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Procreate is robust, industry-grade painting software that is extremely versatile yet an affordable alternative to subscription-based applications. If you're new to Procreate, Get Set Procreate 5 will help you get up to speed with creating professional illustrations in no time.Complete with step-by-step instructions, detailed explanations, and practical application guidelines, this easy-to-follow guide will cover the ins and outs of Procreate 5.2 and show you how to use each feature effectively. You'll learn how to draw using assistive tools, apply effects, create animations, and develop amazing artwork by implementing the skills learned throughout the book. Once you've got to grips with the new features of Procreate 5 for creating beautiful illustrations, animations, and graphics, you'll be able to explore the tools at your disposal and even create your own brushes, shortcuts, and menus to work efficiently.By the end of this Procreate book, you'll be able to navigate the application confidently and take your artwork to a new level.
Kumar Chetan Sharma, Stoyan Stefanov, Ved Antani, Gaston C. Hillar
JavaScript is the behavior, the third pillar in today's paradigm that looks at web pages as something that consists of : content (HTML), presentation (CSS), and behavior (JavaScript). Using JavaScript, you can create interactive web pages along with desktop widgets, browser, and application extensions, and other pieces of software. Object-oriented programming, which is popularly known as OOP, is basically based on the concept of objects rather than actions. The first module will help you master JavaScript and build futuristic web applications. You will start by getting acquainted with the language constructs and how to organize code easily. You develop concrete understanding of variable scoping, loops, and best practices on using types and data structures, as well as the coding style and recommended code organization patterns in JavaScript. The book will also teach you how to use arrays and objects as data structures. By the end of the book, you will understand how reactive JavaScript is going to be the new paradigm.The second module is an easy-to-follow course, which includes hands-on examples of solutions to common problems with object-oriented code. It will help to identify objects from real-life scenarios, to protect and hide data with the data encapsulation features of Python, JavaScript, and C#. You will discover the advantage of duck typing in both Python and JavaScript, while you work with interfaces and generics in C#. With a fair understanding of interfaces, multiple inheritance, and composition, you will move on to refactor existing code and to organize your source for easy maintenance and extension.The third module takes you through all the in-depth and exciting futures hidden behind the facade. You should read through this course if you want to be able to take your JavaScript skills to a new level of sophistication.
We are living in the age of decentralized fi nance and NFTs. People swap tokens on Uniswap, borrow assets from Aave, send payments with stablecoins, trade art NFTs on OpenSea, and more. To build applications of this kind, you need to know how to write smart contracts.This comprehensive guide will help you explore all the features of Vyper, a programming language designed to write smart contracts. You’ll also explore the web3.py library. As you progress, you’ll learn how to connect to smart contracts, read values, and create transactions. To make sure your foundational knowledge is strong enough, the book guides you through Ape Framework, which can help you create decentralized exchanges, NFT marketplaces, voting applications, and more. Each project provides invaluable insights and hands-on experience, equipping you with the skills you need to build real-world blockchain solutions.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed with writing common Web3 applications such as a decentralized exchange, an NFT marketplace, a voting application, and more.
This book shows you how easy it can be to implement traditional design patterns in the modern multi-paradigm Kotlin programming language, and takes you through the new patterns and paradigms that have emerged.This second edition is updated to cover the changes introduced from Kotlin 1.2 up to 1.5 and focuses more on the idiomatic usage of coroutines, which have become a stable language feature. You'll begin by learning about the practical aspects of smarter coding in Kotlin, as well as understanding basic Kotlin syntax and the impact of design patterns on your code.The book also provides an in-depth explanation of the classical design patterns, such as Creational, Structural, and Behavioral families, before moving on to functional programming. You'll go through reactive and concurrent patterns, and finally, get to grips with coroutines and structured concurrency to write performant, extensible, and maintainable code.By the end of this Kotlin book, you'll have explored the latest trends in architecture and design patterns for microservices. You’ll also understand the tradeoffs when choosing between different architectures and make informed decisions.
