Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

Deep Learning with Theano. Perform large-scale numerical and scientific computations efficiently

Christopher Bourez

Deep learning z TensorFlow 2 i Keras dla zaawansowanych. Sieci GAN i VAE, deep RL, uczenie nienadzorowane, wykrywanie i segmentacja obiektów i nie tylko. Wydanie II

Rowel Atienza

Deep Reinforcement Learning Hands-On. Apply modern RL methods, with deep Q-networks, value iteration, policy gradients, TRPO, AlphaGo Zero and more

Maxim Lapan

Democratizing Application Development with Betty Blocks. Build powerful applications that impact business immediately with no-code app development

Reinier van Altena

Democratizing Artificial Intelligence with UiPath. Expand automation in your organization to achieve operational efficiency and high performance

Fanny Ip, Jeremiah Crowley, Tom Torlone

De-Mystifying Math and Stats for Machine Learning. Mastering the Fundamentals of Mathematics and Statistics for Machine Learning

Seaport AI

Design Thinking. Jak wykorzystać myślenie projektowe do zwiększenia zysków Twojej firmy

Danuta Piasecka

Developer, Advocate!. Conversations on turning a passion for talking about tech into a career

Geertjan Wielenga

Developing Kaggle Notebooks. Pave your way to becoming a Kaggle Notebooks Grandmaster

Gabriel Preda, D. Sculley, Anthony Goldbloom

DevOps Adoption Strategies: Principles, Processes, Tools, and Trends. Embracing DevOps through effective culture, people, and processes

Martyn Coupland

DevOps Paradox. The truth about DevOps by the people on the front line

Viktor Farcic

Digital Transformation and Modernization with IBM API Connect. A practical guide to developing, deploying, and managing high-performance and secure hybrid-cloud APIs

Bryon Kataoka, James Brennan, Ashish Aggarwal, Matt Roberts

Digital Transformation with Dataverse for Teams. Become a citizen developer and lead the digital transformation wave with Microsoft Teams and Power Platform

Srikumar Nair, Charles Lamanna

Distributed Data Systems with Azure Databricks. Create, deploy, and manage enterprise data pipelines

Alan Bernardo Palacio

Distributed Machine Learning with Python. Accelerating model training and serving with distributed systems

Guanhua Wang

Dodaj mocy Power BI! Jak za pomocą kodu w Pythonie i R pobierać, przekształcać i wizualizować dane

Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri