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Since its first edition the Power BI Cookbook has been a best-selling resource for BI developers and data analysts to produce impactful, quality BI solutions. This new and updated edition retains the rigorous details and concepts readers of prior editions have enjoyed while also demonstrating powerful new capabilities and updated guidance aligned to the current state of the platform.In this book, with step-by-step instructions, you will learn to navigate the complexities of data integration and visualization in Power BI. From creating robust data models to implementing sophisticated reporting techniques, this Power BI book empowers you to make informed decisions based on actionable insights. It also introduces you to new capabilities such as Hybrid tables and scorecards, enhancing your ability to communicate and analyze business performance. It also expands and improvises on the core of the previous edition like parameterizing Power BI solutions, authoring reports, data intelligence, and integrating advanced analytics.This edition not only updates you on the latest features but also prepares you for future innovations with a preview of upcoming AI enhancements in Power BI. Whether you're refining your skills or aspiring to become an expert, this book is an invaluable resource for leveraging Power BI to its fullest potential
There is a growing need for professionals with experience in working on machine learning (ML) engineering requirements as well as those with knowledge of automating complex MLOps pipelines in the cloud. This book explores a variety of AWS services, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service, AWS Glue, AWS Lambda, Amazon Redshift, and AWS Lake Formation, which ML practitioners can leverage to meet various data engineering and ML engineering requirements in production.This machine learning book covers the essential concepts as well as step-by-step instructions that are designed to help you get a solid understanding of how to manage and secure ML workloads in the cloud. As you progress through the chapters, you’ll discover how to use several container and serverless solutions when training and deploying TensorFlow and PyTorch deep learning models on AWS. You’ll also delve into proven cost optimization techniques as well as data privacy and model privacy preservation strategies in detail as you explore best practices when using each AWS.By the end of this AWS book, you'll be able to build, scale, and secure your own ML systems and pipelines, which will give you the experience and confidence needed to architect custom solutions using a variety of AWS services for ML engineering requirements.
RubyMotion is a revolutionary toolchain for iOS app development. With RubyMotion, you can quickly develop and test native iOS apps for the iPhone and iPad, combining the expressiveness and simplicity of Ruby with the power of the iOS SDK.RubyMotion iOS Development Essentials is a hands-on guide for developing iOS apps using RubyMotion. With RubyMotion, you can eliminate the complexity and confusion associated with the development of iOS applications using Objective-C.We'll begin from scratch. Starting by installing RubyMotion, we'll build ourselves up to developing an app that uses the various device capabilities iOS has to offer. What's more, we'll even learn how to launch your app on the App Store!We'll also learn to use iOS SDK classes to create application views. Discover how to use the camera, geolocation, gestures, and other device capabilities to create engaging, interactive apps. We'll develop stunning user interfaces faster with the XCode interface builder and make web apps by using WebView. We'll then augment applications with RubyMotion gems, doing more by writing less code and learn how to write test cases for RubyMotion projects. Finally, we'll understand the app submission process to push your app to Apple's App StoreWith RubyMotion iOS Development Essentials, we will learn how to create iOS apps with ease. At the end of each chapter we will have a tangible and running app, which utilizes the concepts we have learnt in that chapter.
Veeam is one of the leading modern data protection solutions, making it a necessary skill for anyone responsible for securing virtual environments. This revised second edition of Mastering Veeam Backup & Replication is updated to cover Veeam version 11. The book guides you through implementing modern data protection solutions for your cloud and virtual infrastructure with Veeam, all while helping you master advanced concepts such as Continuous Data Protection (CDP), extended object storage support, Veeam ONE enhancements, and Orchestrator.Starting with Veeam essentials, including installation, best practices, and optimizations for Veeam Backup & Replication, you'll get to grips with the 3-2-1-1-0 rule to safeguard data. You'll understand how to set up a backup server, proxies, repositories, and more and then advance to cover a powerful feature of Veeam 11 – CDP. As you progress, you'll learn about immutability (also known as hardened repositories) and discover the best practices for creating them. Finally, you'll explore the new proxy option available in Linux and become well-versed with advanced topics such as extended object storage support, Veeam ONE enhancements, and Orchestrator.By the end of this Veeam book, you'll be able to implement Veeam Backup & Replication for securing your environment and enabling disaster recovery.
Salesforce business analysis skills are in high demand, and there are scant resources to satisfy this demand. This practical guide for business analysts contains all the tools, techniques, and processes needed to create business value and improve user adoption.The Salesforce Business Analyst Handbook begins with the most crucial element of any business analysis activity: identifying business requirements. You’ll learn how to use tacit business analysis and Salesforce system analysis skills to rank and stack all requirements as well as get buy-in from stakeholders. Once you understand the requirements, you’ll work on transforming them into working software via prototyping, mockups, and wireframing. But what good is a product if the customer cannot use it? To help you achieve that, this book will discuss various testing strategies and show you how to tailor testing scenarios that align with business requirements documents. Toward the end, you’ll find out how to create easy-to-use training material for your customers and focus on post-production support – one of the most critical phases. Your customers will stay with you if you support them when they need it!By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll be able to successfully navigate every phase of a project and confidently apply your new knowledge in your own Salesforce implementations.
