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Czy chcesz dowiedzieć się, jak dbać o odpowiedni balans bieli i kolorów na zdjęciach? Czy chciałbyś nauczyć się tworzyć wysokiej jakości fotomontaże? Zajrzyj w takim razie do naszej biblioteki cyfrowej związanej z grafiką komputerową. Znajdziesz tutaj praktyczne poradniki dotyczące takich programów jak Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, czy ABC CorelDRAW.


Tworzenie aplikacji dla iOS we Flashu. Receptury

Christopher Caleb

100 praktycznych receptur na rozwijanie aplikacji iOS w programie Flash Professional z użyciem Adobe AIR Środowisko Adobe Flash cieszy się ogromną popularnością. Dzięki niemu użytkownicy mogli po raz pierwszy zobaczyć atrakcyjne wizualnie aplikacje internetowe. Adobe poszło więc o krok dalej - przygotowało środowisko uruchomieniowe Adobe Air. Dzięki niemu raz napisaną aplikację można uruchamiać na różnych platformach. Teraz do tych platform dołączył iOS. Dla Ciebie oznacza to, że wystarczy opanowanie kilku sprawdzonych receptur, by zacząć błyskawicznie przygotowywać aplikacje na urządzenia mobilne spod szyldu Apple. W książce "Flash iOS Apps Cookbook" bez trudu znajdziesz rozwiązania większości typowych problemów. W trakcie lektury nauczysz się wykrywać położenie urządzenia, odtwarzać pliki multimedialne oraz obsługiwać gesty i technologię multi-touch. Ponadto dowiesz się, jak przekształcić dotychczasowe projekty na takie, które uda się uruchomić na platformie iOS, oraz dostosować rozdzielczość w zależności od urządzenia. Książka ta jest idealną pozycją dla osób chcących przygotować uniwersalną aplikację na różne platformy. Sprawdź, jak w Adobe Air dla iOS: korzystać z geolokalizacji sterować za pomocą gestów i wykorzystać możliwości multi-touch odtwarzać pliki multimedialne używać wirtualnej klawiatury wyświetlać strony WWW Twórz uniwersalne aplikacje dzięki mobilnemu środowisku Adobe Air!


Tworzenie nowoczesnych aplikacji graficznych w WPF

Jarosław Cisek

Dobry interfejs graficzny aplikacji Windows? Tylko z WPF! Poznaj metody tworzenia nowoczesnych i spójnych GUI Naucz się korzystać z możliwości WPF i języka XAML Dowiedz się, jak łączyć atrakcyjne interfejsy z logiką programów Windows Presentation Foundation to nowoczesny system graficzny, umożliwiający tworzenie i wyświetlanie atrakcyjnych wizualnie aplikacji okienkowych dla środowiska Windows. Technologia ta powstała w odpowiedzi na stale rosnącą potrzebę dostarczania wysokiej jakości grafiki, której prezentacja opiera się na wykorzystaniu akceleracji sprzętowej i nie wiąże się z dużym obciążeniem zasobów systemowych. Oddzielenie warstwy interfejsu użytkownika od logiki aplikacji umożliwia definiowanie interfejsów przy użyciu deklaratywnego języka XAML. Upraszcza tym samym proces tworzenia przejrzystych i elastycznych GUI. Każdy szanujący się autor programów działających pod kontrolą systemów Windows powinien dobrze opanować WPF, zwłaszcza jeśli ma na celu produkowanie naprawdę interesujących aplikacji okienkowych przy możliwie niewielkim nakładzie sił i środków. Pomoże mu w tym odpowiednie źródło wiedzy, takie jak książka "Tworzenie nowoczesnych aplikacji graficznych w WPF ". W ciekawy i przestępny sposób zostały w niej zaprezentowane najważniejsze informacje na temat korzystania z Windows Presentation Foundation, tworzenia nowoczesnych interfejsów użytkownika, zastosowania języka XAML, a także wyświetlania grafiki i animacji czy obsługi zdarzeń związanych z używaniem różnego rodzaju urządzeń wskazujących. Zasady tworzenia graficznych interfejsów użytkownika Charakterystyka platformy WPF i języka XAML Struktura i typy aplikacji WPF oraz metody ich tworzenia Używanie paneli i zarządzanie układem ich składników Korzystanie z różnego rodzaju kontrolek Definiowanie interfejsów aplikacji systemu Windows 7 Obsługa zdarzeń pochodzących z urządzeń wejściowych Używanie zasobów i wiązanie danych Stosowanie stylów, szablonów, skórek i motywów Prezentacja grafiki 2D, 3D i animacji A wszystko to w oparciu o szereg praktycznych i ciekawych przykładów! Sięgnij po jedną z nielicznych książek poświęconych technologii WPF i twórz nowoczesne aplikacje graficzne!


