Techniki programowania


Building a 3D Game with LibGDX. Click here to enter text

Sebastián Di Giuseppe, Andreas Krühlmann, Elmar van Rijnswou

LibGDX is a hugely popular open source, cross-platform, Java-based game development framework built for the demands of cross-platform game development. This book will teach readers how the LibGDX framework uses its 3D rendering API with the OpenGL wrapper, in combination with Bullet Physics, 3D Particles, and Shaders to develop and deploy a game application to different platformsYou will start off with the basic Intellij environment, workflow and set up a LibGDX project with necessary APIs for 3D development. You will then go through LibGDX’s 3D rendering API main features and talk about the camera used for 3D. Our next step is to put everything together to build a basic 3D game with Shapes, including basic gameplay mechanics and basic UI. Next you will go through modeling, rigging, and animation in Blender. We will then talk about refining mechanics, new input implementations, implementing enemy 3D models, mechanics, and gameplay balancing. The later part of this title will help you to manage secondary resources like audio, music and add 3D particles in the game to make the game more realistic. You will finally test and deploy the app on a multitude of different platforms, ready to start developing your own titles how you want!


Building AI Applications with Microsoft Semantic Kernel. Easily integrate generative AI capabilities and copilot experiences into your applications

Lucas A. Meyer

In the fast-paced world of AI, developers are constantly seeking efficient ways to integrate AI capabilities into their apps. Microsoft Semantic Kernel simplifies this process by using the GenAI features from Microsoft and OpenAI.Written by Lucas A. Meyer, a Principal Research Scientist in Microsoft’s AI for Good Lab, this book helps you get hands on with Semantic Kernel. It begins by introducing you to different generative AI services such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, demonstrating their integration with Semantic Kernel. You’ll then learn to craft prompt templates for reuse across various AI services and variables. Next, you’ll learn how to add functionality to Semantic Kernel by creating your own plugins. The second part of the book shows you how to combine multiple plugins to execute complex actions, and how to let Semantic Kernel use its own AI to solve complex problems by calling plugins, including the ones made by you. The book concludes by teaching you how to use vector databases to expand the memory of your AI services and how to help AI remember the context of earlier requests. You’ll also be guided through several real-world examples of applications, such as RAG and custom GPT agents.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the knowledge you need to start using Semantic Kernel to add AI capabilities to your applications.


Building an RPG with Unreal 4.x. Get to grips with building the foundations of an RPG using Unreal Engine 4.x

Alan R. Stagner, Steve Santello

Now that Unreal Engine 4 has become one of the most cutting edge game engines in the world, developers are looking for the best ways of creating games of any genre in the engine. This book will lay out the foundation of creating a turn-based RPG in Unreal Engine 4.12. The book starts by walking you through creating a turn-based battle system that can hold commands for party members and enemies. You’ll get your hands dirty by creating NPCs such as shop owners, and important mechanics, that make up every RPG such as a currency system, inventory, dialogue, and character statistics. Although this book specifically focuses on the creation of a turn-based RPG, there are a variety of topics that can be utilized when creating many other types of genres.By the end of the book, you will be able to build upon core RPG framework elements to create your own game experience.


Building Blazor WebAssembly Applications with gRPC. Learn how to implement source generators and gRPC in your Blazor apps for better performance

Václav Pekárek

Building Blazor WebAssembly Applications with gRPC will take you to the next level in your web development career. After working through all the essentials of gRPC, Blazor, and source generators, you will be far from a beginner C# developer and would qualify as a developer with intermediate knowledge of the Blazor ecosystem.After a quick primer on the basics of Blazor technology, REST, gRPC, and source generators, you’ll dive straight into building Blazor WASM applications. You’ll learn about everything from two-way bindings and Razor syntax to project setup. The practical emphasis continues throughout the book as you steam through creating data repositories, working with REST, and building and registering gRPC services. The chapters also cover how to manage source generators, C# and debugging best practices, and more. There is no shorter path than this book to solidify your gRPC-enabled web development knowledge.By the end of this book, your knowledge of building Blazor applications with one of the most modern and powerful frameworks around will equip you with a highly sought-after skill set that you can leverage in the best way possible.


