
Möchten Sie lernen, wie Sie die richtige Weiß- und Farbbalance in Ihren Fotos beibehalten? Möchten Sie lernen, wie Sie hochwertige Fotomontagen erstellen? Dann werfen Sie einen Blick auf unsere digitale Computergrafikbibliothek. Hier finden Sie praktische Anleitungen für Programme wie Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign oder ABC CorelDRAW.

UI Animations with Lottie and After Effects. Create, render, and ship stunning animations natively on mobile with React Native

Mireia Alegre Ruiz, Emilio Rodriguez Martinez

Unity 2017 Game Optimization. Optimize all aspects of Unity performance - Second Edition

Chris Dickinson

Unity 2018 Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Transform your game into a visually stunning masterpiece with over 70 recipes - Third Edition

John P. Doran, Alan Zucconi

Unity 3.x Game Development by Example Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 3.x

Ryan Henson Creighton

Unity 4.x Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. A seat-of-your-pants manual for building fun, groovy little games quickly with Unity 4.x - Third Edition

Ryan Henson Creighton

Unity 5.x Animation Cookbook. An advanced solution to all your Animation problems

Maciej Szczesnik

Unity 5.x Shaders and Effects Cookbook. Master the art of Shader programming to bring life to your Unity projects

Alan Zucconi

Unity Animation Essentials. Bring your characters to life with the latest features of Unity and Mecanim

Alan Thorn