Identifying and classifying information inside a company is one of the most important prerequisites for securing the sensitive information of various business units. Windows Server 2012 Dynamic Access Control helps you not only to classify information, but it also gives you the opportunity and the functionality to provide a safe-net policy across your file servers, showing you some helpful ways of auditing and access denied assistance to improve usability.Understanding the architecture, the design, and implementing the solution, to troubleshooting will be covered in a practical and easy-to-read manner. This book is packed with project-based examples with plenty of information about the architecture, functionality, and extensions of Dynamic Access Control to help you excel in real-life projects. The book guides you through all the stages of a successful implementation of Dynamic Access Control.Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Dynamic Access Control will teach you everything you need to know to create your own projects, and is an essential resource for reviewing or extending already existing implementations.The book initially takes you through the task of understanding all of the functionality and extensions with ideas and overviews to help guide you in the decision process. The whole architecture will be explained in the main building blocks of Dynamic Access control. You will have a strong foundation and understanding of the claims model and Kerberos. Classifying information, the hardest part of the prerequisites to fulfil, is also covered in depth. You will also spend time understanding conditional expressions, and the method used to deploy them across your file server infrastructure. A special chapter is included for handling the data quality and the integration in other systems and strategies. Last, but not least, to get your solution up and running you will learn how to troubleshoot a Dynamic Access Control solution.
Bob Griesemer, Robert E Griesemer
In today's economy, businesses and IT professionals cannot afford to lag behind the latest technologies. Data warehousing is a critical area to the success of many enterprises, and Oracle Warehouse Builder is a powerful tool for building data warehouses. It comes free with the latest version of the Oracle database.Written in an accessible, informative, and focused manner, this book will teach you to use Oracle Warehouse Builder to build your data warehouse. Covering warehouse design, the import of source data, the ETL cycle and more, this book will have you up and running in next to no time.This book will walk you through the complete process of planning, building, and deploying a data warehouse using Oracle Warehouse Builder. By the book's end, you will have built your own data warehouse from scratch.Starting with the installation of the Oracle Database and Warehouse Builder software, this book then covers the analysis of source data, designing a data warehouse, and extracting, transforming, and loading data from the source system into the data warehouse. You'll follow the whole process with detailed screenshots of key steps along the way that have all been updated for the new Fusion Client Platform interface in 11gR2, alongside numerous tips and hints not covered by the official documentation. You’ll finish up with a brand new chapter on code templates where you’ll implement a complete mapping using JDBC connectivity and code template mappings.
Jan Vandevelde, Gunther Roskams
Salesforce Lightning Platform, used to build enterprise apps, is being increasingly adopted by admins, business analysts, consultants, architects, and especially developers. With this Salesforce certification, you'll be able to enhance your development skills and become a valuable member of your organization.This certification guide is designed to be completely aligned with the official exam study guide for the latest Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I release and includes updates from Spring '19. Starting with Salesforce fundamentals and performing data modeling and management, you’ll progress to automating logic and processes and working on user interfaces with Salesforce components. Finally, you'll learn how to work with testing frameworks, perform debugging, and deploy metadata, and get to grips with useful tips and tricks. Each chapter concludes with sample questions that are commonly found in the exam, and the book wraps up with mock tests to help you prepare for the DEV501 certification exam.By the end of the book, you’ll be ready to take the exam and earn your Salesforce Certified Platform Developer I certification.
Spring MVC is the ideal tool to build modern web applications on the server side. With the arrival of Spring Boot, developers can really focus on the code and deliver great value, leveraging the rich Spring ecosystem with minimal configuration.Spring makes it simple to create RESTful applications, interact with social services, communicate with modern databases, secure your system, and make your code modular and easy to test. It is also easy to deploy the result on different cloud providers.This book starts all the necessary topics in starting a Spring MVC-based application. Moving ahead it explains how to design model objects to handle file objects. save files into a data store and how Spring MVC behaves when an application deals with uploading and downloading files. Further it highlights form transactions and the user of Validation Framework as the tool in validating data input. It shows how to create a customer feedback system which does not require a username or password to log in. It will show you the soft side of Spring MVC where layout and presentation are given importance. Later it will discuss how to use Spring Web Flow on top of Spring MVC to create better web applications. Moving ahead, it will teach you how create an Invoice Module that receives and transport data using Web ServicesBy the end of the book you will be able to create efficient and flexible real-time web applications using all the frameworks in Spring MVC.