Building Minecraft Server Modifications. Create and customize your very own Minecraft server using Java and the Spigot API - Second Edition

Cody M. Sommer

Minecraft is a sandbox game that allows you to play it in any way you want. Coupled with a multiplayer server powered by Spigot, you can customize the game even more! Using the Bukkit API, anyone interested in learning how to program can control their Minecraft world by developing server plugins.This book is a great introduction to software development through the wonderful world of Minecraft. We start by instructing you through how to set up your home PC for Minecraft server development. This includes an IDE complete with the required libraries as well as a Spigot server to test on. You will be guided through writing code for several different plugins. Each chapter teaches you new skills to create plugins of increasing complexity, and each plugin adds a new concept of the Bukkit API By the end of the book, you will have all the knowledge you need about the API to successfully create any type of plugin. You can then practice and build your Java skills through developing more mods for their server.


Building Minecraft Server Modifications. Discover how to program your own server plugins and augment your Minecraft server with Bukkit

Cody M. Sommer

If you have ever played Minecraft on a public server then the chances are that the server was powered by Bukkit. Bukkit plugins allow a server to be modified in more ways than you can imagine. Learning to program your own server mods will allow you to customize the game to your own liking.Building Minecraft Server Modifications is a complete guide that walks you through the creation of Minecraft server mods. From setting up a server, to testing your newly made plugins, this book teaches you everything you need to know. With the help of this book you can start practising for a career in software development or simply create something awesome to play with your friends.This book walks you through installing your own Minecraft server for you and your friends. Once your server is running, it will aid you in modifying the game by programming Bukkit plugins. You will learn how to program simple plugin features such as player commands and permissions. You will also learn more complex features including listening for events, creating a configurable plugin, and utilizing the Bukkit scheduler. All of this will be accomplished while writing your own server mods.You will become familiar with the most important aspects of the Bukkit API. Additional API features will become a breeze to learn after tackling these more complicated tasks.


Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API. Confident of your web application skills but not yet au fait with mobile development? Well this book helps you use the Kendo UI for a painless introduction. Practical tasks and clear instructions make learning a breeze

Ragini Kumbhat Bhandari, Nishanth Nair, Ragini Bhandari

With the world becoming more mobile, there is a growing need for mobile websites and applications. Building these from scratch is not a simple process. Kendo UI Mobile makes building websites and applications easier than ever before. Build applications for phones and tablets in no time at all and provide your user with a native look and feel.Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API helps you to understand the concept of building mobile applications using HTML5 based frameworks, specifically Kendo UI Mobile. It teaches you in a simple step-by-step manner how to create a service backend layer using ASP.NET Web API and how to integrate it with your front end mobile application, which is the missing piece of the puzzle for most developers who are new to mobile applications development. Learn everything from the basics of HTML5 to design and development of a mobile application using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API. Integrate them in the right way using extensible and maintainable JavaScript code.Starting with the basics of the Kendo UI platform, learn how to build a real world mobile application from scratch. You will explore the Kendo UI framework elements and integrate the sample mobile application with the ASP.NET Web API service. One of the most important things that you will learn from this book is how to organize your code using the JavaScript Revealing Module Pattern. You will also take a journey through Kendo UI Mobile widgets with lots of code samples hosted in jsFiddle. At the end of this book, you will complete the integration of the sample application and master fixing real world problems utilizing your newly acquired professional techniques that will save you time and effort.Building Mobile Applications Using Kendo UI Mobile and ASP.NET Web API will help you improve your mobile application development skills using hands-on examples, and will help you address the common problems faced by beginners as well as experienced web programmers. 


