

Automatyzacja przepływów pracy z Microsoft Power Automate. Transformacja cyfrowa procesów biznesowych. Wydanie II

Aaron Guilmette

Płynne przepływy pracy są warunkiem efektywności w biznesie. Niekiedy jednak uzyskanie tego stanu bywa utrudnione przez konieczność korzystania z wielu oddzielonych od siebie narzędzi, aplikacji czy systemów. Rozwiązaniem tych problemów jest Microsoft Power Automate - narzędzie biznesowe, które nie wymaga użycia dużej ilości kodu, a poprawia wydajność pracy, zaprojektowane w celu ułatwienia automatyzacji w wypadku aplikacji zarówno lokalnych, jak i umieszczonych w chmurze. Oto obszerne i praktyczne wprowadzenie do pracy z usługą Power Automate. Pokazano tu, jak skonfigurować zautomatyzowane przepływy pracy, nawet jeśli procesy biznesowe wymagają korzystania z setek aplikacji. Wyjaśniono, w jaki sposób korzystać z łączników, wyzwalaczy i akcji, przedstawiono też metody zarządzania danymi użytkowników, dokumentami i zatwierdzeniami. W tym wydaniu książki zaprezentowano również nowe możliwości usługi Power Automate, takie jak zastosowanie narzędzia RPA do automatyzacji starszych aplikacji, interakcja z interfejsem API aplikacji Microsoft Graph i korzystanie z modeli sztucznej inteligencji w celu przeprowadzenia analizy sentymentu. Treść została uzupełniona rzeczywistymi przykładami i praktycznymi projektami, które pokazują, jak zastępować powtarzające się zadania nowoczesną technologią. Dzięki książce: płynnie rozpoczniesz pracę z usługą Power Automate zautomatyzujesz przepływy pracy i połączysz ze sobą aplikacje biznesowe dostosujesz przepływy aplikacji Power Automate Desktop do swoich wymagań nauczysz się tworzyć złożone bazy danych i przepływy zatwierdzania poznasz podstawowe możliwości narzędzia RPA skorzystasz z analizy sentymentu opartej na modelu AI Przekonaj się, co Power Automate może zrobić za Ciebie!


Avid Media Composer 6.x Cookbook. What better way to learn the professional editing possibilities of Avid Media Composer than by trying out practical, real-world examples? This book has over 160 hands-on recipes and guidance covering both basic and advanced techniques

Benjamin Hershleder

Avid Media Composer has become the tool of choice by editing professionals worldwide. Whether your project involves editing television programming, independent films, corporate industrials or commercials, this cookbook shows you exactly how to do so in a step-by-step and practical manner, and get the most out of Avid Media Composer editing.Avid Media Composer 6.x Cookbook is an expert, clear and logically-sequenced resource with highly effective recipes for learning Avid Media Composer essentials and beyond. It's task-based approach will help users at all experience levels gain a deeper, more thorough understanding of the software.It will help you master the essential, core editing features as well as reveal numerous tips and tricks that editors can benefit from immediately. Just some of the topics include understanding Import settings, mixing frame rates and understanding AMA (Avid Media Access), along with thorough explanations of Trim Mode, Segment Mode, and the Smart Tool. You will learn to customize your work environment with Workspaces, Bin Layouts, Timeline Views, Bin Views, Keyboard Mapping, and much more. The recipes inside are packed with practical examples, time-saving tools and methods to get you working faster and more confidently so that you can spend less time dealing with technical and operational issues and instead focusing on being creative.


AWS Administration - The Definitive Guide. Learn to design, build, and manage your infrastructure on the most popular of all the Cloud platforms - Amazon Web Services

Yohan Wadia, Naveen Kumar Vijayakumar

AWS is at the forefront of Cloud Computing today. Many businesses are moving away from traditional datacenters and toward AWS because of its reliability, vast service offerings, lower costs, and high rate of innovation. Because of its versatility and flexible design, AWS can be used to accomplish a variety of simple and complicated tasks such as hosting multitier websites, running large scale parallel processing, content delivery, petabyte storage and archival, and lots more.Whether you are a seasoned sysadmin or a rookie, this book will provide you with all the necessary skills to design, deploy, and manage your applications on the AWS cloud platform. The book guides you through the core AWS services such as IAM, EC2, VPC, RDS, and S3 using a simple real world application hosting example that you can relate to. Each chapter is designed to provide you with the most information possible about a particular AWS service coupled with easy to follow hands-on steps, best practices, tips, and recommendations. By the end of the book, you will be able to create a highly secure, fault tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.


