Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.


Python: Real World Machine Learning. Take your Python Machine learning skills to the next level

Prateek Joshi, Luca Massaron, John Hearty, Alberto Boschetti, ...

Machine learning is increasingly spreading in the modern data-driven world. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, robotics, self-driving cars, and more. Machine learning is transforming the way we understand and interact with the world around us.In the first module, Python Machine Learning Cookbook, you will learn how to perform various machine learning tasks using a wide variety of machine learning algorithms to solve real-world problems and use Python to implement these algorithms.The second module, Advanced Machine Learning with Python, is designed to take you on a guided tour of the most relevant and powerful machine learning techniques and you’ll acquire a broad set of powerful skills in the area of feature selection and feature engineering.The third module in this learning path, Large Scale Machine Learning with Python, dives into scalable machine learning and the three forms of scalability. It covers the most effective machine learning techniques on a map reduce framework in Hadoop and Spark in Python.This Learning Path will teach you Python machine learning for the real world. The machine learning techniques covered in this Learning Path are at the forefront of commercial practice.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Python Machine Learning Cookbook by Prateek Joshi? Advanced Machine Learning with Python by John Hearty? Large Scale Machine Learning with Python by Bastiaan Sjardin, Alberto Boschetti, Luca Massaron


Python: Real-World Data Science. Real-World Data Science

Fabrizio Romano, Dusty Phillips, Phuong Vo.T.H, Martin Czygan, ...

The Python: Real-World Data Science course will take you on a journey to become an efficient data science practitioner by thoroughly understanding the key concepts of Python. This learning path is divided into four modules and each module are a mini course in their own right, and as you complete each one, you’ll have gained key skills and be ready for the material in the next module. The course begins with getting your Python fundamentals nailed down. After getting familiar with Python core concepts, it’s time that you dive into the field of data science. In the second module, you'll learn how to perform data analysis using Python in a practical and example-driven way. The third module will teach you how to design and develop data mining applications using a variety of datasets, starting with basic classification and affinity analysis to more complex data types including text, images, and graphs. Machine learning and predictive analytics have become the most important approaches to uncover data gold mines. In the final module, we'll discuss the necessary details regarding machine learning concepts, offering intuitive yet informative explanations on how machine learning algorithms work, how to use them, and most importantly, how to avoid the common pitfalls.


Python Reinforcement Learning Projects. Eight hands-on projects exploring reinforcement learning algorithms using TensorFlow

Sean Saito, Yang Wenzhuo, Rajalingappaa Shanmugamani

Reinforcement learning is one of the most exciting and rapidly growing fields in machine learning. This is due to the many novel algorithms developed and incredible results published in recent years.In this book, you will learn about the core concepts of RL including Q-learning, policy gradients, Monte Carlo processes, and several deep reinforcement learning algorithms. As you make your way through the book, you'll work on projects with datasets of various modalities including image, text, and video. You will gain experience in several domains, including gaming, image processing, and physical simulations. You'll explore technologies such as TensorFlow and OpenAI Gym to implement deep learning reinforcement learning algorithms that also predict stock prices, generate natural language, and even build other neural networks.By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience with eight reinforcement learning projects, each addressing different topics and/or algorithms. We hope these practical exercises will provide you with better intuition and insight about the field of reinforcement learning and how to apply its algorithms to various problems in real life.


Python Social Media Analytics. Analyze and visualize data from Twitter, YouTube, GitHub, and more

Siddhartha Chatterjee, Michal Krystyanczuk

Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Forums, Pinterest, and YouTube have become part of everyday life in a big way. However, these complex and noisy data streams pose a potent challenge to everyone when it comes to harnessing them properly and benefiting from them. This book will introduce you to the concept of social media analytics, and how you can leverage its capabilities to empower your business.Right from acquiring data from various social networking sources such as Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and social forums, you will see how to clean data and make it ready for analytical operations using various Python APIs. This book explains how to structure the clean data obtained and store in MongoDB using PyMongo. You will also perform web scraping and visualize data using Scrappy and Beautifulsoup. Finally, you will be introduced to different techniques to perform analytics at scale for your social data on the cloud, using Python and Spark. By the end of this book, you will be able to utilize the power of Python to gain valuable insights from social media data and use them to enhance your business processes.


