
Nasze książki online z kategorii Gry poruszają zróżnicowaną tematykę. Znajdziesz tutaj przewodniki dotyczące konkretnych, popularnych gier. Inne publikacje wprowadzają w takie zagadnienia, jak e-sport oraz grywalizacja. Zajrzyj także do poradników, które uczą, jak za pomocą C#, C++ oraz innych języków programować gry.

Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020. An enjoyable and intuitive approach to getting started with C# programming and Unity - Fifth Edition

Harrison Ferrone

Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021. Kickstart your C# programming and Unity journey by building 3D games from scratch - Sixth Edition

Harrison Ferrone

Learning Cocos2d-JS Game Development. Learn to create robust and engaging cross-platform HTML5 games using Cocos2d-JS

Emanuele Feronato

Learning Cocos2d-x Game Development. Learn cross-platform game development with Cocos2d-x

Siddharth Shekar

Learning Construct 2. Design and create your own engaging, extensible, and addictive game using Construct 2

Aryadi Subagio

Learning Design Patterns with Unity. Learn the secret of popular design patterns while building fun, efficient games in Unity 2023 and C#

Harrison Ferrone

Learning GDScript by Developing a Game with Godot 4. A fun introduction to programming in GDScript 2.0 and game development using the Godot Engine

Sander Vanhove

Learning Ionic. Hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS3, and Angular - Second Edition

Arvind Ravulavaru