Colman Carpenter, David Duffett, Ian Plain, Nik Middleton, ...
Asterisk is the leading Open Source Telephony application and PBX software solution. It represents an effective, easy-to-administer, and accessible platform for running enterprise telephony requirements. The real world, however, offers numerous hurdles when running Asterisk in the commercial environment including call routing, resilience, or integrating Asterisk with other systems. This book will show you some of the ways to overcome these problems.As the follow-up to Packt's highly successful 2005 title Building Telephony Systems with Asterisk, this book presents the collected wisdom of Asterisk Professionals in the commercial environment.Aimed at Administrators and Asterisk Consultants who are comfortable with the basics of Asterisk operation and installation, this book covers numerous hands-on topics such as Call Routing, Network Considerations, Scalability, and Resilience ñ all the while providing practical solutions and suggestions. It also covers more business-related areas like Billing Solutions and a Winning Sales Technique. Even if your interest or experience with Asterisk is lower level, this book will provide a deeper understanding of how Asterisk operates in the real world.Asterisk is deployed across countless enterprises globally. Running on Linux, it has constantly demonstrated its resilience, stability, and scalability and is now the advanced communication solution of choice to many organizations and consultants.With a foreword from Mark Spencer, the man behind Asterisk, this book presents the accumulated wisdom of three leading Asterisk Consultants and shows the reader how to get the most out of Asterisk in the commercial environment. Over the course of eleven chapters, this book introduces the reader to topics as diverse as Advanced Dial Plans, Network Considerations, and Call Routing, through to Localization, DAHDI, Speech Technology, and Working with a GUI. The book also covers the more nebulous aspects of being an Asterisk professional such as evaluating customer requirements and pitching for contracts.This book represents the wisdom and thoughts of front line consultants. The knowledge they impart will prove informative, thought provoking and be of lasting interest to Asterisk professionals.
HenkJan de Vries, Lovisa Stenbäcken Stjernlöf
Identity and access management (IAM) is a set of policies and technologies used to ensure an organization’s security, by carefully assigning roles and access to users and devices. This book will get you up and running with Okta, an IAM service that can help you manage both employees and customers.The book begins by helping you understand how Okta can be used as an IAM platform, before teaching you about Universal Directory and how to integrate with other directories and apps, as well as set up groups and policies for Joiner, Mover, and Leaver flows.This updated edition helps you to explore agentless desktop single sign-on (SSO) and multifactor authentication (MFA) solutions, and showing how to utilize Okta to meet NIST requirements. The chapters also walk you through Okta Workflows, low-/no-code automation functionalities, and custom API possibilities used to improve lifecycle management. Finally, you’ll delve into API access auditing and management, where you’ll discover how to leverage Advanced Server Access (ASA) for your cloud servers.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to implement Okta to enhance your organization's security and be able to use the book as a reference guide for the Okta certification exam.
Google Cloud Platform is one of the three major cloud providers in the industry, exhibiting great leadership in application modernization and data management. This book provides a comprehensive introduction for those who are new to cloud development and shows you how to use the tools to create cloud-native applications by integrating the technologies used by Google.The book starts by taking you through the basic programming concepts and security fundamentals necessary for developing in Google Cloud. You'll then discover best practices for developing and deploying applications in the cloud using different components offered by Google Cloud Platform such as Cloud Functions, Google App Engine, Cloud Run, and other GCP technologies. As you advance, you'll learn the basics of cloud storage and choosing the best options for storing different kinds of data as well as understand what site reliability engineers do. In the last part, you'll work on a sample case study of Hip Local, a community application designed to facilitate communication between people nearby, created by the Google Cloud team.By the end of this guide, you'll have learned how to design, develop, and deploy an end-to-end application on the Google Cloud Platform.
Piotr Beltowski, Wojciech Kocjan, Clif Flynt
Tcl (Tool Command Language) is a very powerful and easy to learn dynamic programming language, suitable for a very wide range of uses. Tcl is regarded as one of the best-kept secrets in the software industry. This book gives you a hands-on experience on Tcl, helping you develop network-aware applications using this mature yet evolving language.This book shows you how to create network-aware applications with Tcl language. Packed with practical examples, the book not only takes you through the implementation of network protocols in Tcl, but also key aspects of Tcl programming.The book starts with the basic element of Tcl programming as we take a look at the syntax and fundamental commands of the language. To get us ready for network programming, we look at important Tcl features such as object-oriented programming, accessing files, packaging in TCL, event driven programming, and multithreaded applications. To create standalone single-file executable applications with Tcl we take a look at the Starpack technology, and ensure that we’ll be able to create robust applications with a thorough coverage of troubleshooting and debugging Tcl applications.The book is really about network programming, and it will not let you down with its deep coverage of these topics. Of course we look at protocols, but there are plenty of practical examples to keep things moving along. We start with the TCP and UDP protocols, and look at some other protocols to see examples of synchronizing time with other servers, querying user information and authenticating users over LDAP and performing DNS queries.The book explains Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), which is often used for monitoring and gathering information from various devices, such as routers, gateways, printers and many other types of equipment. We’ll also look at web programming in Tcl; processing the requests coming from the clients via the HTTP protocol and responding to these requests. You’ll be able to create a complete solution for creating a client-server application in Tcl.To round things off, you’ll see how to secure your networked applications, build public key infrastructure into your application and use Tcl’s safe interpreter feature to reduce risk of running code from unknown source.
