Computer graphics

Would you like to learn how to perfectly balance white and colour in the photos? Do you want to learn how to create high quality photomontage? So visit our digital library related to computer graphics. Here you will find practical guides to such programs as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, and ABC CorelDRAW.

OpenGL. Podstawy programowania grafiki 3D

Janusz Ganczarski

OpenGL. Receptury dla programisty

Muhammad Mobeen Movania

Photographic Rendering with V-Ray for SketchUp. Turn your 3D modeling into photographic realism with this superb guide for SketchUp users. Through concrete examples, screenshots, and images, you’ll learn the practical side to photographic rendering using V-Ray

Brian Bradley

Photoshop CC PL. Szkoła efektu

Anna Owczarz-Dadan

Photoshop CS3 PL. Multimedialny trener

AGI Creative Team, Jennifer Smith

Photoshop CS4 PL. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Photoshop CS5 PL. Ilustrowany przewodnik

Anna Owczarz-Dadan

Photoshop CS5 PL. Pierwsza pomoc

Anna Owczarz-Dadan