Python Tools for Data Scientists Pocket Primer. A Quick Guide to Essential Python Libraries for Data Science

Mercury Learning and Information, Oswald Campesato

This book, part of the best-selling Pocket Primer series, offers a comprehensive introduction to essential Python tools for data scientists. It begins with an overview of Python basics, followed by in-depth coverage of NumPy and Pandas, focusing on their features and applications. The text also addresses the critical tasks of writing regular expressions and performing data cleaning.Further sections delve into data visualization techniques and the use of Sklearn and SciPy, providing practical knowledge and skills for handling complex data analysis tasks. This structured approach ensures that readers gain a complete understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for effective data science.Designed to be accessible yet thorough, this book includes numerous code samples to reinforce learning. Companion files with source code are available for download, making it an invaluable resource for anyone looking to master Python for data science and enhance their data analysis capabilities.


Python. Uczenie maszynowe

Sebastian Raschka

Sprawdź drugie wydanie tej książki >> --- Uczenie maszynowe, zajmujące się algorytmami analizującymi dane, stanowi chyba najciekawszą dziedzinę informatyki. W czasach, w których generuje się olbrzymie ilości danych, samouczące się algorytmy maszynowe stanowią wyjątkową metodę przekształcania tych danych w wiedzę. W ten sposób powstało wiele innowacyjnych technologii, a możliwości uczenia maszynowego są coraz większe. Nieocenioną pomoc w rozwijaniu tej dziedziny stanowią liczne nowe biblioteki open source, które pozwalają na budowanie algorytmów w języku Python, będącym ulubionym, potężnym i przystępnym narzędziem naukowców i analityków danych. Niniejsza książka jest lekturą obowiązkową dla każdego, kto chce rozwinąć swoją wiedzę o danych naukowych i zamierza w tym celu wykorzystać język Python. Przystępnie opisano tu teoretyczne podstawy dziedziny i przedstawiono wyczerpujące informacje o działaniu algorytmów uczenia maszynowego, sposobach ich wykorzystania oraz metodach unikania poważnych błędów. Zaprezentowano również biblioteki Theano i Keras, sposoby przewidywania wyników docelowych za pomocą analizy regresywnej oraz techniki wykrywania ukrytych wzorców metodą analizy skupień. Nie zabrakło opisu technik przetwarzania wstępnego i zasad oceny modeli uczenia maszynowego. W tej książce: podstawowe rodzaje uczenia maszynowego i ich zastosowanie, biblioteka scikit-learn i klasyfikatory uczenia maszynowego, wydajne łączenie różnych algorytmów uczących, analiza sentymentów — przewidywanie opinii osób na podstawie sposobu pisania, praca z nieoznakowanymi danymi — uczenie nienadzorowane, tworzenie i trenowanie sieci neuronowych. Uczenie maszynowe — odkryj wiedzę, którą niosą dane!


Python. Uczenie maszynowe. Wydanie II

Uczenie maszynowe jest wyjątkowo fascynującą dziedziną inżynierii. Coraz częściej spotykamy się z praktycznym wykorzystaniem tego rodzaju innowacyjnych technologii. Samouczące algorytmy maszynowe pozwalają na uzyskiwanie wiedzy z ogromnych ilości danych. Dla osoby planującej rozwój kariery osiągnięcie biegłości w rozwiązywaniu problemów uczenia maszynowego jest nadzwyczaj atrakcyjną ścieżką. Użycie do tego celu Pythona pozwala dodatkowo skorzystać z bardzo przystępnego, wszechstronnego i potężnego narzędzia przeznaczonego do analizowania danych naukowych. Ta książka jest drugim, wzbogaconym i zaktualizowanym wydaniem znakomitego podręcznika do nauki o danych. Wyczerpująco opisano tu teoretyczne podwaliny uczenia maszynowego. Sporo uwagi poświęcono działaniu algorytmów uczenia głębokiego, sposobom ich wykorzystania oraz metodom unikania istotnych błędów. Dodano rozdziały prezentujące zaawansowane informacje o sieciach neuronowych: o sieciach splotowych, służących do rozpoznawania obrazów, oraz o sieciach rekurencyjnych, znakomicie nadających się do pracy z danymi sekwencyjnymi i danymi szeregów czasowych. Poszczególne zagadnienia zostały zilustrowane praktycznymi przykładami kodu napisanego w Pythonie, co ułatwi bezpośrednie zapoznanie się z tematyką uczenia maszynowego. W tej książce: struktury używane w analizie danych, uczeniu maszynowym i uczeniu głębokim metody uczenia sieci neuronowych implementowanie głębokich sieci neuronowych analiza sentymentów i analiza regresywna przetwarzanie obrazów i danych tekstowych najwartościowsze biblioteki Pythona przydatne w uczeniu maszynowym Uczenie maszynowe: oto droga do wiedzy ukrytej w oceanie danych!