AWS CDK in Practice. Unleash the power of ordinary coding and streamline complex cloud applications on AWS

Mark Avdi, Leo Lam

As cloud applications are becoming more complex, multiple tools and services have emerged to cater to the challenges of running reliable solutions. Although infrastructure as code, containers, and orchestration tools, such as Kubernetes, have proved to be efficient in solving these challenges, AWS CDK represents a paradigm shift in building easily developed, extended, and maintained applications.With AWS CDK in Practice, you’ll start by setting up basic day-to-day infrastructure while understanding the new prospects that CDK offers. You’ll learn how to set up pipelines for building CDK applications on the cloud that are long-lasting, agile, and maintainable. You’ll also gain practical knowledge of container-based and serverless application development. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to leverage AWS CDK to build cloud solutions using code instead of configuration files. Finally, you’ll explore current community best practices for solving production issues when dealing with CDK applications.By the end of this book, you’ll have practical knowledge of CDK, and you’ll be able to leverage the power of AWS with code that is simple to write and maintain using AWS CDK.


AWS Cloud Computing Concepts and Tech Analogies. A guide to understand AWS services using easy-to-follow analogies from real life

Ashish Prajapati, Juan Carlos Ruiz, Marco Tamassia

This book makes understanding cloud computing easy by providing relatable examples that simplify the complex technology. By drawing parallels between cloud concepts and everyday scenarios, we will demystify cloud tech, and once you start to understand it, learning cloud computing will be more enjoyable.This book will help you learn about cloud computing in general and AWS specifically, as you follow the journey of TrendyCorp—a fictitious company gearing up to move from traditional IT to cloud computing. You’ll shape your understanding of the cloud through scenarios of interactions between TrendyCorp’s new hires, seasoned IT professionals, external consultants, and the board of directors engaged in modernizing their applications. These characters’ discussions and actions are focused on learning about cloud services by drawing comparisons between the technology and examples taken from real life. Through this book, you’ll realize that cloud computing concepts have more in common with your day-to-day scenarios and situations than you’ve ever imagined.This book offers a conversational and entertaining narrative that anyone working in IT and looking to understand how the cloud works will be able to follow. By the end of it, you’ll have developed a clear and simplified perspective of cloud technologies.


AWS DevOps Simplified. Build a solid foundation in AWS to deliver enterprise-grade software solutions at scale

Akshay Kapoor, Paul Duvall

DevOps and AWS are the two key enablers for the success of any modern software-run business. DevOps accelerates software delivery, while AWS offers a plethora of services, allowing developers to prioritize business outcomes without worrying about undifferentiated heavy lifting. This book focuses on the synergy between them, equipping you with strong foundations, hands-on examples, and a strategy to accelerate your DevOps journey on AWS.AWS DevOps Simplified is a practical guide that starts with an introduction to AWS DevOps offerings and aids you in choosing a cloud service that fits your company's operating model. Following this, it provides hands-on tutorials on the GitOps approach to software delivery, covering immutable infrastructure and pipelines, using tools such as Packer, CDK, and CodeBuild/CodeDeploy. Additionally, it provides you with a deep understanding of AWS container services and how to implement observability and DevSecOps best practices to build and operate your multi-account, multi-Region AWS environments.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with solutions and ready-to-deploy code samples that address common DevOps challenges faced by enterprises hosting workloads in the cloud.


Azure Networking Cookbook. Practical recipes to manage network traffic in Azure, optimize performance, and secure Azure resources

Mustafa Toroman

Microsoft provides organizations with an effective way of managing their network with Azure's networking services. No matter the size of your organization, Azure provides a way to highly reliable performance and secure connectivity with its networking services. The book starts with an introduction to the Azure networking like creating Azure virtual networks, designing address spaces and subnets. Then you will learn to create and manage network security groups, application security groups, and IP addresses in Azure. Gradually, we move on to various aspects like S2S, P2S, and Vnet2Vnet connections, DNS and routing, load balancers and traffic manager. This book will cover every aspect and function required to deliver practical recipes to help readers learn from basic cloud networking practices to planning, implementing, and securing their infrastructure network with Azure. Readers will not only be able to upscale their current environment but will also learn to monitor, diagnose, and ensure secure connectivity. After learning to deliver a robust environment readers will also gain meaningful insights from recipes on best practices.By the end of this book, readers will gain hands-on experience in providing cost-effective solutions that benefit organizations.


Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook. Build and monitor Azure applications hosted on serverless architecture using Azure Functions - Second Edition

Praveen Kumar Sreeram, Jason Marston

Microsoft provides a solution for easily running small segments of code in the cloud with Azure Functions. The second edition of Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook starts with intermediate-level recipes on serverless computing along with some use cases demonstrating the benefits and key features of Azure Functions. You’ll explore the core aspects of Azure Functions, such as the services it provides, how you can develop and write Azure Functions, and how to monitor and troubleshoot them.As you make your way through the chapters, you’ll get practical recipes on integrating DevOps with Azure Functions, and providing continuous integration and continuous deployment with Azure DevOps. This book also provides hands-on, step-by-step tutorials based on real-world serverless use cases to guide you through configuring and setting up your serverless environments with ease. You will also learn how to build solutions for complex, real-world, workflow-based scenarios quickly and with minimal code using Durable Functions. In the concluding chapters, you will ensure enterprise-level security within your serverless environment. The most common tips and tricks that you need to be aware of when working with Azure Functions on production environments will also be covered in this book.By the end of this book, you will have all the skills required for working with serverless code architecture, providing continuous delivery to your users.


Azure Serverless Computing Cookbook. Build applications hosted on serverless architecture using Azure Functions

Praveen Kumar Sreeram

Microsoft provides a solution to easily run small segment of code in the Cloud with Azure Functions. Azure Functions provides solutions for processing data, integrating systems, and building simple APIs and microservices.The book starts with intermediate-level recipes on serverless computing along with some use cases on benefits and key features of Azure Functions. Then, we’ll deep dive into the core aspects of Azure Functions such as the services it provides, how you can develop and write Azure functions, and how to monitor and troubleshoot them. Moving on, you’ll get practical recipes on integrating DevOps with Azure functions, and providing continuous integration and continous deployment with Visual Studio Team Services. It also provides hands-on steps and tutorials based on real-world serverless use cases, to guide you through configuring and setting up your serverless environments with ease. Finally, you’ll see how to manage Azure functions, providing enterprise-level security and compliance to your serverless code architecture. By the end of this book, you will have all the skills required to work with serverless code architecture, providing continuous delivery to your users.


Becoming a Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Solution Architect. Implement industry-grade finance and supply chain solutions for successful enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Brent Dawson, Laurynas Merkelis

Implementing an ERP project is a daunting task, and it can often get derailed due to several reasons, including but not limited to inefficient planning, inadequate resource scoping, insufficient working knowledge of ERP systems, and more. Becoming a Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Solution Architect helps you understand the intricacies of ERP project implementation for seamless deployment.This comprehensive guide helps you gain a deep understanding of how to implement and optimize robust business applications that meet the evolving needs of organizations. You’ll discover various integration methodologies to integrate different software applications and plan successful data migration seamlessly. By leveraging the author’s expertise, you’ll explore different challenges that can lead to project failure or cost/time overruns, along with customized solutions to maneuver past those issues for a successful outcome.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to identify potential issues that can negatively impact the delivery of the project and make design decisions that will prevent any potential negative impact on the design and functionality of the system at go-live stage.


Becoming a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate. Optimize and streamline supply chain management processes to improve outcomes and reduce costs

Juan Bravo Vargas, Mariano Martínez Melo, Tommy Skaue

Meeting delivery commitments has become increasingly challenging due to evolving demands and fluctuating material availability. As a result, establishing robust systems and processes that can adapt to this dynamic environment has become a necessity. With Becoming a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate, you’ll understand how to initiate and implement effective supply chain management processes.This book begins with an overview of the processes and modules within Dynamics 365 and then delves into real-life case studies involving procurement, sales, and quality assurance. You’ll explore more advanced tools and core processes, such as warehouse and transportation management, which allows you to define storage flows and shipping controls. You’ll also learn about the various tools available to define solutions and discover how to work within the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management platform. The last set of chapters will take you through the planning techniques and considerations to schedule and control all supply process flows seamlessly.By the end of this book, you’ll not only be well-prepared to obtain your certification as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate but also be equipped to solidify your expertise and pursue exciting career opportunities.


