Analiza danych


Microsoft SQL Server. Modelowanie i eksploracja danych

Danuta Mendrala, Marcin Szeliga

Odkryj najlepsze narzędzia do eksploracji danych Naucz się przygotowywać dane i poprawiać ich jakość Dowiedz się, jak prowadzić zaawansowane analizy danych Poznaj sprawdzone techniki profesjonalnej eksploracji danych! Eksploracja danych jest najmłodszą i najszybciej rozwijającą się dziedziną informatyki. Łączy zaawansowane algorytmy analizowania danych i znajdowania ukrytych w nich wzorców z klasycznymi technikami statystycznymi, rachunkiem prawdopodobieństwa i technologiami bazodanowymi. Dziedzina ta zyskuje na znaczeniu wraz z lawinowo rosnącą ilością informacji cyfrowych, które każdego dnia na całym świecie są wytwarzane, zapisywane i przeszukiwane przez stale zwiększającą się grupę użytkowników technologii informatycznych. Trzydzieści lat temu świat zrewolucjonizowały komputery PC, a dziś w ogarnięciu tego chaosu pomóc mogą jedynie najskuteczniejsze narzędzia do modelowania i eksploracji danych. "Microsoft SQL Server. Modelowanie i eksploracja danych" to książka, z której analitycy, informatycy i biznesmeni dowiedzą się, jak tworzyć właściwe modele, odpowiednio przygotowywać dane i prawidłowo je eksplorować, a także jak należycie analizować i oceniać otrzymane wyniki przy użyciu narzędzi oferowanych przez oprogramowanie Microsoft SQL Server. Publikacja przybliża zagadnienia związane z poszczególnymi etapami procesu modelowania i eksploracji, prezentując przy tym zastosowanie różnych metod i technik analizy do rozwiązywania praktycznych problemów naukowych i biznesowych. Podstawowe techniki i narzędzia wykorzystywane w eksploracji danych Instalacja i konfiguracja niezbędnego oprogramowania Analiza biznesowa projektu eksploracji danych Ocena, przygotowywanie i poprawianie jakości danych Przegląd technik eksploracji danych Wykorzystywanie serwera SQL w procesie eksploracji danych Składnia i zastosowanie języka DMX Łatwe w użyciu narzędzia pakietu Office i zaawansowane narzędzia eksploracji danych serwera SQL firmy Microsoft Zasada działania zaawansowanych algorytmów eksploracji danych Ocena i poprawianie modeli eksploracyjnych Programowanie predykcyjne Naucz się wykorzystywać zaawansowane narzędzia do inteligentnej zamiany dużych zbiorów danych w przydatne informacje!


Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager. Deploy a scalable solution by ensuring high availability and disaster recovery using Configuration Manager with this book and

Marius Sandbu

Microsoft Configuration Manager is both extensive and complex, and for many, it is the primary tool for Enterprise management. With each new release, Configuration Manager continually proves itself to be the ultimate solution for managing both clients and mobile devices.This book covers in detailed and easy-to-understand steps how to set up highly available Configuration Manager roles and backend services such as SQL, DNS, and AD. You will learn how to plan for high availability, what kind of roles there are, and how they scale.The book starts by examining what needs to be taken into account when planning for high availability before moving on to focus on the different roles and how they can be set up. The book will also go through different scenarios as well as various backup and recovery procedures. You will learn how to identify bottlenecks within the different components and create sample design scenarios for high availability on Configuration Manager. The book will also look at the different high availability options and how to deploy them.


MicroStrategy Quick Start Guide. Data analytics and visualizations for Business Intelligence

Fernando Carlos Rivero Esqueda

MicroStrategy is an enterprise business intelligence application. It turns data into reports for making and executing key organization decisions. This book shows you how to implement Business Intelligence (BI) with MicroStrategy. It takes you from setting up and configuring MicroStrategy to security and administration.The book starts by detailing the different components of the MicroStrategy platform, and the key concepts of Metadata and Project Source. You will then install and configure MicroStrategy and lay down the foundations for building MicroStrategy BI solutions. By learning about objects and different object types, you will develop a strong understanding of the MicroStrategy Schema and Public Objects. With these MicroStrategy objects, you will enhance and scale your BI and Analytics solutions.Finally, you will learn about the administration, security, and monitoring of your BI solution.