Python w analizie danych. Przetwarzanie danych za pomocą pakietów pandas i NumPy oraz środowiska Jupyter. Wydanie III

Wes McKinney

Wprawny analityk danych potrafi z nich uzyskać wiedzę ułatwiającą podejmowanie trafnych decyzji. Od kilku lat można do tego używać nowoczesnych narzędzi Pythona, które zbudowano specjalnie do tego celu. Praca z nimi nie wymaga głębokiej znajomości statystyki czy algebry. Aby cieszyć się uzyskanymi rezultatami, wystarczy się wprawić w stosowaniu kilku pakietów i środowisk Pythona. Ta książka jest trzecim, starannie zaktualizowanym wydaniem wyczerpującego przewodnika po narzędziach analitycznych Pythona. Uwzględnia Pythona 3.0 i bibliotekę pandas 1.4. Została napisana w przystępny sposób, a poszczególne zagadnienia bogato zilustrowano przykładami, studiami rzeczywistych przypadków i fragmentami kodu. W trakcie lektury nauczysz się korzystać z możliwości oferowanych przez pakiety pandas i NumPy, a także środowiska IPython i Jupyter. Nie zabrakło wskazówek dotyczących używania uniwersalnych narzędzi przeznaczonych do ładowania, czyszczenia, przekształcania i łączenia zbiorów danych. Pozycję docenią analitycy zamierzający zacząć pracę w Pythonie, jak również programiści Pythona, którzy chcą się zająć analizą danych i obliczeniami naukowymi. Dzięki książce nauczysz się: eksplorować dane za pomocą powłoki IPython i środowiska Jupyter korzystać z funkcji pakietów NumPy i pandas używać pakietu matplotlib do tworzenia czytelnych wizualizacji analizować i przetwarzać dane regularnych i nieregularne szeregi czasowe rozwiązywać rzeczywiste problemy analityczne Wes McKinney zaktualizował swoją książkę, aby była podstawowym źródłem informacji o wszystkich zagadnieniach związanych z analizą danych przy użyciu języka Python i biblioteki pandas. Gorąco polecam tę pozycję! Paul Barry, wykładowca i autor książek


Python w uczeniu maszynowym

Matthew Kirk

Ten praktyczny przewodnik pozwoli osiągnąć biegłość w stosowaniu uczenia maszynowego w codziennej pracy. Autor, Matthew Kirk, bez akademickich rozważań pokazuje, jak integrować i testować algorytmy uczenia maszynowego w swoim kodzie. Książka przedstawia wykorzystanie testów z użyciem bibliotek naukowych NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn oraz SciPy dla języka Python, ilustrując je licznymi wykresami oraz przykładami kodu. Książka ta pomoże programistom i analitykom biznesowym zainteresowanym badaniem danych w: Zapoznaniu się z rzeczywistymi przykładami testowania poszczególnych algorytmów poprzez zajmujące ćwiczenia praktyczne. Stosowaniu programowania sterowanego testami do pisania i uruchamiania testów przed rozpoczęciem kodowania. Badaniu technik poprawiających nasze modele uczenia maszynowego poprzez wydobywanie danych i opracowywanie funkcjonalności. Zwracaniu uwagi na ryzyka związane z uczeniem maszynowym takie jak niedopasowanie danych. Pracy z algorytmem K najbliższych sąsiadów, sieciami neuronowymi, klastrami i innymi technikami. Matthew Kirk jest konsultantem, autorem i międzynarodowym prelegentem, specjalizującym się w uczeniu maszynowym i analizie danych z wykorzystaniem języków Ruby i Python. Mieszka w Seattle i lubi pomagać innym programistom w integrowaniu analizy danych ze stosowanymi przez nich technologiami. Więcej zasobów dotyczących uczenia maszynowego można znaleźć pod adresem


