, ...

Meandry lokalizacji gier

Janusz Mrzigod