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Poezja polskiego średniowiecza

Praca zbiorowa

Choć z wieków średnich nie zachowało się do naszych czasów zbyt wiele dzieł literackich, te, które przetrwały, zasługują na szczególną uwagę. Bez wątpienia dominowała wtedy literatura religijna, a wśród niej takie perły jak Bogurodzica czy Lament świętokrzyski. Świeckie utwory także miały swoją reprezentację w postaci np. Pieśni o zabiciu Andrzeja Tęczyńskiego czy znakomitego poradnika dobrych manier O zachowaniu się przy stole.

Eлектронна книга

Création et rédemption

Alexandre Dumas pere

Cétait une nature de Dieu, incapable daimer un tre quil naurait point créé lui-mme. Aussi, seul et triste au milieu de la foule pour laquelle il navait pas de regards, ou navait que des regards distraits, il payait cher lambition de ses désirs. Comme le Seigneur avant la création du monde, il sennuyait. Ce jour-l, Jacques Mérey était assez content de la maniere dont se comportait dans la cornue la dissolution dun certain sel dont il étudiait les plus heureuses vertus curatives, quand trois coups précipités retentirent la porte de la rue. Ces trois coups éveillerent les miaulements furieux dun chat noir, que les mauvaises langues de la ville, les dévotes surtout, prétendaient tre le génie familier du docteur...

Eлектронна книга

The Great Secret

E. Phillips Oppenheim

Mr. Hardross Courage is a wealthy young Englishman whose life has been carefree and uneventful. He plays cricket for his county, he attends to the management of his estates, he serves as a local magistrate. He has never taken any interest in a career of any sort. On a trip to London to participate in a cricket match, Hardross is confronted by a man who forces his way into his hotel room imploring him to hide him. His reason They want to kill me. So begins a tale that is likely to change Hardross idyllic life forever to one of mystery and espionage. The Great Secret is an entertaining tale of adventure. If you have a fondness for early 20th century spy fiction you should find this to be an entertaining read.

Eлектронна книга

The Golden Triangle. The Return of Arsene Lupin

Maurice Leblanc

The story takes place in 1915, WWI has just started, Arsene Lupin returns as war veteran Don Luis Perenna. He is called to uncover the details of the mysterious murder of a Moroccan man, Essares Bey, the disappearance of 300 Million Francs in Gold, and the connection between another war veteran, Captain Patrice Beval and a volunteer nurse working in a military hospital in Paris, affectionately known as Mother Coralie. But their lives are in danger, and Arsene takes it upon himself to play detective and find the culprit, and more importantly, the gold! Lupin is smarter, stronger, wittier, more invulnerable than ever. Will he be able to derail the dastardly plan before it unfolds?

Eлектронна книга

The Return of Clubfoot

Valentine Williams

An Espionage/Adventure Classic! With The Return of Clubfoot, Valentine Williams has penned a thrilling page-turner of mystery, love, adventure, and intrigue. Whilst spending a holiday in a small Central American Republic, Desmond Okewood, of the Secret Service, learns from a dying beachcomber of a hidden treasure. With the assistance of a millionaire, he sets out for an island in the Pacific. To his astonishment he discovers that the Man with the Clubfoot, whom he had regarded as dead and who had shot his brother Francis, has anticipated him. The circumstances of how Okewood gains knowledge of the treasure and the subsequent pursuit by Okewoods nemesis, Clubfoot, in which the millionaires pretty daughter takes a prominent part, made for a fast-paced, suspenseful, and entertaining read highlighted by a romantic interest and a satisfying ending.

Eлектронна книга

Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka podczas wojny światowej

Jaroslav Hašek

Przygody dobrego wojaka Szwejka podczas wojny światowej to wciągające perypetie Józefa Szwejka z Pragi, sprzedawcy psów i pucybuta. Wydarzenia odwołują się do realiów historycznych i doświadczeń czeskiego autora Jaroslava Haška, tworząc przesycony ironią obraz świata początku XX wieku. Obfitość anegdot i cynicznego humoru nie przesłania antywojennego i antyaustriackiego wydźwięku powieści.

Eлектронна книга

Le Formidable Événement

Maurice Leblanc

Roman de Maurice Leblanc (le pere de célebre Arsene Lupin), dans lequel laventure le dispute linventivité et la justesse de vue. Simon Dubosc désespere dobtenir la main dIsabel, qui est la fille du Lord Bakefield, descendant direct dun compagnon de Guillaume le Conquérant. Et puis il n y a pas plus dautres choix pour lui que de séchapper avec Isabel, parce quil accepte le défi fou. Mais, qui sait, peut tre le destin aide Simon daccomplir sa mission, sous la forme de ce qui restera dans les esprits comme un formidable événement. Le ligne est plein de passions les plus sinistres et les plus nobles.

Eлектронна книга

King Alfred of England

Jacob Abbott

Its a brief review of the life of King Alfred, but with very detailed events. A truly moving account of one of Englands greatest heroes. The author, in turn, was again able to passionately convey those events, that atmosphere of that time. Explains why he has been named and considered so "great." Alfred really deserved the title.