Analiza danych

Tableau Cookbook - Recipes for Data Visualization. Click here to enter text

Shweta Sankhe-Savale

Tableau: Creating Interactive Data Visualizations. Creating Interactive Data Visualizations

Matt Floyd, Jen Stirrup, Ashley Ohmann, Ashutosh Nandeshwar

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate: Exam Guide. Develop your Tableau skills and prepare for Tableau certification with tips from industry experts

Dmitry Anoshin, JC Gillet, Fabian Peri, Radhika Biyani, ...

Tech Trends of the 4th Industrial Revolution. Navigating the Future of Technology in Business

Mercury Learning and Information, D. Pyo, J. Hwang, Y. Yoon

TensorFlow 1.x Deep Learning Cookbook. Over 90 unique recipes to solve artificial-intelligence driven problems with Python

Antonio Gulli, Amita Kapoor

TensorFlow 2.0 Quick Start Guide. Get up to speed with the newly introduced features of TensorFlow 2.0

Tony Holdroyd

TensorFlow Deep Learning Projects. 10 real-world projects on computer vision, machine translation, chatbots, and reinforcement learning

Abhishek Thakur, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron, Alexey Grigorev, ...

TensorFlow Machine Learning Cookbook. Over 60 practical recipes to help you master Google’s TensorFlow machine learning library

Nick McClure