Securing an IT environment can be challenging, however, effective penetration testing and threat identification can make all the difference. This book will help you learn how to use the Metasploit Framework optimally for comprehensive penetration testing.Complete with hands-on tutorials and case studies, this updated second edition will teach you the basics of the Metasploit Framework along with its functionalities. You’ll learn how to set up and configure Metasploit on various platforms to create a virtual test environment. Next, you’ll get hands-on with the essential tools. As you progress, you’ll learn how to find weaknesses in the target system and hunt for vulnerabilities using Metasploit and its supporting tools and components. Later, you'll get to grips with web app security scanning, bypassing anti-virus, and post-compromise methods for clearing traces on the target system. The concluding chapters will take you through real-world case studies and scenarios that will help you apply the knowledge you’ve gained to ethically hack into target systems. You’ll also discover the latest security techniques that can be directly applied to scan, test, ethically hack, and secure networks and systems with Metasploit.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to use the Metasploit 5.0 Framework to exploit real-world vulnerabilities.
EJB (Enterprise JavaBeans) 3.0 is a commonly used database persistence technology in Java EE applications. EJB 3.0 has simplified the development of EJBs with an annotations-based API that eliminates the use of remote/local interfaces, home/local home interfaces, and deployment descriptors. A number of other books are available on EJB 3.0, but none covers EJB 3.0 support in Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g, which is one of the leaders in the application server market.This is the first book that covers all aspects of EJB 3.0 database persistence development using Oracle Fusion Middleware technology. It covers all the best practices for database persistence ensuring that your applications are easily maintainable. Leaving theory behind, this book uses real-world examples to guide you in building your own EJB 3.0 applications that are well integrated with commonly used Java EE frameworks.The book gets going by discussing the new features in the EJB 3.0 specification. As some readers may still be using EJB 2.0, the book explains how to convert your EJB 2.0 entity beans to EJB 3.0. It then goes on to discuss using EJB 3.0 database persistence with JDeveloper, WebLogic Server, and Enterprise Pack for Eclipse, the main Java EE components of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g. The book also covers EJB 3.0 relationships and integrating EJB 3.0 relationships with JSF user interfaces. EJB 3.0 database persistence with some of the commonly used frameworks such as ADF Faces, AJAX, and Web Services is also discussed in the book. It uses the integrated WebLogic Server 11g in some of the chapters and the standalone WebLogic Server in other chapters. While JDeveloper is the primary Java IDE used in the book, one of the chapters is based on the Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse.By the time you reach the end of this book, you will be well-versed with developing EJB 3.0 applications using the different Java EE components of Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g.
Modern Data Architectures with Python will teach you how to seamlessly incorporate your machine learning and data science work streams into your open data platforms. You’ll learn how to take your data and create open lakehouses that work with any technology using tried-and-true techniques, including the medallion architecture and Delta Lake.Starting with the fundamentals, this book will help you build pipelines on Databricks, an open data platform, using SQL and Python. You’ll gain an understanding of notebooks and applications written in Python using standard software engineering tools such as git, pre-commit, Jenkins, and Github. Next, you’ll delve into streaming and batch-based data processing using Apache Spark and Confluent Kafka. As you advance, you’ll learn how to deploy your resources using infrastructure as code and how to automate your workflows and code development. Since any data platform's ability to handle and work with AI and ML is a vital component, you’ll also explore the basics of ML and how to work with modern MLOps tooling. Finally, you’ll get hands-on experience with Apache Spark, one of the key data technologies in today’s market.By the end of this book, you’ll have amassed a wealth of practical and theoretical knowledge to build, manage, orchestrate, and architect your data ecosystems.
Active Directory is an administration system for Windows administrators to automate network, security and access management tasks in the Windows infrastructure.This book starts off with a detailed focus on forests, domains, trusts, schemas and partitions. Next, you'll learn how to manage domain controllers, organizational units and the default containers. Going forward, you'll explore managing Active Directory sites as well as identifying and solving replication problems. The next set of chapters covers the different components of Active Directory and discusses the management of users, groups and computers. You'll also work through recipes that help you manage your Active Directory domains, manage user and group objects and computer accounts, expiring group memberships and group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) with PowerShell. You'll understand how to work with Group Policy and how to get the most out of it. The last set of chapters covers federation, security and monitoring. You will also learn about Azure Active Directory and how to integrate on-premises Active Directory with Azure AD. You'll discover how Azure AD Connect synchronization works, which will help you manage Azure AD.By the end of the book, you have learned about Active Directory and Azure AD in detail.