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Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management is Microsoft’s ERP solution, which can be implemented as a cloud or on-premise solution to facilitate better decision-making with the help of contemporary, scalable ERP system tools. This book is updated with the latest features of Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management including Chain of Command (CoC), Acceptance Test Libraries (ATL), and Business Events. The book not only features more than 100 tutorials that allow you to create and extend business solutions, but also addresses specific problems and offers solutions with insights into how they work.This cookbook starts by helping you set up a Azure DevOps project and taking you through the different data types and structures used to create tables. You will then gain an understanding of user interfaces, write extensible code, manage data entities, and even model Dynamics 365 ERP for security. As you advance, you’ll learn how to work with various in-built Dynamics frameworks such as SysOperation, SysTest, and Business Events. Finally, you’ll get to grips with automated build management and workflows for better application state management.By the end of this book, you’ll have become proficient in packaging and deploying end-to-end scalable solutions with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management.
The need for different types of computer languages is growing rapidly and developers prefer creating domain-specific languages for solving specific application domain problems. Building your own programming language has its advantages. It can be your antidote to the ever-increasing size and complexity of software.In this book, you’ll start with implementing the frontend of a compiler for your language, including a lexical analyzer and parser. The book covers a series of traversals of syntax trees, culminating with code generation for a bytecode virtual machine. Moving ahead, you’ll learn how domain-specific language features are often best represented by operators and functions that are built into the language, rather than library functions. We’ll conclude with how to implement garbage collection, including reference counting and mark-and-sweep garbage collection. Throughout the book, Dr. Jeffery weaves in his experience of building the Unicon programming language to give better context to the concepts where relevant examples are provided in both Unicon and Java so that you can follow the code of your choice of either a very high-level language with advanced features, or a mainstream language.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build and deploy your own domain-specific languages, capable of compiling and running programs.
Alfresco 3 Cookbook. Over 70 recipes for implementing the most important functionalities of Alfresco
Snig Bhaumik, Snig Bhaumik, Alfresco.com
Alfresco is the renowned and multiple award winning open source Enterprise content management system which allows you to build, design, and implement your very own ECM solutions.You have read a number of tutorials, blogs, and books on Alfresco. Now you're in the real world, trying to use Alfresco, but you’re running into problems with it. This is the book you want. Packed full of solutions that can be instantly applied, this cookbook with its practical based recipes and minimal explanation meets that demand.This Alfresco 3 cookbook boasts a comprehensive selection of recipes covering everything from the basics to the advanced. The book has recipes for quickly installing Alfresco in Windows and Linux and helping you use custom content model, rules, and search. There is also a collection of recipes focused on creating Scripts, Freemarker templates, Web Scripts, and new workflow definitions. Steps to integrate Alfresco with other systems like MS-Office are also included. You will be able to use Alfresco’s File and Email servers. Finally, step-by-step recipes are presented to create an Alfresco build environment and compile the source code. This Alfresco 3 Cookbook is perfect for developers looking to start working on Alfresco quickly, gain complete understanding, write custom implementations, and achieve expertise very easily.
Java is one of the most commonly used software languages by programmers and developers. In this book, you’ll learn the new features of Java 11 quickly and experience a simple and powerful approach to software development. You’ll see how to use the Java runtime tools, understand the Java environment, and create a simple namesorting Java application. Further on, you'll learn about advanced technologies that Java delivers, such as web programming and parallel computing, and will develop a mastermind game. Moving on, we provide more simple examples, to build a foundation before diving into some complex data structure problems that will solidify your Java 11 skills. With a special focus on the features of new projects: Project Valhalla, Project Panama, Project Amber, and Project Loom, this book will help you get employed as a top-notch Java developer. By the end of the book, you’ll have a firm foundation to continue your journey toward becoming a professional Java developer.
Plone 3.3 Site Administration. Manage your site like a Plone professional
Alex Clark, Enfold Systems LLC
In the past few years, we have seen some dramatic changes in the way Plone sites are being developed, deployed, and maintained. As a result, developing and deploying sites, changing their default settings, and performing day to day maintenance tasks can be a challenge.This book covers site administration tasks, from setting up a development instance, to optimizing a deployed production site, and more. It demonstrates how-to perform these tasks in a comprehensive way, and walks the user through the necessary steps to achieve results.We have divided the subject of Plone site administration into three categories: development, deployment, and maintenance. We begin by explaining how a Plone site is built, and how to start using it through the web. Next, we add features by installing add-on products, focusing on themes, blogging, and other common enhancements. After the basics of developing and deploying a Plone site are covered, the book covers the basics of maintaining it.Further, throughout the book we preview some new technologies related to Plone site administration, available now as add-ons to the current Plone release. Finally, we will cover a variety of techniques to help you optimize your site's performance.