Mistrz analizy danych. Od danych do wiedzy

John W. Foreman

Nauka o danych, znana również pod nazwą data science, jest stosunkowo nową, interdyscyplinarną dziedziną, zajmującą się różnymi technikami analizy danych, ich implementacją i wykorzystywaniem do różnych celów. Zalety nauki o danych doceniają specjaliści z wielu branż: analitycy biznesowi, statystycy, architekci oprogramowania i osoby zajmujące się sztuczną inteligencją. Tak naprawdę ta dziedzina nie koncentruje się na kodowaniu i bazach danych, ale raczej na metodach wyłuskiwania z danych najróżniejszych cennych informacji. Wartość tej wiedzy niejednokrotnie okazuje się ogromna. Niniejsza książka jest przystępnym wprowadzeniem do nauki o danych. Jest przeznaczona dla osób, które chcą stosować techniki analizy danych w biznesie. Te techniki, opisane na podstawie praktycznych przypadków, to optymalizacja, prognozowanie i symulacja, a także sztuczna inteligencja, teoria grafów, analiza skupień i wykrywanie anomalii. Dzięki tej książce nie tylko zrozumiesz zasady analizowania danych, ale także nauczysz się wybierać technikę właściwą do rozwiązania danego problemu. Poznasz też techniki pracy z prototypami. Co ciekawe, niemal wszystkie opisane tu metody zostały zaprezentowane w arkuszu kalkulacyjnym. W książce opisano optymalizację za pomocą programowania liniowego i całkowitoliczbowego szereg czasowy, wykrywanie trendów i wahań sezonowych przewidywanie za pomocą wygładzania wykładniczego metodę symulacji Monte Carlo test Tukeya i lokalne czynniki odstające język R - zaawansowane techniki analizy danych Wyciśnij z danych każdą kroplę wiedzy!


Mobile Deep Learning with TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit and Flutter. Build scalable real-world projects to implement end-to-end neural networks on Android and iOS

Anubhav Singh, Rimjhim Bhadani

Deep learning is rapidly becoming the most popular topic in the mobile app industry. This book introduces trending deep learning concepts and their use cases with an industrial and application-focused approach. You will cover a range of projects covering tasks such as mobile vision, facial recognition, smart artificial intelligence assistant, augmented reality, and more.With the help of eight projects, you will learn how to integrate deep learning processes into mobile platforms, iOS, and Android. This will help you to transform deep learning features into robust mobile apps efficiently. You’ll get hands-on experience of selecting the right deep learning architectures and optimizing mobile deep learning models while following an application oriented-approach to deep learning on native mobile apps. We will later cover various pre-trained and custom-built deep learning model-based APIs such as machine learning (ML) Kit through Firebase. Further on, the book will take you through examples of creating custom deep learning models with TensorFlow Lite. Each project will demonstrate how to integrate deep learning libraries into your mobile apps, right from preparing the model through to deployment.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered the skills to build and deploy deep learning mobile applications on both iOS and Android.


Modern Big Data Processing with Hadoop. Expert techniques for architecting end-to-end big data solutions to get valuable insights

V Naresh Kumar, Prashant Shindgikar

The complex structure of data these days requires sophisticated solutions for data transformation, to make the information more accessible to the users.This book empowers you to build such solutions with relative ease with the help of Apache Hadoop, along with a host of other Big Data tools.This book will give you a complete understanding of the data lifecycle management with Hadoop, followed by modeling of structured and unstructured data in Hadoop. It will also show you how to design real-time streaming pipelines by leveraging tools such as Apache Spark, and build efficient enterprise search solutions using Elasticsearch. You will learn to build enterprise-grade analytics solutions on Hadoop, and how to visualize your data using tools such as Apache Superset. This book also covers techniques for deploying your Big Data solutions on the cloud Apache Ambari, as well as expert techniques for managing and administering your Hadoop cluster. By the end of this book, you will have all the knowledge you need to build expert Big Data systems.