UI Animations with Lottie and After Effects. Create, render, and ship stunning animations natively on mobile with React Native

Mireia Alegre Ruiz, Emilio Rodriguez Martinez

Lottie is a small and scalable JSON-based animation file. LottieFiles is the platform where Lottie animations can be uploaded, tested, and shared. By combining the LottieFiles plugin and the LottieFiles platform, you’ll be able to create stunning animations that are easy to integrate in any device. You’ll also see how to use the Bodymovin plugin in After Effects to export your animation to a JSON file.The book starts by giving you an overview of Lottie and LottieFiles. As you keep reading, you’ll understand the entire Lottie ecosystem and get hands-on with classic 2D animation principles. You’ll also get a step-by-step guided tour to ideate, sketch for storytelling, design an icon that will fulfill the needs and expectations of users based on UX, and finally animate it in Adobe After Effects. This will help you get familiar with the After Effects environment, work with vector shape layers, create and modify keyframes using layer properties, explore path and mask features, and adjust timing easily to create professional-looking animations.By the end of this animation book, you’ll be able to create and export your own Lottie animations using After Effects and implement them in mobile apps using React Native. You’ll also have an understanding of 2D animation best practices and principles that you can apply in your own projects.


Unity 2017 Game Optimization. Optimize all aspects of Unity performance - Second Edition

Chris Dickinson

Unity is an awesome game development engine. Through its massive feature-set and ease-of-use, Unity helps put some of the best processing and rendering technology in the hands of hobbyists and professionals alike.This book shows you how to make your games fly with the recent version of Unity 2017, and demonstrates that high performance does not need to be limited to games with the biggest teams and budgets.Since nothing turns gamers away from a game faster than a poor user-experience, the book starts by explaining how to use the Unity Profiler to detect problems. You will learn how to use stopwatches, timers and logging methods to diagnose the problem. You will then explore techniques to improve performance through better programming practices. Moving on, you will then learn about Unity’s built-in batching processes; when they can be used to improve performance, and their limitations. Next, you will import your art assets using minimal space, CPU and memory at runtime, and discover some underused features and approaches for managing asset data. You will also improve graphics, particle system and shader performance with a series of tips and tricks to make the most of GPU parallel processing. You will then delve into the fundamental layers of the Unity3D engine to discuss some issues that may be difficult to understand without a strong knowledge of its inner-workings. The book also introduces you to the critical performance problems for VR projects and how to tackle them.By the end of the book, you will have learned to improve the development workflow by properly organizing assets and ways to instantiate assets as quickly and waste-free as possible via object pooling.


Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece with over 70 recipes - Third Edition

John P. Doran, Alan Zucconi

Since their introduction to Unity, shaders have been seen as notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games. Complex mathematics has always stood in the way of creating your own shaders and attaining the level of realism you crave.Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook changes that by giving you a recipe-based guide to creating shaders using Unity. It will show you everything you need to know about vectors, how lighting is constructed with them, and how textures are used to create complex effects without the heavy math.This book starts by teaching you how to use shaders without writing code with the post-processing stack. Then, you’ll learn how to write shaders from scratch, build up essential lighting, and finish by creating stunning screen effects just like those in high-quality 3D and mobile games. You'll discover techniques, such as normal mapping, image-based lighting, and animating your models inside a shader. We'll explore how to use physically based rendering to treat light the way it behaves in the real world. At the end, we’ll even look at Unity 2018’s new Shader Graph system.With this book, what seems like a dark art today will be second nature by tomorrow.


Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 3.x

Ryan Henson Creighton

Beginner game developers are wonderfully optimistic, passionate, and ambitious. But that ambition is often dangerous! Too often, budding indie developers and hobbyists bite off more than they can chew. Some of the most popular games in recent memory – Doodle Jump, Paper Toss, and Canabalt, to name a few – have been fun, simple games that have delighted players and delivered big profits to their creators. This is the perfect climate for new game developers to succeed by creating simple games with Unity.This book starts you off on the right foot, emphasizing small, simple game ideas and playable projects that you can actually finish. The complexity of the games increases gradually as we progress through the chapters. The chosen examples help you learn a wide variety of game development techniques. With this understanding of Unity and bite-sized bits of programming, you can make your own mark in the game industry by finishing fun, simple games.Unity 3.x Game Development by Example shows you how to build crucial game elements that you can reuse and re-skin in many different games, using the phenomenal (and free!) Unity 3D game engine. It initiates you into indie game culture by teaching you how to make your own small, simple games using Unity3D and some gentle, easy-to-understand code. It will help you turn a rudimentary keep-up game into a madcap race through hospital hallways to rush a still-beating heart to the transplant ward, program a complete 2D game using Unity's User Interface controls, put a dramatic love story spin on a simple catch game, and turn that around into a classic space shooter with spectacular explosions and pew sounds! By the time you're finished, you'll have learned to develop a number of important pieces to create your own games that focus in on that small, singular piece of joy that makes games fun.


Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition

Ryan Henson Creighton

Unity is one of the biggest game engines in the world, providing the user with a range of important tools that they need to bring their ideas into reality. Beginner game developers are optimistic, passionate, and ambitious, but that ambition can be dangerous! Too often, budding indie developers and hobbyists bite off more than they can chew. Games like Angry Birds, Cut the Rope, and Fruit Ninja are fun, simple games that have delighted players and delivered big profits to their creators. This is the perfect climate for new game developers to succeed by creating simple games with Unity, starting today.This book teaches you the ins and outs of the unique Unity game engine interface. Clear and concise code examples written in both Unity Javascript and C# take you through the step-by-step process of building five small, functional games. With this understanding you can start making your own mark on the game industry!With absolutely no programming or game development experience, you will learn how to build five simple games in Unity by following step-by-step instructions, peppered with amusing analogies and anecdotes from an experienced indie developer. Following a primer on simplifying your game ideas to that single “something” that keeps players coming back for more, dive into the Unity game engine by creating a simple bat-and-ball game. From there, you'll build a complete memory game using only the Unity GUI system. After building a 2.5D mouse avoider game, you'll learn how to re-skin the project to completely change the game's theme. Incorporating everything you've learned, you'll return to complete the bat-and-ball game by adding scoring, replay flow, sound effects, and animations. Finally, in the new bonus chapter, you'll program some simple AI (Artificial Intelligence) for a tic tac toe game.Unity 4.x Game Development by Example is a fun and light-hearted exploration of one of the most powerful game engines on the market today. Find out what all the fuss is about by getting up to speed using this book!


Unity 5.x Animation Cookbook. An advanced solution to all your Animation problems

Maciej Szczesnik

This recipe-based practical guide will show you how to unleash the power of animation in Unity 5.x and make your games visually impeccable. Our primary focus is on showing you tools and techniques to animate not only humanoid biped characters, but also other elements. This includes non-humanoid character animation, game world creation, UI element animation, and other key features such as opening doors, changing lights, transitioning to different scenes, using physics, setting up ragdolls, creating destructible objects and more.While discussing these topics, the book will focus on mecanim, the Unity 3D animation tool, and how you can use it to perform all these tasks efficiently and quickly. It contains a downloadable Unity project with interactive examples for all the recipes. By the end of this book, you will be confident and self-sufficient in animating your Unity 3D games efficiently.