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Eлектронна книга

The Extraordinary Adventures of Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar

Maurice Leblanc

A contemporary of Arthur Conan Doyle, Maurice Leblanc was the creator of the character of gentleman thief Arsene Lupin who, in France, has enjoyed a popularity as long-lasting and considerable as Sherlock Holmes in the English-speaking world. This is the delightful first of twenty volumes in the Arsene Lupin series written by Leblanc himself. The collection includes nine stories dealing with various complicated plots in which Lupin proves himself to be the consummate escape artist. In the first story titled The Arrest of Arsene Lupin, told by a man who comes to admire the gentleman burglar, Lupin is apprehended on board a cruise ship. The later stories deal with his prison term, escape from jail and further adventures. One of the most famous Arsene Lupin stories, The Queens Necklace is also included here. The two immortals meet in the ninth story, Sherlock Holmes Arrives Too Late and naturally, Lupin manages to outwit the English bloodhound!

Eлектронна книга

Killer Kay

Edgar Wallace

Killer Kay is one of the mystery story from collection which includes the following short stories by Edgar Wallace, a famous British author of mystery genre: The Business-Woman, Blue Suit, Battle Level, The Air Taxi, The Convenient Sea, The Vamp and the Librarian, Thieves Make Thieves. Fast-paced, with good twists and turns, an unusual mystery scheme and a little romance. Edgar Wallace was an immensely popular British writer of mystery thrillers. Today, Wallace is still popular in Great Britain. His impact has been greatly felt in the German motion-picture industry, where many of his books were made into excellent screen thrillers.

Eлектронна книга

Накануне (W przededniu)

Иван Сергеевич Тургенев, Iwan Siergiejewicz Turgieniew

Роман Ивана Сергеевича Тургенева «Накануне» принадлежит к шедеврам не только русской, но и мировой классики. Он был создан великим писателем в 1861 году, в год отмены крепостного права в России, накануне новой исторической эпохи... В центре романа 2013 образы молодежи поколения 1850-х годов. Молодая и перспективная Елена Стахова, девушка из богатой дворянской семьи, и Дмитрий Инсаров 2013 малообеспеченный болгарин, пламенно жаждущий освободить свою родину от турецких оккупантов. Влюбившись в Инсарова, Елена бесстрашно оставляет дом и свою родину, и идет за своим избранником... Тургенев, со свойственным ему необыкновенным лиризмом, написал удивительную книгу о счастье и долге, об эгоизме и самопожертвовании и о всепобеждающей любви, вступающей в противоречие с самой действительностью.

Eлектронна книга

Pustelnia parmeńska


Pełna intryg, napięcia i niedomówień opowieść o miłości. Główny bohater, Fabryc del Dongo, zostaje odrzucony i wydziedziczony przez własnego ojca z powodu odmiennych poglądów politycznych. Chłopak przyzwyczajony do wystawnego życia i kontaktu z ojcem czuje się zagubiony i nieszczęśliwy. Szuka pocieszenia wśród znanych sobie kobiet. Powieść idealnie oddaje klimat dworski przełomu XVIII i XIX wieku.

Eлектронна книга

The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

There is a trial of the bare and thin peasant Denis Grigoriev. He is accused of unscrewing the nut, which rails are attached to the cross ties. The little man does not deny this, but does not see his guilt. The investigator finds out that Denis, like other men, unscrews the nuts in order to make them sinkers. The defendant sincerely does not understand that such unscrewing can lead to train accidents and death. The investigator sends the attacker to prison, but he still does not understand what he did.

Eлектронна книга

The Swindler and Other Stories

Ethel M. Dell

The Swindler and Other Stories is a collection of stories first published in 1923 by the hugely successful English writer of popular romances Ethel May Dell. The Swindler: As a young girl Cynthia holds a professional swindler in admiration, since he cleverly swindled her out of five hundred pounds. On a voyage she meets a private detective called West who is bent on capturing this swindler called Nat Verney. Little did Cynthia know what the favor she asked of West would lead to. What follows is a mans lies to save the woman he loves from herself and another mans love for Cynthia, and how far he will go to make her happy, at his own expense. The rest of the stories are love stories and have many surprises.

Eлектронна книга

Krwawa hrabina. Sensacyjna powieść historyczna

Stanisław Antoni Wotowski

Powieść historyczna z elementami biograficznymi. Elżbieta Batorówna, tytułowa krwawa hrabina, oddawała się rytualnym sesjom upiększającym. Zażywała kąpieli we krwi młodych kobiet. Miało to zagwarantować jej wieczną młodość... Studium psychologiczne głównej bohaterki.

Eлектронна книга

Judgment at Chelmsford

Charles Williams

Judgement at Chelmsford is a pageant play, written for a church setting. The author Charles Williams (1886-1945), who was a British theologian, playwright, novelist and poet, was commissioned to produce this play to mark the 25th anniversary of The Diocese of Chelmsford in 1939. In it, he created a huge, sprawling drama about the history of Chelmsford. Eight episodes, a prologue and epilogue, make this a formidable work. It was intended to be a large-scale pageant play and explores both historical and spiritual themes. Thus the complete pageant offers a representation not only of the history of the diocese, but of the movement of the soul of man in its journey from the things of this world to the heavenly city of Almighty God.