Building Modern SaaS Applications with C# and .NET. Build, deploy, and maintain professional SaaS applications

Andy Watt

There are several concepts that must be mastered to deliver functional and efficient SaaS applications. This book is perfect for developers and teams with experience in traditional application development looking to switch to SaaS and deliver slick and modern applications. You‘ll start with a general overview of SaaS as a concept and learn with the help of an example throughout the book to bring life to the technical descriptions. You’ll use the Microsoft .NET tech stack for development and C# as the programming language to develop your desired SaaS application.Delivering SaaS requires a deep understanding of all layers in the application stack. As you progress, you’ll learn how to approach the database layer, the API, and the UI to confidently approach application development using the SaaS model. Additionally, you’ll explore how to test, deploy, maintain, and upgrade each component of the application.By the end of this book, you will be well equipped to approach all aspects of delivering software using the SaaS paradigm.


Building Python Real-Time Applications with Storm. Learn to process massive real-time data streams using Storm and Python—no Java required!

Kartik Bhatnagar, Barry Hart

Big data is a trending concept that everyone wants to learn about. With its ability to process all kinds of data in real time, Storm is an important addition to your big data “bag of tricks.” At the same time, Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages today. It has become a top choice for both data science and everyday application development. Together, Storm and Python enable you to build and deploy real-time big data applications quickly and easily.You will begin with some basic command tutorials to set up storm and learn about its configurations in detail. You will then go through the requirement scenarios to create a Storm cluster. Next, you’ll be provided with an overview of Petrel, followed by an example of Twitter topology and persistence using Redis and MongoDB. Finally, you will build a production-quality Storm topology using development best practices.


Building RESTful Python Web Services. Click here to enter text

Gaston C. Hillar

Python is the language of choice for millions of developers worldwide, due to its gentle learning curve as well as its vast applications in day-to-day programming. It serves the purpose of building great web services in the RESTful architecture. This book will show you the best tools you can use to build your own web services.Learn how to develop RESTful APIs using the popular Python frameworks and all the necessary stacks with Python, Django, Flask, and Tornado, combined with related libraries and tools. We will dive deep into each of these frameworks to build various web services, and will provide use cases and best practices on when to use a particular framework to get the best results. We will show you everything required to successfully develop RESTful APIs with the four frameworks such as request handling, URL mapping, serialization, validation, authentication, authorization, versioning, ORMs, databases, custom code for models and views, and asynchronous callbacks. At the end of each framework, we will add authentication and security to the RESTful APIs and prepare tests for it.By the end of the book, you will have a deep understanding of the stacks needed to build RESTful web services.


Building SPAs with Django and HTML Over the Wire. Learn to build real-time single page applications with Python

Andros Fenollosa

The HTML over WebSockets approach simplifies single-page application (SPA) development and lets you bypass learning a JavaScript rendering framework such as React, Vue, or Angular, moving the logic to Python. This web application development book provides you with all the Django tools you need to simplify your developments with real-time results.You’ll learn state-of-the-art WebSocket techniques to realize real-time applications with minimal reliance on JavaScript. This book will also show you how to create a project with Docker from the ground up, test it, and deploy it on a server. You’ll learn how to create a project, add Docker, and discover development libraries, Django channels, and bidirectional communication, and from then, on you’ll create real projects of all kinds using HTML over WebSockets as a chat app or a blog with real-time comments. In addition, you’ll modernize your development techniques by moving from using an SSR model to creating web pages using WebSockets over HTML. With Django, you’ll be able to create SPAs with professional real-time projects where the logic is in Python.By the end of this Django book, you’ll be able to build real-time applications, as well as gaining a solid understanding of WebSockets with Django.


Building UIs with Wijmo. Wijmo lets you use widgets on your websites for more flexibility and ease of use in the user interface. This book shows you how with a refreshingly logical and example-led approach that makes learning a pleasure

