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Learning ServiceNow. Administration and development on the Now platform, for powerful IT automation - Second Edition

Tim Woodruff

Learning ServiceNow. Get started with ServiceNow administration and development to manage and automate your IT Service Management processes

Tim Woodruff, Sylvain Hauser

Learning Tableau 10. Business Intelligence and data visualization that brings your business into focus - Second Edition

Joshua N. Milligan

Learning Tableau 2019. Tools for Business Intelligence, data prep, and visual analytics - Third Edition

Joshua N. Milligan

Learning Tableau. Leverage the power of Tableau 9.0 to design rich data visualizations and build fully interactive dashboards

Joshua N. Milligan

Learning VMware vSphere. Click here to enter text

Rebecca Fitzhugh, Abhilash G B

Mahara ePortfolios: Beginner's Guide. Create your own ePortfolio and communities of interest within an educational and professional organization with this book and

Thomas Bell, Derrin Kent, Richard Hand, Thomas W. Bell, ...

Makra i VBA w tydzień. Odkryj potęgę programowania!

Mateusz Boryga