
Our online books in the category Games bring up various topics. Here you will find manuals to specific, popular games. Other publications will introduce you into such questions as e-sport and gamification. Also, look into the manuals which teach how to program games with C#, C++ and other programming languages.

Swift iOS Programming for Kids. Help your kids build simple and engaging applications with Swift 3.0

Steffen D. Sommer, Jim Campagno

Świat w skali mikro. Wszystko o modelarstwie

Artur Wałachowski

Tablice informatyczne. Unity

Agnieszka Borkowska

Tajniki projektowania gier w Unreal Engine 4

Matt Edmonds

Taking Blender to the Next Level. Implement advanced workflows such as geometry nodes, simulations, and motion tracking for Blender production pipelines

Ruan Lotter

Teaching with Google Classroom. Save time and stay organized while delivering online and in-person classes - Second Edition

Michael Zhang

Teoria gier. Krótkie Wprowadzenie 8

Ken Binmore

Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift 4. Write Swift code that is maintainable, flexible, and easily extensible - Third Edition

Dr. Dominik Hauser