Inne - Programowanie

MERN Quick Start Guide. Build web applications with MongoDB, Express.js, React, and Node

Eddy Wilson Iriarte Koroliova

Micro:bit. Nauka programowania i elektroniki dla małych oraz dużych

Witold Krieser

Microservices Development Cookbook. Design and build independently deployable modular services

Paul Osman

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Extensions Cookbook. Add functionality to existing model elements, source code and finally package and deploy using DevOps

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Financial Management. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Anju Bala, Cristina Nicolas Lorente, Laura Nicolas Lorente

Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Quick Start Guide. Get up and running with Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Alexander Drogin

Microsoft SharePoint 2010 dla programistów

Artur Żarski

Mikrofrontendy w akcji

Michael Geers