Modern R Programming Cookbook. Recipes to simplify your statistical applications

Jaynal Abedin

R is a powerful tool for statistics, graphics, and statistical programming. It is used by tens of thousands of people daily to perform serious statistical analyses. It is a free, open source system whose implementation is the collective accomplishment of many intelligent, hard-working people. There are more than 2,000 available add-ons, and R is a serious rival to all commercial statistical packages. The objective of this book is to show how to work with different programming aspects of R. The emerging R developers and data science could have very good programming knowledge but might have limited understanding about R syntax and semantics. Our book will be a platform develop practical solution out of real world problem in scalable fashion and with very good understanding. You will work with various versions of R libraries that are essential for scalable data science solutions. You will learn to work with Input / Output issues when working with relatively larger dataset. At the end of this book readers will also learn how to work with databases from within R and also what and how meta programming helps in developing applications.


Modern Time Series Forecasting with Python. Explore industry-ready time series forecasting using modern machine learning and deep learning

Manu Joseph

We live in a serendipitous era where the explosion in the quantum of data collected and a renewed interest in data-driven techniques such as machine learning (ML), has changed the landscape of analytics, and with it, time series forecasting. This book, filled with industry-tested tips and tricks, takes you beyond commonly used classical statistical methods such as ARIMA and introduces to you the latest techniques from the world of ML.This is a comprehensive guide to analyzing, visualizing, and creating state-of-the-art forecasting systems, complete with common topics such as ML and deep learning (DL) as well as rarely touched-upon topics such as global forecasting models, cross-validation strategies, and forecast metrics. You’ll begin by exploring the basics of data handling, data visualization, and classical statistical methods before moving on to ML and DL models for time series forecasting. This book takes you on a hands-on journey in which you’ll develop state-of-the-art ML (linear regression to gradient-boosted trees) and DL (feed-forward neural networks, LSTMs, and transformers) models on a real-world dataset along with exploring practical topics such as interpretability.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build world-class time series forecasting systems and tackle problems in the real world.


MongoDB 4 Quick Start Guide. Learn the skills you need to work with the world's most popular NoSQL database

Doug Bierer

MongoDB has grown to become the de facto NoSQL database with millions of users, from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. It can solve problems that are considered difficult, if not impossible, for aging RDBMS technologies. Written for version 4 of MongoDB, this book is the easiest way to get started with MongoDB.You will start by getting a MongoDB installation up and running in a safe and secure manner. You will learn how to perform mission-critical create, read, update, and delete operations, and set up database security. You will also learn about advanced features of MongoDB such as the aggregation pipeline, replication, and sharding. You will learn how to build a simple web application that uses MongoDB to respond to AJAX queries, and see how to make use of the MongoDB programming language driver for PHP. The examples incorporate new features available in MongoDB version 4 where appropriate.


MongoDB Administrator's Guide. Over 100 practical recipes to efficiently maintain and administer your MongoDB solution

Cyrus Dasadia

MongoDB is a high-performance and feature-rich NoSQL database that forms the backbone of the systems that power many different organizations. Packed with many features that have become essential for many different types of software professional and incredibly easy to use, this cookbook contains more than 100 recipes to address the everyday challenges of working with MongoDB.Starting with database configuration, you will understand the indexing aspects of MongoDB. The book also includes practical recipes on how you can optimize your database query performance, perform diagnostics, and query debugging. You will also learn how to implement the core administration tasks required for high-availability and scalability, achieved through replica sets and sharding, respectively. You will also implement server security concepts such as authentication, user management, role-based access models, and TLS configuration. You will also learn how to back up and recover your database efficiently and monitor server performance.By the end of this book, you will have all the information you need—along with tips, tricks, and best practices—to implement a high-performance MongoDB solution.


Monitoring Docker. Monitor your Docker containers and their apps using various native and third-party tools with the help of this exclusive guide!