Yuguang Zhang

Until recently, writing applications using JavaScript and HTML was difficult, because developers had to make the user interface by themselves; however, this started changing with the introduction of JavaScript libraries such as jQuery, jQuery UI, and KnockoutJS. An extension of jQuery UI, Wijmo adds features and widgets on top of jQuery UI and makes it easier to add user interface widgets to HTML documents.Building UIs with Wijmo gives you a tour of what Wijmo offers at a glance. With code recipes and well-explained examples, you will be able to use Wijmo in no time. The book gives details on options not explained in the documentation and helps you avoid those that don't work. The examples only feature the necessary code, with recommendations and best practices.This book introduces Wijmo, grouping widgets by their common application area or usage. It walks the user through the features of the dialog widget with examples as an introduction to the library. Then, widgets for forms, images, tootips, and other topics are explored.Features only available in the Wijmo dialog widget compared to the jQuery UI widget are thoroughly explained with examples. Common form components such as checkboxes, dropdowns, and inputs have Wijmo counterparts which keep the theme consistent and add functionalities. When Wijmo is used with Knockout, the UI automatically refreshes when the data changes. This book takes it further with WebSockets for two way communication between the server and client. With Building UIs with Wijmo, you will learn all the common web development components in Wijmo. You will get started using Wijmo in no time.


C# 11 and .NET 7 - Modern Cross-Platform Development Fundamentals. Start building websites and services with ASP.NET Core 7, Blazor, and EF Core 7 - Seventh Edition

Extensively revised to accommodate the latest features that come with C# 11 and .NET 7, this latest edition of our guide will get you coding in C# with confidence.You’ll learn object-oriented programming, writing, testing, and debugging functions, implementing interfaces, and inheriting classes. Next, you’ll take on .NET APIs for performing tasks like managing and querying data, working with the filesystem, and serialization. As you progress, you’ll also explore examples of cross-platform projects you can build and deploy, such as websites and services using ASP.NET Core.Instead of distracting you with unnecessary graphical user interface code, the first eleven chapters will teach you about C# language constructs and many of the .NET libraries through simple console applications. Having mastered the basics, you’ll then start building websites, web services, and browser apps.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to create rich web experiences and have a solid grasp of object-oriented programming that you can build upon.


C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0: Modern Cross-Platform Development. Modern Cross-Platform Development

Mark J. Price, Roman Atachiants

With the release of .NET Core 1.0, you can now create applications for Mac OS X and Linux, as well as Windows, using the development tools you know and love. C# 6 and .NET Core 1.0 has been divided into three high-impact sections to help start putting these new features to work. First, we'll run you through the basics of C#, as well as object-orient programming, before taking a quick tour through the latest features of C# 6 such as string interpolation for easier variable value output, exception filtering, and how to perform static class imports. We'll also cover both the full-feature, mature .NET Framework and the new, cross-platform .NET Core.After quickly taking you through C# and how .NET works, we'll dive into the internals of the .NET class libraries, covering topics such as performance, monitoring, debugging, internationalization, serialization, and encryption. We'll look at Entity Framework Core 1.0 and how to develop Code-First entity data models, as well as how to use LINQ to query and manipulate that data. The final section will demonstrate the major types of applications that you can build and deploy cross-device and cross-platform. In this section, we'll cover Universal Windows Platform (UWP) apps, web applications, and web services. Lastly, we'll help you build a complete application that can be hosted on all of today's most popular platforms, including Linux and Docker.By the end of the book, you'll be armed with all the knowledge you need to build modern, cross-platform applications using C# and .NET Core.


C# Programming Cookbook. Quick fixes to your common C# programming problems, with a focus on C# 6.0

Dirk Strauss

During your application development workflow, there is always a moment when you need to get out of a tight spot. Through a recipe-based approach, this book will help you overcome common programming problems and get your applications ready to face the modern world. We start with C# 6, giving you hands-on experience with the new language features. Next, we work through the tasks that you perform on a daily basis such as working with strings, generics, and lots more. Gradually, we move on to more advanced topics such as the concept of object-oriented programming, asynchronous programming, reactive extensions, and code contracts. You will learn responsive high performance programming in C# and how to create applications with Azure. Next, we will review the choices available when choosing a source control solution. At the end of the book, we will show you how to create secure and robust code, and will help you ramp up your skills when using the new version of C# 6 and Visual Studio


C++ Windows Programming. Click here to enter text

Stefan Björnander

It is critical that modern developers have the right tools to build practical, user-friendly, and efficient applications in order to compete in today’s market. Through hands-on guidance, this book illustrates and demonstrates C++ best practices and the Small Windows object-oriented class library to ease your development of interactive Windows applications. Begin with a focus on high level application development using Small Windows. Learn how to build four real-world applications which focus on the general problems faced when developing graphical applications. Get essential troubleshooting guidance on drawing, spreadsheet, and word processing applications. Finally finish up with a deep dive into the workings of the Small Windows class library, which will give you all the insights you need to build your own object-oriented class library in C++.