Big Data Analytics. Real time analytics using Apache Spark and Hadoop

Venkat Ankam

Big Data Analytics book aims at providing the fundamentals of Apache Spark and Hadoop. All Spark components – Spark Core, Spark SQL, DataFrames, Data sets, Conventional Streaming, Structured Streaming, MLlib, Graphx and Hadoop core components – HDFS, MapReduce and Yarn are explored in greater depth with implementation examples on Spark + Hadoop clusters. It is moving away from MapReduce to Spark. So, advantages of Spark over MapReduce are explained at great depth to reap benefits of in-memory speeds. DataFrames API, Data Sources API and new Data set API are explained for building Big Data analytical applications. Real-time data analytics using Spark Streaming with Apache Kafka and HBase is covered to help building streaming applications. New Structured streaming concept is explained with an IOT (Internet of Things) use case. Machine learning techniques are covered using MLLib, ML Pipelines and SparkR and Graph Analytics are covered with GraphX and GraphFrames components of Spark. Readers will also get an opportunity to get started with web based notebooks such as Jupyter, Apache Zeppelin and data flow tool Apache NiFi to analyze and visualize data.


Big Data Analytics with Java. Data analysis, visualization & machine learning techniques


This book covers case studies such as sentiment analysis on a tweet dataset, recommendations on a movielens dataset, customer segmentation on an ecommerce dataset, and graph analysis on actual flights dataset.This book is an end-to-end guide to implement analytics on big data withJava. Java is the de facto language for major big data environments, including Hadoop. This book will teach you how to perform analytics on big data with production-friendly Java. This book basically divided into twosections. The first part is an introduction that will help the readers get acquainted with big data environments, whereas the second part will contain a hardcore discussion on all the concepts in analyticson big data. It will take you from data analysis and data visualization to the core concepts and advantages of machine learning, real-life usage of regression and classification using Naïve Bayes, a deep discussion on the concepts of clustering,and a review of simple neural networkson big data using deepLearning4j or plain Java Spark code. This book is a must-have book for Java developers who want to start learning big data analytics and want to use it in the real world.


Big Data Analytics with SAS. Get actionable insights from your Big Data using the power of SAS

David Pope

SAS has been recognized by Money Magazine and Payscale as one of the top business skills to learn in order to advance one’s career. Through innovative data management, analytics, and business intelligence software and services, SAS helps customers solve their business problems by allowing them to make better decisions faster. This book introduces the reader to the SAS and how they can use SAS to perform efficient analysis on any size data, including Big Data.The reader will learn how to prepare data for analysis, perform predictive, forecasting, and optimization analysis and then deploy or report on the results of these analyses. While performing the coding examples within this book the reader will learn how to use the web browser based SAS Studio and iPython Jupyter Notebook interfaces for working with SAS. Finally, the reader will learn how SAS’s architecture is engineered and designed to scale up and/or out and be combined with the open source offerings such as Hadoop, Python, and R. By the end of this book, you will be able to clearly understand how you can efficiently analyze Big Data using SAS.


Big Data Visualization. Bring scalability and dynamics to your Big Data visualization

James D. Miller

Gain valuable insight into big data analytics with this book. Covering the tools you need to analyse data, together with IBM certified expert James Miller?s insight, this book is the key to data visualization success. ? Learn the tools & techniques to process big data for efficient data visualization ? Packed with insightful real-world use cases ? Addresses the difficulties faced by professionals in the field of big data analytics


BizTalk Server 2010 Cookbook. Over 50 recipes for developers and administrators looking to deliver well-built BizTalk solutions and environments with this book and

