Analiza danych

PyTorch 1.x Reinforcement Learning Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to design, develop, and deploy self-learning AI models using Python

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu

QGIS:Becoming a GIS Power User. Master data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques in QGIS and become a GIS power user

Ben Mearns, Alex Mandel, Alexander Bruy, Anita Graser, ...

Qlik Sense: Advanced Data Visualization for Your Organization. Create smart data visualizations and predictive analytics solutions

Henric Cronström, Ferran Garcia Pagans, Neeraj Kharpate, James Richardson, ...

Qlik Sense Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on data analytics to solve business intelligence challenges - Second Edition

Pablo Labbe, Philip Hand, Neeraj Kharpate

QlikView: Advanced Data Visualization. Discover deeper insights with Qlikview by building your own rich analytical applications from scratch

Miguel Angel Garcia, Barry Harmsen, Stephen Redmond, Karl Pover

QlikView for Developers Cookbook. Take your QlikView training to the next level with this brilliant book that's packed with recipes which progress from intermediate to advanced. The step-by step-approach makes learning easy and enjoyable

Stephen Redmond

R Bioinformatics Cookbook. Use R and Bioconductor to perform RNAseq, genomics, data visualization, and bioinformatic analysis

Dan MacLean