Russ McKendrick

This book will show you how monitoring containers and keeping a keen eye on the working of applications helps improve the overall performance of the applications that run on Docker. With the increased adoption of Docker containers, the need to monitor which containers are running, what resources they are consuming, and how these factors affect the overall performance of the system has become the need of the moment.This book covers monitoring containers using Docker's native monitoring functions, various plugins, as well as third-party tools that help in monitoring. Well start with how to obtain detailed stats for active containers, resources consumed, and container behavior. We also show you how to use these stats to improve the overall performance of the system. Next, you will learn how to use SysDig to both view your containers performance metrics in real time and record sessions to query later. By the end of this book, you will have a complete knowledge of how to implement monitoring for your containerized applications and make the most of the metrics you are collecting


MrExcel 2024. Igniting Excel Mastery with the Latest Tips & Tricks

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Bill Jelen

Unlock Excel 2024's potential with this essential guide, featuring 150 advanced techniques designed to elevate your skills. Whether you're automating tasks, creating dynamic dashboards, or utilizing Excel's new AI tools, this guide provides clear, practical instructions. Each chapter is crafted to help you navigate Excel's latest features, from data manipulation to complex formulas and Python integration.This guide offers a hands-on approach, with real-world examples that demonstrate how to apply Excel’s capabilities in practical scenarios. You'll learn to optimize your workflow, enhance data visualization, and make informed decisions based on your analysis. The guide is perfect for intermediate to advanced users looking to stay ahead of the curve and maximize their productivity.By focusing on both the how and the why of each feature, this guide ensures you not only understand the technical steps but also grasp the underlying principles that make these tools powerful. Whether you're a data analyst, financial professional, or business manager, this guide equips you with the skills to transform your Excel experience, making your work more efficient, accurate, and insightful.


MySQL 8 Administrator's Guide. Effective guide to administering high-performance MySQL 8 solutions

Chintan Mehta, Ankit K Bhavsar, Hetal Oza, Subhash Shah

MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the world today. The recently released version 8.0 brings along some major advancements in the way your MySQL solution can be administered. This handbook will be your companion to understand the newly introduced features in MySQL and show you how you can leverage them to design a high-performance MySQL solution for your organization.This book starts with a brief introduction to the new features in MySQL 8, and then quickly jumping onto the crucial administration topics that you will find useful in your day-to-day work. Topics such as migrating to MySQL 8, MySQL benchmarking, achieving high performance by implementing the indexing techniques, and optimizing your queries are covered in this book. You will also learn how to perform replication, scale your MySQL solution and implement effective security techniques. There is also a special section on the common and not so common troubleshooting techniques for effective MySQL administration is also covered in this book. By the end of this highly practical book, you will have all the knowledge you need to tackle any problem you might encounter while administering your MySQL solution.


MySQL 8 Cookbook. Over 150 recipes for high-performance database querying and administration

Karthik Appigatla

MySQL is one of the most popular and widely used relational databases in the World today. The recently released MySQL 8 version promises to be better and more efficient than ever before.This book contains everything you need to know to be the go-to person in your organization when it comes to MySQL. Starting with a quick installation and configuration of your MySQL instance, the book quickly jumps into the querying aspects of MySQL. It shows you the newest improvements in MySQL 8 and gives you hands-on experience in managing high-transaction and real-time datasets. If you've already worked with MySQL before and are looking to migrate your application to MySQL 8, this book will also show you how to do that. The book also contains recipes on efficient MySQL administration, with tips on effective user management, data recovery, security, database monitoring, performance tuning, troubleshooting, and more.With quick solutions to common and not-so-common problems you might encounter while working with MySQL 8, the book contains practical tips and tricks to give you the edge over others in designing, developing, and administering your database effectively.


MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat. Master the tools you thought you knew and discover the features you never knew existed with this book and

Gökhan Ozar

Any database designer who wants to accomplish both everyday tasks and more advanced actions with a few clicks or drag-and-drops can now do so using Navicat's advanced tools and this book.Starting with the basics before progressing with advanced features, this book can be read from cover to cover, or simply used as a reference guide for any problems you encounter.The book features 'work along' tutorials, some of which will surprise you by revealing features of Navicat which you may never have known existed ñ features such as designing functions and stored procedures, event triggers, creating batch jobs and scheduling.MySQL Management and Administration with Navicat is an ideal resource to master Navicat and unlock its true potential.