Python Web Scraping Cookbook. Over 90 proven recipes to get you scraping with Python, microservices, Docker, and AWS

Michael Heydt

Python Web Scraping Cookbook is a solution-focused book that will teach you techniques to develop high-performance scrapers and deal with crawlers, sitemaps, forms automation, Ajax-based sites, caches, and more. You'll explore a number of real-world scenarios where every part of the development/product life cycle will be fully covered. You will not only develop the skills needed to design and develop reliable performance data flows, but also deploy your codebase to AWS. If you are involved in software engineering, product development, or data mining (or are interested in building data-driven products), you will find this book useful as each recipe has a clear purpose and objective. Right from extracting data from the websites to writing a sophisticated web crawler, the book's independent recipes will be a godsend. This book covers Python libraries, requests, and BeautifulSoup. You will learn about crawling, web spidering, working with Ajax websites, paginated items, and more. You will also learn to tackle problems such as 403 errors, working with proxy, scraping images, and LXML.By the end of this book, you will be able to scrape websites more efficiently and able todeploy and operate your scraper in the cloud.


Python Web Scraping. Hands-on data scraping and crawling using PyQT, Selnium, HTML and Python - Second Edition

Katharine Jarmul

The Internet contains the most useful set of data ever assembled, most of which is publicly accessible for free. However, this data is not easily usable. It is embedded within the structure and style of websites and needs to be carefully extracted. Web scraping is becoming increasingly useful as a means to gather and make sense of the wealth of information available online.This book is the ultimate guide to using the latest features of Python 3.x to scrape data from websites. In the early chapters, you'll see how to extract data from static web pages. You'll learn to use caching with databases and files to save time and manage the load on servers. Aftercovering the basics, you'll get hands-on practice building a more sophisticated crawler using browsers, crawlers, and concurrent scrapers.You'll determine when and how to scrape data from a JavaScript-dependent website using PyQt and Selenium. You'll get a better understanding of how to submit forms on complex websites protected by CAPTCHA. You'll find out how to automate these actions with Python packages such as mechanize. You'll also learn how to create class-based scrapers with Scrapy libraries and implement your learning on real websites.By the end of the book, you will have explored testing websites with scrapers, remote scraping, best practices, working with images, and many other relevant topics.


PyTorch 1.x Reinforcement Learning Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to design, develop, and deploy self-learning AI models using Python

Yuxi (Hayden) Liu

Reinforcement learning (RL) is a branch of machine learning that has gained popularity in recent times. It allows you to train AI models that learn from their own actions and optimize their behavior. PyTorch has also emerged as the preferred tool for training RL models because of its efficiency and ease of use.With this book, you'll explore the important RL concepts and the implementation of algorithms in PyTorch 1.x. The recipes in the book, along with real-world examples, will help you master various RL techniques, such as dynamic programming, Monte Carlo simulations, temporal difference, and Q-learning. You'll also gain insights into industry-specific applications of these techniques. Later chapters will guide you through solving problems such as the multi-armed bandit problem and the cartpole problem using the multi-armed bandit algorithm and function approximation. You'll also learn how to use Deep Q-Networks to complete Atari games, along with how to effectively implement policy gradients. Finally, you'll discover how RL techniques are applied to Blackjack, Gridworld environments, internet advertising, and the Flappy Bird game.By the end of this book, you'll have developed the skills you need to implement popular RL algorithms and use RL techniques to solve real-world problems.


PyTorch Deep Learning Hands-On. Build CNNs, RNNs, GANs, reinforcement learning, and more, quickly and easily

Sherin Thomas, Sudhanshu Passi

PyTorch Deep Learning Hands-On is a book for engineers who want a fast-paced guide to doing deep learning work with PyTorch. It is not an academic textbook and does not try to teach deep learning principles. The book will help you most if you want to get your hands dirty and put PyTorch to work quickly.PyTorch Deep Learning Hands-On shows how to implement the major deep learning architectures in PyTorch. It covers neural networks, computer vision, CNNs, natural language processing (RNN), GANs, and reinforcement learning. You will also build deep learning workflows with the PyTorch framework, migrate models built in Python to highly efficient TorchScript, and deploy to production using the most sophisticated available tools.Each chapter focuses on a different area of deep learning. Chapters start with a refresher on how the model works, before sharing the code you need to implement it in PyTorch.This book is ideal if you want to rapidly add PyTorch to your deep learning toolset.


