Analiza danych

Python. Podstawy nauki o danych. Wydanie II

Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron

Python: Real World Machine Learning. Take your Python Machine learning skills to the next level

Prateek Joshi, Luca Massaron, John Hearty, Alberto Boschetti, ...

Python: Real-World Data Science. Real-World Data Science

Fabrizio Romano, Dusty Phillips, Phuong Vo.T.H, Martin Czygan, ...

Python Social Media Analytics. Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, and more

Siddhartha Chatterjee, Michal Krystyanczuk

Python. Uczenie maszynowe

Sebastian Raschka

Python w analizie danych. Przetwarzanie danych za pomocą pakietów pandas i NumPy oraz środowiska Jupyter. Wydanie III

Wes McKinney

Python Web Scraping Cookbook. Over 90 proven recipes to get you scraping with Python, microservices, Docker, and AWS

Michael Heydt

Python Web Scraping. Hands-on data scraping and crawling using PyQT, Selnium, HTML and Python - Second Edition

Katharine Jarmul