
Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook. Transform Big Data into business-critical insights and rethink operational Intelligence with Splunk - Second Edition

Josh Diakun, Derek Mock, Paul R. Johnson

SQL for Data Analytics. Harness the power of SQL to extract insights from data - Third Edition

Jun Shan, Matt Goldwasser, Upom Malik, Benjamin Johnston

SQL Query Design Patterns and Best Practices. A practical guide to writing readable and maintainable SQL queries using its design patterns

Steve Hughes, Dennis Neer, Dr. Ram Babu Singh, Shabbir H. Mala, ...

SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services Cookbook. Your one-stop guide to operational reporting and mobile dashboards using SSRS 2016

Dinesh Priyankara, Robert Cain

Statystyka praktyczna w data science. 50 kluczowych zagadnień w językach R i Python. Wydanie II

Peter Bruce, Andrew Bruce, Peter Gedeck

Storytelling danych. Poradnik wizualizacji danych dla profesjonalistów

Cole Nussbaumer Knaflic

Szeregi czasowe. Praktyczna analiza i predykcja z wykorzystaniem statystyki i uczenia maszynowego

Aileen Nielsen

Tableau Cookbook - Recipes for Data Visualization. Click here to enter text

Shweta Sankhe-Savale

Tableau Desktop Certified Associate: Exam Guide. Develop your Tableau skills and prepare for Tableau certification with tips from industry experts

Dmitry Anoshin, JC Gillet, Fabian Peri, Radhika Biyani, ...

The Art of Data-Driven Business. Transform your organization into a data-driven one with the power of Python machine learning

Alan Bernardo Palacio

The Definitive Guide to Data Integration. Unlock the power of data integration to efficiently manage, transform, and analyze data

Pierre-Yves BONNEFOY, Emeric CHAIZE, Raphaël MANSUY, Mehdi TAZI, ...

The Machine Learning Solutions Architect Handbook. Create machine learning platforms to run solutions in an enterprise setting

David Ping

The Ultimate Guide to Snowpark. Design and deploy Snowpark with Python for efficient data workloads

Shankar Narayanan SGS, Vivekanandan SS, Jeff Hollan

T-SQL dla zaawansowanych. Przewodnik programisty. Wydanie IV

Michael Coles, Jay Natarajan, Miguel Cebollero

Uczenie głębokie od zera. Podstawy implementacji w Pythonie

Seth Weidman

Umiejętności analityczne w pracy z danymi i sztuczną inteligencją. Wykorzystywanie najnowszych technologii w rozwijaniu przedsiębiorstwa

Daniel Vaughan