QGIS:Becoming a GIS Power User. Master data management, visualization, and spatial analysis techniques in QGIS and become a GIS power user

Ben Mearns, Alex Mandel, Alexander Bruy, Anita Graser, ...

The first module Learning QGIS, Third edition covers the installation and configuration of QGIS. You’ll become a master in data creation and editing, and creating great maps. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to extend QGIS with Python, getting in-depth with developing custom tools for the Processing Toolbox. The second module QGIS Blueprints gives you an overview of the application types and the technical aspects along with few examples from the digital humanities. After estimating unknown values using interpolation methods and demonstrating visualization and analytical techniques, the module ends by creating an editable and data-rich map for the discovery of community information. The third module QGIS 2 Cookbook covers data input and output with special instructions for trickier formats. Later, we dive into exploring data, data management, and preprocessing steps to cut your data to just the important areas. At the end of this module, you will dive into the methods for analyzing routes and networks, and learn how to take QGIS beyond the out-of-the-box features with plug-ins, customization, and add-on tools. This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products: ? Learning QGIS, Third Edition by Anita Graser ? QGIS Blueprints by Ben Mearns ? QGIS 2 Cookbook by Alex Mandel, Víctor Olaya Ferrero, Anita Graser, Alexander Bruy


Qlik Sense: Advanced Data Visualization for Your Organization. Create smart data visualizations and predictive analytics solutions

Henric Cronström, Ferran Garcia Pagans, Neeraj Kharpate, James Richardson, ...

Qlik Sense is powerful and creative visual analytics software that allows users to discover data, explore it, and dig out meaningful insights in order to make a profit and make decisions for your business. This course begins by introducing you to the features and functions of the most modern edition of Qlik Sense so you get to grips with the application. The course will teach you how to administer the data architecture in Qlik Sense, enabling you to customize your own Qlik Sense application for your business intelligence needs. It also contains numerous recipes to help you overcome challenging situations while creating fully featured desktop applications in Qlik Sense. It explains how to combine Rattle and Qlik Sense Desktop to apply predictive analytics to your data to develop real-world interactive data applications. The course includes premium content from three of our most popular books:[*] Learning Qlik Sense: The Official Guide Second Edition[*] Qlik Sense Cookbook[*] Predictive Analytics using Rattle and Qlik SenseOn completion of this course, you will be self-sufficient in improving your data analysis and will know how to apply predictive analytics to your datasets. Through this course, you will be able to create predictive models and data applications, allowing you to explore your data insights much deeper.


Qlik Sense Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on data analytics to solve business intelligence challenges - Second Edition

Pablo Labbe, Philip Hand, Neeraj Kharpate

Qlik Sense allows you to explore simple and complex data to reveal hidden insight and data relationships that help you make quality decisions for overall productivity. An expert Qlik Sense user can use its features for business intelligence in an enterprise environment effectively. Qlik Sense Cookbook is an excellent guide for all aspiring Qlik Sense developers and will empower you to create featured desktop applications to obtain daily insights at work.This book takes you through the basics and advanced functions of Qlik Sense February 2018 release. You’ll start with a quick refresher on obtaining data from data files and databases, and move on to some more refined features including visualization, and scripting, as well as managing apps and user interfaces. You will then understand how to work with advanced functions like set analysis and set expressions. As you make your way through this book, you will uncover newly added features in Qlik Sense such as new visualizations, label expressions and colors for dimension and measures.By the end of this book, you will have explored various visualization extensions to create your own interactive dashboard with the required tips and tricks. This will help you overcome challenging situations while developing your applications in Qlik Sense.


