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Incredible adventures await the young English Earl of Rosmore in the vastness of the distant United States. In search of the American dream, he finds his distant relative, the ingenious inventor, entrepreneur and ventriloquist Colonel Melberry Sellers, whose main project was the purchase of Siberia to establish a republic in it. An ambitious young count will face insurmountable difficulties on his way to the goal.
Jimmie Dale and Blue Envelope Murder
A Canadian novelist Frank Lucius Packard (1877-1942) wrote about 30 thrillers including ones with the character Jimmie Dale, aka Gray Seal and Smarlinghue, a safecracking Robin Hood who uses his criminal talents to right wrongs, save lives and reputations, and expose wrongdoers to the light of day. Jimmie Dale and Blue Envelope Murder is 4 and the last book in the Gray Seal series. In it, Jimmie Dale tries to protect his friend who received a threat in the form of a mysterious blue envelope, but when the friend is found dead, Jimmie is accused of the murder. To clear himself, Jimmie must resolve the envelopes mystery and find out who stands behind the murder, and he must do it while avoiding the police and his old enemies from the underworld.
Do you ever feel like you are tied up in our times? Worrying too much about cell phones, fashions, and the latest whatevers? This book can set you straight. It gives you a peace of mind and fills you with simple pleasures. Polly Milton is a fourteen-year-old country girl raised on old-fashioned values and invited to Boston for an extended stay with her friend, Fanny Shaw. Quite the unlikely friendship since Fanny, despite being only two years older, is no longer just a girl, not poor, and not old-fashioned. Little does Polly know the breakers which lie ahead: flounces and frizzles and the height of fashion, girls who consider flirtation the true purpose of schooling, and one particularly beastly red-headed boy who insists on plaguing his sisters country friend. Will Polly ever learn to be like the other girls? And does she even want to? A timeless story by the author of beloved favorite Little Women.
William Hulbert Footner was a Canadian writer of non-fiction and detective fiction. His most successful creation was the beautiful and brilliant Madame Rosika Storey and her plain assistant who explains the evolving solutions to her boss cases. His Madame Storey mysteries fit the flapping 1920s like the long lizard gloves that graced her arms and did well supporting his traveling familys lifestyle. Easy To Kill is another mystery for the famous Mme. Storey to solve. Do you like the lifestyle in Newport? Mme. Storey prefers New York, for sure. Follow her in this investigation that is both dangerous and difficult. There are many twists and turns that keep it interesting.
Sind Götter?. Die Halfred Sigskaldsaga
Felix Dahn (1834-1912) war ein deutscher Professor für Rechtswissenschaften, Schriftsteller und Historiker. Zwischen 1882 und 1901 ließ Dahn in 13 Bänden Kleine Romane aus der Völkerwanderung, zwischen 1890 und 1895 ebenfalls in mehreren Bänden eine etwa dreitausendseitige Autobiografie folgen. Sind Götter? Die Halfred Sigskaldsaga eine nordische Erzählung aus dem zehnten Jahrhundert, 1874.
Rogues in the House is one of the original short stories starring the fictional sword and sorcery hero Conan the Cimmerian, written by American author Robert E. Howard and first published in Weird Tales magazine in January 1934. It is set in the pseudo-historical Hyborian Age and concerns Conan inadvertently becoming involved in the power play between two powerful men fighting for control of a city. It was the seventh Conan story Howard had published.
Rupert Bascoe and Wakefield are the main characters of the story. They rode in the night express. They were familiar, even more, they had an affair. However, Miss Wakefield did not trust her partner. Let us dive into the past of our heroes and find out that Miss Wakefield had a tough action. Therefore, she constantly carries a weapon with her, like a wristwatch. But is it correct that she took it on a trip?
Friedrich Gerstäcker veröffentlichte eine Vielzahl von Erzählungen, Romanen und vor allem Berichte über seine verschiedenen Reisen, die ihn zu einem der meistgelesenen und bekanntesten Autoren Deutschlands machten. So war Gerstäcker in Amerika unter anderem als Holzfäller, Viehtreiber, Heizer und Koch auf einem Mississippidampfer, Lehrer und vor allem als (Großwild-) Jäger unterwegs. Er durchstreifte Nord- und Südamerika, die Inselwelt des Stillen Ozeans, Australien. Californische Skizze ist eine klassische deutsche literarische Arbeit, das die frühen Tage in Kalifornien beschreibt. Aufregendes Detail und Humor machen das zu einem außergewöhnlichen Interesse.