Operational systems

In this category of our online library you will find books on operating systems. Some of them are introductions to software such as Windows, Linux or Android. Others dive into more technical issues regarding the configuration of these systems and the tools used on them, such as Ansible.

ABC komputera. Wydanie 10

Piotr Wróblewski

ABC komputera. Wydanie XI

Piotr Wróblewski

ABC komputera. Wydanie XII

Piotr Wróblewski

ABC Linux. Wydanie II

Radosław Sokół

ABC systemu Windows 10 PL

Danuta Mendrala, Marcin Szeliga

ABC systemu Windows 7 PL

Danuta Mendrala, Marcin Szeliga

ABC systemu Windows 8 PL

Danuta Mendrala, Marcin Szeliga

Active Directory Administration Cookbook. Actionable, proven solutions to identity management and authentication on servers and in the cloud

Sander Berkouwer

Active Directory Administration Cookbook. Proven solutions to everyday identity and authentication challenges for both on-premises and the cloud - Second Edition

Sander Berkouwer

Active Directory Windows Server 2008 Resource Kit

Stan Reimer, Conan Kezema, Mike Mulcare, Byron Wright

Active Directory with PowerShell. Learn to configure and manage Active Directory using PowerShell in an efficient and smart way


Administracja systemami Linux. Programowanie w powłoce bash

Andrzej Chmielewski; Ireneusz Mrozek; Eugenia Busłowska

Administrowanie sieciowymi systemami operacyjnymi Windows Serwer i Linux Serwer

Bartosz Mrosek, Krzysztof Chrobok

Advanced Infrastructure Penetration Testing. Defend your systems from methodized and proficient attackers

Chiheb Chebbi

Advanced Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure. Design complex serverless systems quickly with the scalability and benefits of Azure

Daniel Bass

Agile Security Operations. Engineering for agility in cyber defense, detection, and response

Hinne Hettema

AIX, PowerVM - UNIX, wirtualizacja, bezpieczeństwo. Podręcznik administratora

Sebastian Biedroń

Amazon Fargate Quick Start Guide. Learn how to use AWS Fargate to run containers with ease

Deepak Vohra

Amazon SageMaker Best Practices. Proven tips and tricks to build successful machine learning solutions on Amazon SageMaker

Sireesha Muppala, Randy DeFauw, Shelbee Eigenbrode

Android Things Quick Start Guide. Build your own smart devices using the Android Things platform

Raul Portales

Animating SwiftUI Applications. Create visually stunning and engaging animations for iOS with SwiftUI

Stephen DeStefano, J.D. Gauchat

Ansible 2 Cloud Automation Cookbook. Write Ansible playbooks for AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack

Aditya Patawari, Vikas Aggarwal

Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarządzanie konfiguracją i wdrażanie aplikacji

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Ansible Quick Start Guide. Control and monitor infrastructures of any size, physical or virtual

Mohamed Alibi