
Apologetyka po prostu. Jak pomóc poszukującym i sceptykom w odnalezieniu wiary

Alister E McGrath

Apologetyka Radości. C. S. Lewisa argument z Pragnienia na rzecz istnienia Boga

Joe Puckett Jr.

Apologia Sokratesa. Kryton


Aporie sobości. Problem tożsamości osobowej w powieściach Wiesława Myśliwskiego

Damian Michałowski


Wojciech Dutka

Apostolstwo Chorych. 100-letnie doświadczenie duchowe - podstawy teologiczne - perspektywy pastoralne

Ks. Antoni Bartoszek

Apostołowie słowiańscy święci Cyryl i Metody

L. Tatomir


Adam Asnyk


Jerzy Liebert


Franciszek Nowicki

App Inventor 2 Essentials. A step-by-step introductory guide to mobile app development with App Inventor 2

Felicia Kamriani, Krishnendu Roy

Appcelerator Titanium Application Development by Example Beginner's Guide. Once you've got into Appcelerator Titanium you'll never look back. This book is the perfect introduction to developing native cross-platform apps for iOS, Android, and Windows 8

Darren Cope, Darren Paul Cope

Appcelerator Titanium Smartphone App Development Cookbook. Over 100 recipes to help you develop cross-platform, native applications in JavaScript

Boydlee Pollentine, Jason Kneen, Jason Kneen

Appium Essentials. Explore mobile automation with Appium and discover new ways to test native, web, and hybrid applications

Jonathan Lipps, Manoj Hans, Shashikant Jagtap

Apple Motion 5 Cookbook. With this book you'll be able to fully exploit the fantastic features of Apple Motion. There are over 110 recipes with downloadable content for each chapter and stacks of screenshots. A video editor's dream

Nicholas Harauz

Apple Pay Essentials. Harness the power of Apple Pay in your iOS apps and integrate it with global payment gateways

Ernest Bruce