Steef-Jan Wiggers

BizTalk enables the integration and managment of automated business processes within or across organizational boundaries. To build a solid BizTalk solution, deploy a robust environment, and keep it running smoothly you sometimes need to broaden your spectrum, explore all possibilities, and choose the best solution for your purpose. By following the recipes in this book you will gain required knowledge and succeed in your implementation.With BizTalk Server 2010 Cookbook, you can leverage and hone your skills. More than 50 recipes will guide you in implementing BizTalk solutions, setting up a robust and well performing BizTalk environment, and choosing the right solution for monitoring it. As a developer or administrator you greatly benefit from taking these recipes to work.In this book a developer and administrator will see how to deploy, build, and maintain a BizTalk environment. How to apply patterns for robust orchestrations, messaging and testing.Administrators will learn to set up an environment using Microsoft best practices and tools to deliver a robust, performing and durable BizTalk environment. Besides setting up their environments administrators can also decide through a number of recipes how to monitor and maintain the environment. A developer can contribute to a healthy environment by implementing instrumentation in artefacts, applying well suited pattern(s) and testing the solutions built.


Building and Delivering Microservices on AWS. Master software architecture patterns to develop and deliver microservices to AWS Cloud

Amar Deep Singh, Jeff Carpenter

Reliable automation is crucial for any code change going into production. A release pipeline enables you to deliver features for your users efficiently and promptly. AWS CodePipeline, with its powerful integration and automation capabilities of building, testing, and deployment, offers a unique solution to common software delivery issues such as outages during deployment, a lack of standard delivery mechanisms, and challenges faced in creating sustainable pipelines.You’ll begin by developing a Java microservice and using AWS services such as CodeCommit, CodeArtifact, and CodeGuru to manage and review the source code. You’ll then learn to use the AWS CodeBuild service to build code and deploy it to AWS infrastructure and container services using the CodeDeploy service. As you advance, you’ll find out how to provision cloud infrastructure using CloudFormation templates and Terraform. The concluding chapters will show you how to combine all these AWS services to create a reliable and automated CodePipeline for delivering microservices from source code check-in to deployment without any downtime. Finally, you’ll discover how to integrate AWS CodePipeline with third-party services such as Bitbucket, Blazemeter, Snyk, and Jenkins.By the end of this microservices book, you’ll have gained the hands-on skills to build release pipelines for your applications.


Building Apple Watch Projects. Click here to enter text

Stuart Grimshaw

With Apple’s eagerly anticipated entry into the wearable arena, the field is wide open for a new era of app development. The Apple Watch is one of the most important technologies of our time. This easy-to-understand book takes beginners on a delightful journey of discovering the features available to the developer, right up to the completion of medium-level projects ready for App Store submission. It provides the fastest way to develop real-world apps for the Apple Watch by teaching you the concepts of Watch UI, visual haptic and audio, message and data exchange between watch and phone, Web communication, and finally Visual, haptic as well as audio feedback for users.By the end of this book, you will have developed at least four fully functioning apps for deployment on watchOS 2.


Building Dashboards with Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016. Excel, Jet Reports, and MS Power BI with GP 2016 - Second Edition

Belinda Allen, Mark Polino

Microsoft Dynamics GP is a complete ERP solution that is extremely beneficial for small to midsize organizations in helping them grow exponentially.The book shows you in detail how to build great-looking dashboards with Microsoft Dynamics GP that enhance a company’s decision-making processes. This guide will take you from the basics of setting up and deploying to creating secure, refreshable Excel reports. Using a whole host of tools available within Microsoft Dynamics GP and Excel, this tutorial will show you how to visualize your data using simple conditional formatting techniques and easy-to-read charts, and allow you to make your data interactive with slicers. We will also cover core topics such as Business Analyzer, Microsoft SQL Reporting services reports, BI360, and more. You will find out to use Power BI, share and refresh data and dashboards in Power BI, and use Power BI Query Editor.By the end of this book, you will have all the information required to build interactive dashboards using Dynamics GP.


Building ERP Solutions with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Solve business scenarios using NAV

Stefano Demiliani

Implementing Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the real world often requires you to integrate the ERP with external applications or solve complex architectural tasks in order to have a final successful project. This book will show you how to extend a Microsoft Dynamics NAV installation to the enterprise world in a practical way.The book starts with an introduction to Microsoft Dynamics NAV architecture and then moves on to advanced topics related to implementing real-world solutions based on NAV and external applications. You will learn how an enterprise distributed architecture with NAV at the core can be implemented. Through a series of real-world cases on every topic and every industry (sales, retail, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, and so on), you’ll see step by step how to efficiently solve a technical problem. These common problems encountered in a NAV implementation will be solved using the entire technology stack that Microsoft offers.By the end of the book, you will have the knowledge to efficiently solve certain scenarios, you will know which is the best solution architecture to propose to a customer and how to implement it.