Written by a 10-time Microsoft MVP award winner with over 20 years of IT experience, Mastering Windows Server 2022 is a practical guide to deploying, securing, and optimizing your server infrastructure. Whether you’re new to server administration or an experienced professional sharpening your skills, this book is designed to be referenced on a regular basis instead of gathering dust on your shelf.Updated for Windows Server 2022, this book covers versions, licensing models, and the latest features while guiding you through single-pane-of-glass administration with tools like Server Manager, PowerShell, and Windows Admin Center. While the primary focus is on Windows Server 2022 LTSC, we also explore SAC server releases, Containers, Nano Server, and OS release cadences.You’ll gain hands-on expertise in remote access technologies, PKI and certificate management, virtualization with Hyper-V, and deploying a Remote Desktop Services farm. Plus, you’ll master Server Core, built-in redundancy, and troubleshooting techniques – all while reinforcing core infrastructure skills like Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, and Group Policy.
Sebastian Kaczmarek, Joel Ibaceta
Bosque is a new high-level programming language inspired by the impact of structured programming in the 1970s. It adopts the TypeScript syntax and ML semantics and is designed for writing code that is easy to reason about for humans and machines. With this book, you'll understand how Bosque supports high productivity and cloud-first development by removing sources of accidental complexity and introducing novel features.This short book covers all the language features that you need to know to work with Bosque programming. You'll learn about basic data types, variables, functions, operators, statements, and expressions in Bosque and become familiar with advanced features such as typed strings, bulk algebraic data operations, namespace declarations, and concept and entity declarations. This Bosque book provides a complete language reference for learning to program with Bosque and understanding the regularized programming paradigm. You'll also explore real-world examples that will help you to reinforce the knowledge you've acquired. Additionally, you'll discover more advanced topics such as the Bosque project structure and contributing to the project.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to configure the Bosque environment and build better and reliable software with this exciting new open-source language.
Get ready to delve into Microsoft Azure and build efficient cloud-based solutions with this updated second edition. Authored by seasoned Microsoft trainers, Paul Ivey and Alex Ivanov, this book offers a structured approach to mastering the AZ-204 exam topics while focusing on the intricacies of Azure development.You’ll familiarize yourself with cloud fundamentals, understanding the core concepts of Azure and various cloud models. Next, you’ll gain insights into Azure App Service web apps, containers and container-related services in Azure, Azure Functions, and solutions using Cosmos DB and Azure Blob Storage. Later, you'll learn how to secure your cloud solutions effectively as well as how to implement message- and event-based solutions and caching. You’ll also explore how to monitor and troubleshoot your solutions effectively. To build on your skills, you’ll get hands-on with monitoring, troubleshooting, and optimizing Azure applications, ensuring peak performance and reliability. Moving ahead, you’ll be able to connect seamlessly to third-party services, harnessing the power of API management, event-based solutions, and message-based solutions.By the end of this MS Azure book, you'll not only be well-prepared to pass the AZ-204 exam but also be equipped with practical skills to excel in Azure development projects.
Even if you find writing PHP code easy, writing code that is efficient and easy to maintain and reuse is not so straightforward. Self-taught PHP developers and programmers transitioning from other languages often lack the knowledge to work with PHP on an enterprise level. They need to take their PHP development skills to that level by learning the skills and tools necessary to write maintainable and efficient code.This book will enable you to take your PHP development skills to an enterprise level by teaching you the skills and tools necessary to write maintainable and efficient code. You will learn how to perform activities such as unit testing, enforcing coding standards, automating deployment, and interactive debugging using tools created for PHP developers – all the information in one place. Your code will be more maintainable, efficient, and self-documented.From the design phase to actually deploying the application, you will learn concepts and apply them using the best-of-breed tools available in PHP.Experienced developers looking for expertise in PHP development will learn how to follow best practices within the world of PHP. The book contains many well-documented code samples and recipes that can be used as a starting point for producing quality code.Specifically, you will learn to design an application with UML, code it in Eclipse with PDT, document it with phpDocumentor, debug it interactively with Xdebug, test it by writing PHPUnit tests, manage source code in Subversion, speed up development and increase stability by using Zend Framework, pull everything together using continuous integration, and deploy the application automatically with Phing – all in one book. The author's experience in PHP development enables him to share insights on using enterprise tools, in a clear and friendly way.