Natural Language Processing Fundamentals. Build intelligent applications that can interpret the human language to deliver impactful results

Sohom Ghosh, Dwight Gunning

If NLP hasn't been your forte, Natural Language Processing Fundamentals will make sure you set off to a steady start. This comprehensive guide will show you how to effectively use Python libraries and NLP concepts to solve various problems.You'll be introduced to natural language processing and its applications through examples and exercises. This will be followed by an introduction to the initial stages of solving a problem, which includes problem definition, getting text data, and preparing it for modeling. With exposure to concepts like advanced natural language processing algorithms and visualization techniques, you'll learn how to create applications that can extract information from unstructured data and present it as impactful visuals. Although you will continue to learn NLP-based techniques, the focus will gradually shift to developing useful applications. In these sections, you'll understand how to apply NLP techniques to answer questions as can be used in chatbots. By the end of this book, you'll be able to accomplish a varied range of assignments ranging from identifying the most suitable type of NLP task for solving a problem to using a tool like spacy or gensim for performing sentiment analysis. The book will easily equip you with the knowledge you need to build applications that interpret human language.


Natural Language Understanding with Python. Combine natural language technology, deep learning, and large language models to create human-like language comprehension in computer systems

Deborah A. Dahl

Natural Language Understanding facilitates the organization and structuring of language allowing computer systems to effectively process textual information for various practical applications. Natural Language Understanding with Python will help you explore practical techniques for harnessing NLU to create diverse applications. with step-by-step explanations of essential concepts and practical examples, you’ll begin by learning about NLU and its applications. You’ll then explore a wide range of current NLU techniques and their most appropriate use-case. In the process, you’ll be introduced to the most useful Python NLU libraries. Not only will you learn the basics of NLU, you’ll also discover practical issues such as acquiring data, evaluating systems, and deploying NLU applications along with their solutions. The book is a comprehensive guide that’ll help you explore techniques and resources that can be used for different applications in the future.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-versed with the concepts of natural language understanding, deep learning, and large language models (LLMs) for building various AI-based applications.


Neural Search - From Prototype to Production with Jina. Build deep learning–powered search systems that you can deploy and manage with ease

Bo Wang, Cristian Mitroi, Feng Wang, Shubham Saboo, ...

Search is a big and ever-growing part of the tech ecosystem. Traditional search, however, has limitations that are hard to overcome because of the way it is designed. Neural search is a novel approach that uses the power of machine learning to retrieve information using vector embeddings as first-class citizens, opening up new possibilities of improving the results obtained through traditional search.Although neural search is a powerful tool, it is new and finetuning it can be tedious as it requires you to understand the several components on which it relies. Jina fills this gap by providing an infrastructure that reduces the time and complexity involved in creating deep learning–powered search engines. This book will enable you to learn the fundamentals of neural networks for neural search, its strengths and weaknesses, as well as how to use Jina to build a search engine. With the help of step-by-step explanations, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, you'll become well-versed with the basics of neural search and core Jina concepts, and learn to apply this knowledge to build your own search engine.By the end of this deep learning book, you'll be able to make the most of Jina's neural search design patterns to build an end-to-end search solution for any modality.


NoSQL, NewSQL i BigData. Bazy danych następnej generacji

Guy Harrison

Model relacyjnej bazy danych zdecydowanie dominował wśród technologii bazodanowych przez ostatnie 20 lat. Poszczególne rozwiązania były do siebie na tyle podobne, że decyzja o zastosowaniu relacyjnej bazy danych stała się oczywista. Architektura rozwiązań tego typu była zbliżona, a różnice polegały głównie na koszcie wdrożenia, wydajności, niezawodności i łatwości użycia aplikacji. Obecnie sytuacja diametralnie się zmieniła: powstało wiele radykalnie różniących się od siebie technologii bazodanowych, a wybór właściwej bazy danych stał się złożonym zadaniem, wymagającym sporej wiedzy i obarczonym poważnymi konsekwencjami natury ekonomicznej i technologicznej. Ta książka szczególnie przyda się architektom technologii informatycznych, administratorom baz danych i projektantom, którzy do wykonywania swoich obowiązków potrzebują wiedzy o najświeższych rozwiązaniach z dziedziny technologii baz danych. Omówiono tu najnowsze, wykorzystywane obecnie technologie baz danych. Wyjaśniono, w jakim celu zaprojektowano każdą z nich. Zaprezentowano możliwości poszczególnych baz danych oraz ich potencjał w rozwiązywaniu realnych problemów biznesowych i problemów z aplikacjami. Co najważniejsze, ukazano różnice w architekturze między technologiami, które mają kluczowe znaczenie przy wyborze platformy baz danych dla nowych i planowanych projektów. W tej książce między innymi: Co zrewolucjonizowało bazy danych Google, Hadoop i koncepcja BigData Pamięciowe i rozproszone bazy danych NoSQL, CQL i nowe odsłony SQL Hybrydowe bazy danych Oracle NoSQL i BigData: potężne bazy danych przyszłości!