Canvas Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Bhushan Purushottam Joshi, Eric Rowell

With the growing popularity of HTML5 Canvas, this book offers tailored recipes to help you develop portable applications, presentations, and games.The recipes are simple yet creative and build on each other. At every step, the book inspires the reader to develop his/her own recipe. From basic to advanced, every aspect of Canvas API has been covered to guide readers to develop their own application, presentation, or game.


CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook. An all-in-one guide to installing, configuring, and running a Centos 6 server. Ideal for newbies and old-hands alike, this practical tutorial ensures you get the best from this popular, enterprise-class free server solution

Jonathan Hobson

CentOS is a community-based enterprise class operating system and this book will provide a series of practical solutions that will not only show you how to install and maintain CentOS as a server, but to explore this well-known Linux distribution with the intention of tackling many common issues by providing some tricks of the trade in order to simplify the task of building a server.CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook is a practical guide to installation, configuration, administration, and maintenance. This is a one-stop-shop to all things CentOS, so regardless as to whether you need a mail server, web server, database server, domain server or a file sharing platform, this book provides a comprehensive series of starting points that will give you direct access to the inner workings of this open source, community-based enterprise server.CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook is a practical guide to the complete installation, configuration, administration, and maintenance of one of the world's most popular community-based enterprise servers.From installation to configuration, this book of recipes will take you on a journey to explore inner workings of CentOS server. Within this book you will learn how to install CentOS in variety of settings, enhance your installation with the correct tools of the trade and prepare your server to fulfil almost any role you could ever need.By discovering more about time, networking, package management, system management and security, this book will serve to show you how to get the very best from this freely available, open source server by presenting a series of solutions that will enable you to master the art of building your very own web, database, mail, domain name, file sharing services.CentOS 6 Linux Server Cookbook is a hands-on approach to installing, configuring and managing this ever popular community based enterprise server. By taking you from installation to customization this book will serve all Linux professionals and enthusiasts alike by providing you with a practical guide to using CentOS as a world-class server solution that is capable of delivering your mail, web, ftp, domain and file sharing services.


ChromeOS System Administrator's Guide. Implement, manage, and optimize ChromeOS features effectively

Dr. Willie Sanders

Google's ChromeOS provides a great platform for technicians, system administrators, developers, and casual users alike, providing a seemingly simplistic architecture that is easy enough for a novice user to begin working with. However, beneath the surface, this operating system boasts a plethora of powerful tools, able to rival any other OS on the market. So, learning how to harness the full potential of the OS is critical for you as a technical worker and user to thrive at your workplace. ChromeOS System Administrator’s Guide will help you reap the benefits of all features of ChromeOS.This book explains ChromeOS’ unique architecture and its built-in tools that perform essential tasks such as managing user accounts, working with data, and launching applications. As you build your foundational knowledge of the OS, you'll be exposed to higher-level concepts such as security, command line, and enterprise management.By the end of this book, you’ll be well-equipped to perform a range of system administration tasks within ChromeOS without requiring an alternative operating system, thereby broadening your options as a technician, system administrator, developer, or engineer.


Clean Code in PHP. Expert tips and best practices to write beautiful, human-friendly, and maintainable PHP

Carsten Windler, Alexandre Daubois

PHP is a beginner-friendly language, but also one that is rife with complaints of bad code,;yet no clean code books are specific to PHP. Enter Clean Code in PHP. This book is a one-stop guide to learning the theory and best practices of clean code specific to real-world PHP app development environments.This PHP book is cleanly split to help you navigate through coding practices and theories to understand and adopt the nuances of the clean code paradigm. In addition to covering best practices, tooling for code quality, and PHP design patterns, this book also presents tips and techniques for working on large-scale PHP apps with a team and writing effective documentation for your PHP projects.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to write human-friendly PHP code, which will fuel your PHP career growth and set you apart from the competition.


