
Unsere Online-Bücher in der Kategorie Spiele decken eine Vielzahl von Themen ab. Hier finden Sie Anleitungen für bestimmte beliebte Spiele. Andere Veröffentlichungen stellen Themen wie E-Sport und Gamification vor. Siehe auch Tutorials, in denen Sie lernen, wie Sie Spiele mit C #, C ++ und anderen Sprachen programmieren.

Unity 3D Game Development. Designed for passionate game developers—Engineered to build professional games

Anthony Davis, Travis Baptiste, Russell Craig, Ryan Stunkel

Unity 5 for Android Essentials. A fast-paced guide to building impressive games and applications for Android devices with Unity 5

Valera Cogut

Unity AI Programming Essentials. Use Unity3D, a popular game development ecosystem, to add realistic AI to your games quickly and effortlessly

Curtis Bennett

Unity Animation Essentials. Bring your characters to life with the latest features of Unity and Mecanim

Alan Thorn

Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming. Add powerful, believable, and fun AI entities in your game with the power of Unity - Fifth Edition

Dr. Davide Aversa

Unity Artificial Intelligence Programming. Add powerful, believable, and fun AI entities in your game with the power of Unity 2018! - Fourth Edition

Dr. Davide Aversa, Aung Sithu Kyaw, Clifford Peters

Unity Certified Programmer: Exam Guide. Expert tips and techniques to pass the Unity certification exam at the first attempt

Philip Walker

Unity Certified Programmer Exam Guide. Pass the Unity certification exam with the help of expert tips and techniques - Second Edition

Philip Walker