
Niniejsza kategoria naszej biblioteki cyfrowej przyda się zwłaszcza menedżerom, dyrektorom, prezesom i właścicielom firm. Zawarte tutaj publikacje omawiają różne zagadnienia dotyczące zarządzania organizacjami, dbania o ich bezpieczeństwo, kontrolowania jakości itp. Dowiedz się zatem, jak podejmować trafne decyzje strategiczne.

Mastering Customer Success. Discover tactics to decrease churn and expand revenue

Jeff Mar, Peter Armaly, Mark Stouse

Mastering JBoss Drools 6. Discover the power of Drools 6 and Business Rules for developing complex scenarios in your applications

Mariano De Maio, Mauricio Salatino, Esteban Aliverti

Mastering Management Styles: Expert Guidance for Managers. Discover and perfect your ultimate management style for success in your role with this book and

Harris M Silverman

Mastering Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Online. A complete guide to boosting organizational efficiency with Microsoft 365's real-world solutions

Rodrigo Pinto

Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. The complete guide for designing and integrating advanced Business Central solutions - Second Edition

Stefano Demiliani, Duilio Tacconi

Mastering Project Management with ClickUp for Work and Home Life Balance. A step-by-step implementation and optimization guide to unlocking the power of ClickUp and AI

Edward Unger, Ryan Coyne

Mastering PyTorch. Create and deploy deep learning models from CNNs to multimodal models, LLMs, and beyond - Second Edition

Ashish Ranjan Jha

Mastering QuickBooks 2020. The ultimate guide to bookkeeping and QuickBooks Online

Crystalynn Shelton