Clojure for Java Developers. Transition smoothly from Java to the most widely used functional JVM-based language – Clojure

Eduardo Díaz, Eduardo D Real

We have reached a point where machines are not getting much faster, software projects need to be delivered quickly, and high quality in software is more demanding as ever.We need to explore new ways of writing software that helps achieve those goals. Clojure offers a new possibility of writing high quality, multi-core software faster than ever, without having to leave your current platform.Clojure for Java developers aims at unleashing the true potential of the Clojure language to use it in your projects. The book begins with the installation and setup of the Clojure environment before moving on to explore the language in-depth. Get acquainted with its various features such as functional programming, concurrency, etc. with the help of example projects. Additionally, you will also, learn how the tooling works, and how it interacts with the Java environment. By the end of this book, you will have a firm grip on Clojure and its features, and use them effectively to write more robust programs.


Clojure: High Performance JVM Programming. Click here to enter text

Akhil Wali, Shantanu Kumar, Eduardo Díaz

Clojure is a general-purpose language from the Lisp family with an emphasis on functional programming. It has some interesting concepts and features such as immutability, gradual typing, thread-safe concurrency primitives, and macro-based metaprogramming, which makes it a great choice to create modern, performant, and scalable applications.This learning path aims at unleashing the true potential of the Clojure language so you can use it in your projects. It begins with installing and setting up the Clojure environment before moving on to explore the language in depth. You’ll get acquainted with its various features such as functional programming, concurrency, reducers, transducers, core.async and core.logic, and so on with a great level of detail.Moving on, you’ll also learn how to enhance performance using Java interoperability and JVM-specific features from Clojure; you’ll even master language features such as asynchronous channels, actors, logic programming, reactive programming, metaprogramming, and so on.This learning path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:• Clojure for Java Developers by Eduardo Díaz• Clojure High Performance Programming, Second Edition by Shantanu Kumar• Mastering Clojure by Akhil Wali


Clojure Programming Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Makoto Hashimoto, Nicolas Modrzyk

When it comes to learning and using a new language you need an effective guide to be by your side when things get rough. For Clojure developers, these recipes have everything you need to take on everything this language offers. This book is divided into three high impact sections. The first section gives you an introduction to live programming and best practices. We show you how to interact with your connections by manipulating, transforming, and merging collections. You’ll learn how to work with macros, protocols, multi-methods, and transducers. We’ll also teach you how to work with languages such as Java, and Scala.The next section deals with intermediate-level content and enhances your Clojure skills, here we’ll teach you concurrency programming with Clojure for high performance. We will provide you with advanced best practices, tips on Clojure programming, and show you how to work with Clojure while developing applications.In the final section you will learn how to test, deploy and analyze websocket behavior when your app is deployed in the cloud. Finally, we will take you through DevOps. Developing with Clojure has never been easier with these recipes by your side!


Cloud Computing Demystified for Aspiring Professionals. Hone your skills in AWS, Azure, and Google cloud computing and boost your career as a cloud engineer

David Santana, Amit Malik

If you want to upskill yourself in cloud computing domains to thrive in the IT industry, then you’ve come to the right place. Cloud Computing Demystified for Aspiring Professionals helps you to master cloud computing essentials and important technologies offered by cloud service providers needed to succeed in a cloud-centric job role.This book begins with an overview of transformation from traditional to modern-day cloud computing infrastructure, and various types and models of cloud computing. You’ll learn how to implement secure virtual networks, virtual machines, and data warehouse resources including data lake services used in big data analytics — as well as when to use SQL and NoSQL databases and how to build microservices using multi-cloud Kubernetes services across AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud. You'll also get step-by-step demonstrations of infrastructure, platform, and software cloud services and optimization recommendations derived from certified industry experts using hands-on tutorials, self-assessment questions, and real-world case studies.By the end of this book, you'll be ready to successfully implement cloud computing standardized concepts, services, and best practices in your workplace.