QlikView 11 for Developers. This book is smartly built around a practical case study – HighCloud Airlines – to help you gain an in-depth understanding of how to build applications for Business Intelligence using QlikView. A superb hands-on guide

Miguel Garc?É?íÂ!!=a, Barry Harmsen, Miguel Angel Garcia

Business Intelligence technologies are a must-have in every business to make informed decisions and keep up-to speed with the ever-evolving markets. QlikView's disruptive technology makes it a key player and leader in the industry; with its flexibility and powerful analytics environment, building QlikView apps can be mastered by both, business users as well as developers.This book will help you learn QlikView Development from a basic to a practitioner level using a step-by-step approach in a practical environment, and apply proven best practices on each topic.Throughout the book, we will build a QlikView app based on real data about Airline Operations that will help HighCloud Airlines make informed business decisions and analysis-guided strategies. HighCloud Airlines executives are evaluating if entering the US market is a good strategy and, if so, which line of business should they focus their investments on; they need QlikView to make the best decision.The application will be evolving chapter by chapter, along with your skills, going from a simple proof of concept to creating a Data Model, adding a custom style, building a Dashboard and handling and manipulating the source data via script. We will meet the HighCloud Airlines requirement by using many different data visualization objects and time-saving techniques.The whole application uses real data taken from the Bureau of Transportations statistics of the US and encompasses the operations of Airlines both domestic and international. With three years worth of data, you will help HighCloud Airlines discover where people travel the most, which are the Carriers with the most market share, what is the average load factor per airline, which aircraft is the most used to perform flights, which are the busiest airports, and a whole universe of new insights.


QlikView: Advanced Data Visualization. Discover deeper insights with Qlikview by building your own rich analytical applications from scratch

Miguel Angel Garcia, Barry Harmsen, Stephen Redmond, Karl Pover

QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful business intelligence platforms around, and if you want to transform data into insights, it is one of the best options you have at hand. Use this Learning Path, to explore the many features of QlikView to realize the potential of your data and present it as impactful and engaging visualizations.Each chapter in this Learning Path starts with an understanding of a business requirement and its associated data model and then helps you create insightful analysis and data visualizations around it. You will look at problems that you might encounter while visualizing complex data insights using QlikView, and learn how to troubleshoot these and other not-so-common errors. This Learning Path contains real-world examples from a variety of business domains, such as sales, finance, marketing, and human resources.With all the knowledge that you gain from this Learning Path, you will have all the experience you need to implement your next QlikView project like a pro.This Learning Path includes content from the following Packt products:• QlikView for Developers by Miguel Ángel García, Barry Harmsen • Mastering QlikView by Stephen Redmond • Mastering QlikView Data Visualization by Karl Pover


QlikView for Developers Cookbook. Take your QlikView training to the next level with this brilliant book that's packed with recipes which progress from intermediate to advanced. The step-by step-approach makes learning easy and enjoyable

Stephen Redmond

QlikView has been around since 1993, but has only really taken off in recent years as a leader in the in-memory BI space and, more recently, in the data discovery area. QlikView features the ability to consolidate relevant data from multiple sources into a single application, as well as an associative data model to allow you to explore the data to a way your brain works, state-of-the-art visualizations, dashboard, analysis and reports, and mobile data access.QlikView for Developers Cookbook builds on your initial training and experiences with QlikView to help you become a better developer. This book features plenty of hands-on examples of many challenging functions.Assuming a basic understanding of QlikView development, this book provides a range of step-by-step exercises to teach you different subjects to help build your QlikView developer expertise.From advanced charting and layout to set analysis; from advanced aggregations through to scripting, performance, and security, this book will cover all the areas that you need to know about.The recipes in this book will give you a lot of the information that you need to become an excellent QlikView developer.


QlikView for Developers. Design and build scalable and maintainable BI solutions

Miguel Angel Garcia, Barry Harmsen

QlikView is one of the most flexible and powerful Business Intelligence platforms around. If you want to build data into your organization, build it around QlikView. Don't get caught in the gap between data and knowledge – find out how QlikView can help you unlock insights and data potential with ease. Whether you're new to QlikView or want to get up to speed with the features and functionality of QlikView, this book starts at a basic level and delves more deeply to demonstrate how to make QlikView work for you, and make it meet the needs of your organization. Using a real-world use-case to highlight the extensive impact of effective business analytics, this book might well be your silver bullet for success.A superb hands-on guide to get you started by exploring the fundamentals of QlikView before learning how to successfully implement it, technically and strategically. You'll learn valuable tips, tricks, and insightful information on loading different types of data into QlikView, and how to model it effectively.You will also learn how to write useful scripts for QlikView to handle potentially complex data transformations in a way that is simple and elegant. From ensuring consistency and clarity in your data models, to techniques for managing expressions using variables, this book makes sure that your QlikView projects are organized in a way that's most productive for you and key stakeholders.


