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Biznes i ekonomia
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Sport, fitness, diety
Technika i mechanika
Kursy video
Bazy danych
Big Data
Biznes, ekonomia i marketing
Data Science
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Microsoft Office
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Urządzenia mobilne
Web development
Introduction to Algorithms. A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners: Unlocking Computational Thinking
Begin your journey into the fascinating world of algorithms with this comprehensive course. Starting with an introduction to the basics, you will learn about pseudocode and flowcharts, the fundamental tools for representing algorithms. As you progress, you'll delve into the efficiency of algorithms, understanding how to evaluate and optimize them for better performance. The course will also cover various basic algorithm types, providing a solid foundation for further exploration.You will explore specific categories of algorithms, including search and sort algorithms, which are crucial for managing and retrieving data efficiently. You will also learn about graph algorithms, which are essential for solving problems related to networks and relationships. Additionally, the course will introduce you to the data structures commonly used in algorithms.Towards the end, the focus shifts to algorithm design techniques and their real-world applications. You will discover various strategies for creating efficient and effective algorithms and see how these techniques are applied in real-world scenarios. By the end of the course, you will have a thorough understanding of algorithmic principles and be equipped with the skills to apply them in your technical career.
Mark Dunkerley, Matt Tumbarello
Are you looking for effective ways to protect Windows-based systems from being compromised by unauthorized users?Mastering Windows Security and Hardening is a detailed guide that helps you gain expertise when implementing efficient security measures and creating robust defense solutions.We will begin with an introduction to Windows security fundamentals, baselining, and the importance of building a baseline for an organization. As you advance, you will learn how to effectively secure and harden your Windows-based system, protect identities, and even manage access. In the concluding chapters, the book will take you through testing, monitoring, and security operations. In addition to this, you’ll be equipped with the tools you need to ensure compliance and continuous monitoring through security operations.By the end of this book, you’ll have developed a full understanding of the processes and tools involved in securing and hardening your Windows environment.
Douglas Paterson, Francisco Burzi
PHP-Nuke is a free tool for managing the content of a dynamic website. As one of the most popular applications on the Internet, PHP-Nuke has grown into a complex, powerful tool with an extraordinary range of features, and a loyal community of supporters. Through a web-based interface, users can edit and manage their site without the need for knowledge of web programming. PHP-Nuke is ideal for running a community-driven website, where visitors create accounts, comment and interact with the site, and contribute material in an easily managed fashion. PHP-Nuke has many of the features you would want from a website such as news stories, ratings, comments, discussion forums, and its look can be easily controlled with the use of themes.If you want to create a powerful, fully-featured website in no time, this book is for you. This book will help you explore PHP-Nuke, putting you in the picture of what it offers, and how to go about realizing this.Throughout the book we develop an example site, as you are taken on a detailed tour of the features of PHP-Nuke. You will be introduced to the main components of PHP-Nuke, and learn how to manage them. You will develop the skills and confidence to manage all types of content on the site, and also understand how users work and interact with the site.To make sure that you create a site that looks the way you want it to, the book covers customizing themes to help define your look for your pages. Although PHP-Nuke allows you to accomplish much without doing any web programming, to extend your site you will need to get your hands dirty with some coding. The book leads you through adding custom code to PHP-Nuke, and shows you how PHP-Nuke puts pages together, and the functions it uses for the fundamental operations of the site.
Edge computing is a way of processing information near the source of data instead of processing it on data centers in the cloud. In this way, edge computing can reduce latency when data is processed, improving the user experience on real-time data visualization for your applications. Using K3s, a light-weight Kubernetes and k3OS, a K3s-based Linux distribution along with other open source cloud native technologies, you can build reliable edge computing systems without spending a lot of money.In this book, you will learn how to design edge computing systems with containers and edge devices using sensors, GPS modules, WiFi, LoRa communication and so on. You will also get to grips with different use cases and examples covered in this book, how to solve common use cases for edge computing such as updating your applications using GitOps, reading data from sensors and storing it on SQL and NoSQL databases. Later chapters will show you how to connect hardware to your edge clusters, predict using machine learning, and analyze images with computer vision. All the examples and use cases in this book are designed to run on devices using 64-bit ARM processors, using Raspberry Pi devices as an example.By the end of this book, you will be able to use the content of these chapters as small pieces to create your own edge computing system.
Webflow by Example. Design, build, and publish modern websites without writing code
Webflow is a modern no-code website-builder that enables you to rapidly design and build production-scale responsive websites. Webflow by Example is a practical, project-based, and beginner-friendly guide to understanding and using Webflow to efficiently build and launch responsive websites from scratch.Complete with hands-on tutorials, projects, and self-assessment questions, this easy-to-follow guide will take you through modern web development principles and help you to apply them efficiently using Webflow. You’ll also get to grips with modern responsive web development and understand how to take advantage of the power and flexibility of Webflow. The book will guide you through a real-life project where you will build a fully responsive and dynamic website from scratch. You will learn how to add animations and interactions, customize experiences for users, and more. Finally, the book covers important steps and best practices for making your website ready for production, including SEO optimization and how to publish and package the website.By the end of this Webflow book, you will have gained the skills you need to build modern responsive websites from scratch without any code.
Dick Weisinger, Richard B Weisinger, Alfresco.com
The Alfresco Records Management feature set is so complete that it is one of the very limited number of systems, and the only Open Source solution, that has been fully certified for Records Management use by the US Department of Defense. Record keeping is important because accurate records are really the only way that organizations can demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. The amount of regulation that organizations must comply with has gone up dramatically over the last decade, and the complexity of record management has increased proportionally.Alfresco 3 Records Management is a complete guide for setting up records programs within organizations. The book is the first and only one that describes Alfresco's implementation of Records Management. It not only teaches the technology for implementing Records Management, but also discusses the important roles that both processes and people play in the building of a successful records program.Alfresco 3 Records Management starts with a description of the importance of record keeping, especially from a regulatory compliance perspective. It then discusses Records Management best practices and standards, and goes on to describe step by step how to identify documents that need to be managed as records, how to use Alfresco Records Management software to set up the File Plan structure for organizing the storage of records, and then how to manage the lifecycle of the records.The book provides detailed instructions for installing and configuring Alfresco Records Management. The topics covered include setting up a record File Plan, filing records, establishing record retention schedules, setting up security and permissions, assigning metadata, extending the content model, using advanced search techniques, and creating system activity audit reports. The book also provides deep-dive information from a developer's perspective about how the Records Management module was implemented within the Alfresco Share platform.Alfresco 3 Records Management covers features available in both the Community and Enterprise versions of Alfresco software. By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully develop a records policy and implement it within Alfresco Records Management.
Neuroevolution is a form of artificial intelligence learning that uses evolutionary algorithms to simplify the process of solving complex tasks in domains such as games, robotics, and the simulation of natural processes. This book will give you comprehensive insights into essential neuroevolution concepts and equip you with the skills you need to apply neuroevolution-based algorithms to solve practical, real-world problems.You'll start with learning the key neuroevolution concepts and methods by writing code with Python. You'll also get hands-on experience with popular Python libraries and cover examples of classical reinforcement learning, path planning for autonomous agents, and developing agents to autonomously play Atari games. Next, you'll learn to solve common and not-so-common challenges in natural computing using neuroevolution-based algorithms. Later, you'll understand how to apply neuroevolution strategies to existing neural network designs to improve training and inference performance. Finally, you'll gain clear insights into the topology of neural networks and how neuroevolution allows you to develop complex networks, starting with simple ones.By the end of this book, you will not only have explored existing neuroevolution-based algorithms, but also have the skills you need to apply them in your research and work assignments.