Microsoft Power BI is the ultimate solution for businesses looking to make data-driven decisions and unlock the full potential of their data. Unleashing Your Data with Power BI Machine Learning and OpenAI is designed for data scientists and BI professionals seeking to improve their existing solutions and workloads using AI. The book explains the intricacies of the subject by using a workshop-style data story for data ingestion, data modeling, analytics, and predictive analytics with Power BI machine learning. Along the way, you’ll learn about AI features, AI visuals, R/Python integration, and OpenAI integration. The workshop-style content allows you to practice all your learnings in real-life challenges and gain hands-on experience. Additionally, you’ll gain an understanding of AI/ML, step by step, with replicable examples and references. From enhancing data visualizations to building SaaS Power BI ML models, and integrating Azure OpenAI, this book will help you unlock new capabilities in Power BI.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to build ML models in Power BI, plan projects for both BI and ML, understand R/Python visuals with Power BI, and introduce OpenAI to enhance your analytics solutions.
The area of robotics is gaining huge momentum among corporate people, researchers, hobbyists, and students. The major challenge in robotics is its controlling software. The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a modular software platform to develop generic robotic applications.This book discusses the advanced concepts in robotics and how to program using ROS. It starts with deep overview of the ROS framework, which will give you a clear idea of how ROS really works. During the course of the book, you will learn how to build models of complex robots, and simulate and interface the robot using the ROS MoveIt motion planning library and ROS navigation stacks. After discussing robot manipulation and navigation in robots, you will get to grips with the interfacing I/O boards, sensors, and actuators of ROS. One of the essential ingredients of robots are vision sensors, and an entire chapter is dedicated to the vision sensor, its interfacing in ROS, and its programming. You will discuss the hardware interfacing and simulation of complex robot to ROS and ROS Industrial (Package used for interfacing industrial robots).Finally, you will get to know the best practices to follow when programming using ROS.
Data visualization and analysis is a crucial skill in many software projects. Flot uses jQuery and HTML5 to add easy and powerful visualization capabilities to any web application. Flot produces beautiful visualizations with a minimal amount of code. It is also highly configurable, extensible, and includes many plugins out of the box.A practical guide to take you through the basics of using Flot to visualize your data; the book describes Flot's functionality in dedicated sections that include code, screenshots, and detailed explanations so that you can learn to produce charts in minutes. As you progress though this book, it will guide you through real-world examples to show you how to use statistical techniques with Flot for interactive data visualization and analysis.Starting with the very basics, you will learn exactly what you need to do to display the simplest chart using Flot. This step-by-step guide takes you through Flot's many features and settings until you can finally master the techniques you'll need to apply Flot to your application's data.You'll learn to create basic point, line, and bar charts and to use Flot's stack, pie, and time plugins to create specialized chart types. Along with learning to display complex data with multiple customizable axes you will learn to make your charts interactive with Flot's crosshair plugin. Finally, this book will guide you through learning statistical techniques via the jStat JavaScript library to analyse data; along with Flot's errorbars and fillbetween plugins to display error margins and data percentiles.Instant jQuery Flot Visual Data Analysis will give you a head start so that you can add data visualization features to your applications with ease.
Building a 3D Game with LibGDX. Click here to enter text
Sebastián Di Giuseppe, Andreas Krühlmann, Elmar van Rijnswou
LibGDX is a hugely popular open source, cross-platform, Java-based game development framework built for the demands of cross-platform game development. This book will teach readers how the LibGDX framework uses its 3D rendering API with the OpenGL wrapper, in combination with Bullet Physics, 3D Particles, and Shaders to develop and deploy a game application to different platformsYou will start off with the basic Intellij environment, workflow and set up a LibGDX project with necessary APIs for 3D development. You will then go through LibGDX’s 3D rendering API main features and talk about the camera used for 3D. Our next step is to put everything together to build a basic 3D game with Shapes, including basic gameplay mechanics and basic UI. Next you will go through modeling, rigging, and animation in Blender. We will then talk about refining mechanics, new input implementations, implementing enemy 3D models, mechanics, and gameplay balancing. The later part of this title will help you to manage secondary resources like audio, music and add 3D particles in the game to make the game more realistic. You will finally test and deploy the app on a multitude of different platforms, ready to start developing your own titles how you want!
Instant JRebel. Accelerate your code development dramatically with this practical guide
JRebel is a JVM plugin that lets Java developers update code instantly and see their changes reflected in their application under development without restarting the application server. JRebel is a plugin for anything that is in Java and is also IDE neutral. If you want to update your code instantly without compiling and deploying the code repeatedly, this book is for you.This book will focus on the most important development steps and will also help you save time which is otherwise spent on compilation and deployment of code. You will learn how to use JRebel with the most popular IDEs and Java servers and how to accelerate the development of your current and future Java SE and Java EE projects.This book shows you how to install JRebel, configure your favourite IDE and Java server for JRebel, and start using it on your projects.With this book, you will learn how to get a free license for JRebel and how to integrate JRebel with most Java servers and development environments. To finish, you will see how to work with desktop and web projects and how to utilize JRebel to dramatically accelerate their development.
