
Unsere Online-Bücher in der Kategorie Spiele decken eine Vielzahl von Themen ab. Hier finden Sie Anleitungen für bestimmte beliebte Spiele. Andere Veröffentlichungen stellen Themen wie E-Sport und Gamification vor. Siehe auch Tutorials, in denen Sie lernen, wie Sie Spiele mit C #, C ++ und anderen Sprachen programmieren.

Virtual Reality Blueprints. Create compelling VR experiences for mobile and desktop

Charles Palmer, John Williamson

Voice User Interface Projects. Build voice-enabled applications using Dialogflow for Google Home and Alexa Skills Kit for Amazon Echo

Henry Lee

Vulkan Cookbook. Work through recipes to unlock the full potential of the next generation graphics API—Vulkan

Pawel Lapinski

Wejdź do świata magii! Twój przewodnik po grze Harry Potter: Wizards Unite

Zosia Danowska, Bartosz Danowski

Windows Terminal Tips, Tricks, and Productivity Hacks. Optimize your command-line usage and development processes with pro-level techniques

Will Fuqua, Carlos Zamora

World of Tanks. Stwórz armię niszczycieli i rzuć się w wir walki!

Mateusz Spałek

World of Warcraft. Strategia sukcesu

Eric Dekker

Wprowadzenie do fizyki w grach, animacjach i symulacjach Flash

Dev Ramtal, Adrian Dobre

Wprowadzenie do HTML5. Nauka HTML5 i JavaScriptu na przykładzie gier

Jeanine Meyer

Xamarin.Forms Projects. Build seven real-world cross-platform mobile apps with C# and Xamarin.Forms

Johan Karlsson, Daniel Hindrikes

XNA 4 3D Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. Create action-packed 3D games with the Microsoft XNA Framework with this book and

Kurt Jaegers

XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide - Visual Basic Edition. Create your own exciting games with Visual Basic and Microsoft XNA 4.0

Kurt Jaegers

XR Development with Unity. A beginner's guide to creating virtual, augmented, and mixed reality experiences using Unity

Anna Braun, Raffael Rizzo