Nowe usługi 2.0. Przewodnik po analizie zbiorów danych

Toby Segaran

Wykorzystaj dane z sieci do własnych potrzeb! Internet to nic innego jak gigantyczny zbiór danych. Każdy, kto znajdzie sposób na ich umiejętne wykorzystanie, ma szansę zbudować aplikację, która odniesie światowy sukces. Serwisy randkowe, portale społecznościowe, porównywarki cen — to tylko drobna część serwisów, które możesz wykorzystać przy tworzeniu nowej usługi. Jak analizować dane i wyciągnąć wnioski? Na wiele podobnych pytań odpowiada ta jedyna w swoim rodzaju książka. W trakcie lektury poznasz najlepsze sposoby filtrowania danych, tworzenia rekomendacji, wykrywania grup oraz wyszukiwania i klasyfikowania. Na kolejnych stronach znajdziesz bogaty zbiór informacji poświęconych algorytmom analizującym dane. Ponadto będziesz mieć możliwość zapoznania się z różnymi sposobami optymalizacji, modelowania przy użyciu drzew decyzyjnych oraz tworzenia modeli cenowych. Książka ta w rękach wprawnego programisty może stanowić niesamowite narzędzie. Otwiera wrota do świata pełnego danych i zależności pomiędzy nimi! Dzięki tej książce: poznasz najlepsze i najskuteczniejsze algorytmy do analizy danych zbudujesz model cen nauczysz się korzystać z drzew decyzyjnych zastosujesz dane z sieci do budowy nowych usług Wyciągnij właściwe wnioski z posiadanych danych!   „Brawo! Nic lepszego nie przychodzi mi na myśl w przypadku programisty, który zaczyna dopiero przygodę z opisanymi w książce algorytmami i metodami. Sam (jako stary »wyjadacz« od sztucznej inteligencji) sięgnąłbym po nią w pierwszej kolejności, żeby odświeżyć swoją znajomość szczegółów.” Dan Russell, główny specjalista ds. technologii, firma Google „W książce Toby’ego w znakomity sposób dokonano rozbicia złożonego zagadnienia dotyczącego algorytmów uczenia maszynowego na praktyczne i łatwe do zrozumienia przykłady, które mogą być bezpośrednio używane do analizowania interakcji społecznościowej w obecnym internecie. Jeśli ta książka trafiła w moje ręce dwa lata wcześniej, zaoszczędziłbym mój cenny czas, gdy podążałem bezowocnymi ścieżkami.” Tim Wolters, szef ds. technologii, firma Collective Intellect


Numerical Computing with Python. Harness the power of Python to analyze and find hidden patterns in the data

Pratap Dangeti, Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim, ...

Data mining, or parsing the data to extract useful insights, is a niche skill that can transform your career as a data scientist Python is a flexible programming language that is equipped with a strong suite of libraries and toolkits, and gives you the perfect platform to sift through your data and mine the insights you seek. This Learning Path is designed to familiarize you with the Python libraries and the underlying statistics that you need to get comfortable with data mining.You will learn how to use Pandas, Python's popular library to analyze different kinds of data, and leverage the power of Matplotlib to generate appealing and impressive visualizations for the insights you have derived. You will also explore different machine learning techniques and statistics that enable you to build powerful predictive models.By the end of this Learning Path, you will have the perfect foundation to take your data mining skills to the next level and set yourself on the path to become a sought-after data science professional.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• Statistics for Machine Learning by Pratap Dangeti• Matplotlib 2.x By Example by Allen Yu, Claire Chung, Aldrin Yim• Pandas Cookbook by Theodore Petrou