Building Full Stack DeFi Applications. A practical guide to creating your own decentralized finance projects on blockchain

Samuel Zhou

Enter the world of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) with Building Full Stack DeFi Applications. Understand how this blockchain-based financial technology, designed to manage crypto assets, runs independently without centralized financial institutions like banks and brokerages, eliminating the fees that banks and other financial companies charge for using their services. This book will show you how DeFi solutions are built with smart contracts running on blockchains and how they allow users to gain and earn crypto assets based on the trust of the smart contracts.This book uncovers the inner workings of DeFi by guiding you through the mathematical foundations and teaching you how to build real-world DeFi products with Solidity and JavaScript. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll learn how to implement smart contracts of liquidity pools to trade cryptocurrencies and implement staking, including farming features that allow users to earn. You’ll also find out how to create asset pools that allow users to lend and borrow cryptocurrencies and generate interest. Additionally, you’ll discover how to use Web3 libraries to build the frontend of DeFi products.By the end of this book, you’ll will be well acquainted with popular tools, libraries, and design patterns for implementing a full-stack DeFi application with Web3 and Solidity.


Building IoT Visualizations using Grafana. Power up your IoT projects and monitor with Prometheus, LibreNMS, and Elasticsearch

Rodrigo Juan Hernández

Grafana is a powerful open source software that helps you to visualize and analyze data gathered from various sources. It allows you to share valuable information through unclouded dashboards, run analytics, and send notifications.Building IoT Visualizations Using Grafana offers how-to procedures, useful resources, and advice that will help you to implement IoT solutions with confidence. You’ll begin by installing and configuring Grafana according to your needs. Next, you’ll acquire the skills needed to implement your own IoT system using communication brokers, databases, and metric management systems, as well as integrate everything with Grafana. You’ll learn to collect data from IoT devices and store it in databases, as well as discover how to connect databases to Grafana, make queries, and build insightful dashboards. Finally, the book will help you implement analytics for visualizing data, performing automation, and delivering notifications.By the end of this Grafana book, you’ll be able to build insightful dashboards, perform analytics, and deliver notifications that apply to IoT and IT systems.


Building Modern CLI Applications in Go. Develop next-level CLIs to improve user experience, increase platform usage, and maximize production

Marian Montagnino, William Kennedy

Although graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are intuitive and user-friendly, nothing beats a command-line interface (CLI) when it comes to productivity. Many organizations settle for a GUI without searching for alternatives that offer better accessibility and functionality. If this describes your organization, then pick up this book and get them to rethink that decision.Building Modern CLI Applications in Go will help you achieve an interface that rivals a GUI in elegance yet surpasses it in high-performance execution. Through its practical, step-by-step approach, you’ll learn everything you need to harness the power and simplicity of the Go language to build CLI applications that revolutionize the way you work.After a primer on CLI standards and Go, you’ll be launched into tool design and proper framework use for true development proficiency. The book then moves on to all things CLI, helping you master everything from arguments and flags to errors and API calls. Later, you’ll dive into the nuances of empathic development so that you can ensure the best UX possible, before you finish up with build tags, cross-compilation, and container-based distribution.By the end of this UX book, you’ll be fully equipped to take the performance and flexibility of your organization’s applications to the next level.


Building Slack Bots. Create powerful, useful, fast, and fun chat bots that make Slack better

Paul Asjes

Slack promises that its users will be less busy. Slack bots interact with users in Slack chatrooms, providing useful immediate information, and automating work. This book gives you everything you need to build powerful and useful Slack bots. You’ll see how to hook into the Slack API to create software that can read and post to chatrooms, respond to commands and hints given in natural conversational language, and build fun and useful bots for your own place of work, both as a front end to your own service and to distribute and share as apps. You can even sell your bots and build a business as a Slack bot developer.Throughout the book, you’ll build useful and fun example applications that you can modify for your own situations. These range from simple, fun applications to liven up discussions to useful, data-driven apps to help you make decisions quickly and manage work.