Vedran Dakic, Humble Devassy Chirammal, Prasad Mukhedkar, Anil Vettathu
Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) enables you to virtualize your data center by transforming your Linux operating system into a powerful hypervisor that allows you to manage multiple operating systems with minimal fuss. With this book, you'll gain insights into configuring, troubleshooting, and fixing bugs in KVM virtualization and related software.This second edition of Mastering KVM Virtualization is updated to cover the latest developments in the core KVM components - libvirt and QEMU. Starting with the basics of Linux virtualization, you'll explore VM lifecycle management and migration techniques. You’ll then learn how to use SPICE and VNC protocols while creating VMs and discover best practices for using snapshots. As you progress, you'll integrate third-party tools with Ansible for automation and orchestration. You’ll also learn to scale out and monitor your environments, and will cover oVirt, OpenStack, Eucalyptus, AWS, and ELK stack. Throughout the book, you’ll find out more about tools such as Cloud-Init and Cloudbase-Init. Finally, you'll be taken through the performance tuning and troubleshooting guidelines for KVM-based virtual machines and a hypervisor.By the end of this book, you'll be well-versed with KVM virtualization and the tools and technologies needed to build and manage diverse virtualization environments.
On the other side of the table - Plan and execute excellent interviews to get the right person for the jobAs an experienced managerial behavior consultant, Stephen Walker, co-founder of Motivation Matters, is passionate about helping to improve organizational performance in businesses. In this quick and practical book, Stephen takes you through the entire process of an interview, from getting to know the specifications of the role, to discussing the results and reaching a final decision with other stakeholders. Being able to build a strong team around you is essential to a business' success and to do this you need to interview effectively and confidently. This is not only essential for prospective employees; it is also an important managerial skill.Walking you through the interview process from the initial planning and preparation to meeting and greeting the interviewee, this book provides you with everything you need to know to hire for success. With templates, examples, and tips on how to incorporate cutting edge techniques such as NLP into your interviewing technique, The Manager’s Guide to Conducting Your First Interview, is the perfect companion to managers new and old, giving you a fresh perspective on effective interviewing.
The sophistication of cyber threats, such as ransomware, advanced phishing campaigns, zero-day vulnerability attacks, and advanced persistent threats (APTs), is pushing organizations and individuals to change strategies for reliable system protection. Cyber Threat Intelligence converts threat information into evidence-based intelligence that uncovers adversaries' intents, motives, and capabilities for effective defense against all kinds of threats.This book thoroughly covers the concepts and practices required to develop and drive threat intelligence programs, detailing the tasks involved in each step of the CTI lifecycle. You'll be able to plan a threat intelligence program by understanding and collecting the requirements, setting up the team, and exploring the intelligence frameworks. You'll also learn how and from where to collect intelligence data for your program, considering your organization level. With the help of practical examples, this book will help you get to grips with threat data processing and analysis. And finally, you'll be well-versed with writing tactical, technical, and strategic intelligence reports and sharing them with the community.By the end of this book, you'll have acquired the knowledge and skills required to drive threat intelligence operations from planning to dissemination phases, protect your organization, and help in critical defense decisions.
SAP Business ONE brings the power of the SAP ERP platform to small and mid-size companies. It offers fast-growing companies the same ERP capabilities used in world-wide conglomerates and major corporations. SAP Business ONE is powerful, and to fully harness it takes careful planning.This book will provide you with a guide to install and implement SAP B1 in your business. It starts with the basic tasks of installing and configuring, but moves at a fast pace and goes on to cover topics such as advanced CRM, e-commerce, and modern Distribution Center configurations for inventory optimization and Warehouse Management.The book is divided into two main sections. The case study starts out in section one with an ad-hoc implementation of a simple Lemonade Stand business. This section is focused on getting SAP B1 up and running quickly. In the second section the Ad-Hoc Implementation is taken to the next level , and we professionally expand this idea and develop a Beverage Distribution Center with outsourced production. This includes advanced inventory optimization. The workflow is optimized using existing functionality and also using Add-Ons to expand the standard functionality and transform the generic SAP Business ONE business engine into an Industry Solution.The book is full of examples with detailed step-by-step explanations. We will be implementing a complete SAP Business System including add-ons as part of a case study.Finally we connect SAP to the Web and introduce a solution that presents SAP features in a web interface with real-time integration. The book is completed with a chapter focusing on growth. Franchise architecture for SAP Business ONE is introduced and applied to the case study to help you learn how to get started with this.Each chapter has a section that assists you with applying knowledge for your own project. You will have your business set up and ready to go by the time you complete this book.