Quantum Chemistry and Computing for the Curious. Illustrated with Python and Qiskit® code

Keeper L. Sharkey, Alain Chancé, Alex Khan

Explore quantum chemical concepts and the postulates of quantum mechanics in a modern fashion, with the intent to see how chemistry and computing intertwine. Along the way you’ll relate these concepts to quantum information theory and computation. We build a framework of computational tools that lead you through traditional computational methods and straight to the forefront of exciting opportunities. These opportunities will rely on achieving next-generation accuracy by going further than the standard approximations such as beyond Born-Oppenheimer calculations.Discover how leveraging quantum chemistry and computing is a key enabler for overcoming major challenges in the broader chemical industry. The skills that you will learn can be utilized to solve new-age business needs that specifically hinge on quantum chemistry


Quantum Computing Algorithms. Discover how a little math goes a long way

Barry Burd

Navigate the quantum computing spectrum with this book, bridging the gap between abstract, math-heavy texts and math-avoidant beginner guides. Unlike intermediate-level books that often leave gaps in comprehension, this all-encompassing guide offers the missing links you need to truly understand the subject.Balancing intuition and rigor, this book empowers you to become a master of quantum algorithms. No longer confined to canned examples, you'll acquire the skills necessary to craft your own quantum code. Quantum Computing Algorithms is organized into four sections to build your expertise progressively.The first section lays the foundation with essential quantum concepts, ensuring that you grasp qubits, their representation, and their transformations. Moving to quantum algorithms, the second section focuses on pivotal algorithms — specifically, quantum key distribution and teleportation.The third section demonstrates the transformative power of algorithms that outpace classical computation and makes way for the fourth section, helping you to expand your horizons by exploring alternative quantum computing models.By the end of this book, quantum algorithms will cease to be mystifying as you make this knowledge your asset and enter a new era of computation, where you have the power to shape the code of reality.


Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business. Exploring the applications, challenges, and collision of quantum computing and blockchain

Arunkumar Krishnakumar

Are quantum computing and Blockchain on a collision course or will they be the most important trends of this decade to disrupt industries and life as we know it?Fintech veteran and venture capitalist Arunkumar Krishnakumar cuts through the hype to bring us a first-hand look into how quantum computing and Blockchain together are redefining industries, including fintech, healthcare, and research. Through a series of interviews with domain experts, he also explores these technologies’ potential to transform national and global governance and policies – from how elections are conducted and how smart cities can be designed and optimized for the environment, to what cyberwarfare enabled by quantum cryptography might look like. In doing so, he also highlights challenges that these technologies have to overcome to go mainstream.Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business explores the potential changes that quantum computing and Blockchain might bring about in the real world. After expanding on the key concepts and techniques, such as applied cryptography, qubits, and digital annealing, that underpin quantum computing and Blockchain, the book dives into how major industries will be impacted by these technologies. Lastly, we consider how the two technologies may come together in a complimentary way.


Quantum Computing Experimentation with Amazon Braket. Explore Amazon Braket quantum computing to solve combinatorial optimization problems

Alex Khan, Matthew R. Versaggi

Amazon Braket is a cloud-based pay-per-use platform for executing quantum algorithms on cutting-edge quantum computers and simulators. It is ideal for developing robust apps with the latest quantum devices.With this book, you'll take a hands-on approach to learning how to take real-world problems and run them on quantum devices. You'll begin with an introduction to the Amazon Braket platform and learn about the devices currently available on the platform, their benefits, and their purpose. Then, you'll review key quantum concepts and algorithms critical to converting real-world problems into a quantum circuit or binary quadratic model based on the appropriate device and its capability. The book also covers various optimization use cases, along with an explanation of the code. Finally, you'll work with a framework using code examples that will help to solve your use cases with quantum and quantum-inspired technologies. Later chapters cover custom-built functions and include almost 200 figures and diagrams to visualize key concepts. You’ll be able to scan the capabilities provided by Amazon Braket and explore the functions to adapt them for specific use cases.By the end of this book, you’ll have the tools to integrate your current business apps and AWS data with Amazon Braket to solve constrained and multi-objective optimization problems.