
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.

Ansible 2 Cloud Automation Cookbook. Write Ansible playbooks for AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack

Aditya Patawari, Vikas Aggarwal

Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarządzanie konfiguracją i wdrażanie aplikacji

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Ansible w praktyce. Automatyzacja konfiguracji i proste instalowanie systemów. Wydanie II

Lorin Hochstein, Rene Moser

Apache Airflow Best Practices. A practical guide to orchestrating data workflow with Apache Airflow

Dylan Intorf, Dylan Storey, Kendrick van Doorn

Apache Camel Developer's Cookbook. For Apache Camel developers, this is the book you'll always want to have handy. It's stuffed full of great recipes that are designed for quick practical application. Expands your Apache Camel abilities immediately

Scott Cranton, Jakub Korab

Apache Flume: Distributed Log Collection for Hadoop. Design and implement a series of Flume agents to send streamed data into Hadoop

Steve Hoffman, Steven Hoffman

Apache Kafka 1.0 Cookbook. Over 100 practical recipes on using distributed enterprise messaging to handle real-time data

Raúl Estrada

Apache Kafka Quick Start Guide. Leverage Apache Kafka 2.0 to simplify real-time data processing for distributed applications

Raúl Estrada

Apache Solr High Performance. In setting up Apache Solr, you’ll want to ensure it’s achieving optimum search results with maximum efficiency. This book shows you just how to achieve that with a comprehensive tutorial including troubleshooting

Surendra Mohan

Apache Solr PHP Integration. Build a fully-featured and scalable search application using PHP to unlock the search functions provided by Solr with this book and

Jayant Kumar

Apache Spark 2: Data Processing and Real-Time Analytics. Master complex big data processing, stream analytics, and machine learning with Apache Spark

Romeo Kienzler, Md. Rezaul Karim, Sridhar Alla, Siamak Amirghodsi, ...

Apache Spark 2.x Machine Learning Cookbook. Over 100 recipes to simplify machine learning model implementations with Spark

Siamak Amirghodsi, Shuen Mei, Meenakshi Rajendran, Broderick Hall

Apache Spark Deep Learning Cookbook. Over 80 best practice recipes for the distributed training and deployment of neural networks using Keras and TensorFlow

Ahmed Sherif, Amrith Ravindra

Apache Spark Quick Start Guide. Quickly learn the art of writing efficient big data applications with Apache Spark

Shrey Mehrotra, Akash Grade

API nowoczesnej strony WWW. Usługi sieciowe w PHP

Lorna Jane Mitchell

Aplikacje 3D. Przewodnik po HTML5, WebGL i CSS3

Tony Parisi

Aplikacje i usługi na platformie .NET 7. Tworzenie praktycznych projektów opartych na programach Blazor, .NET MAUI, gRPC, GraphQL i innych zaawansowanych technologiach

Mark J. Price

Aplikacje internetowe z Django. Najlepsze receptury

Aidas Bendoraitis

Aplikacje mobilne dla studenta i technika programisty

Wojciech Jaśkowiec, Krzysztof Kułacz, Marta Kanafa-Suchan

Aplikacje w Delphi. Przykłady. Wydanie III

Teresa Pamuła

App Inventor 2 Essentials. A step-by-step introductory guide to mobile app development with App Inventor 2

Felicia Kamriani, Krishnendu Roy

Appium Essentials. Explore mobile automation with Appium and discover new ways to test native, web, and hybrid applications

Jonathan Lipps, Manoj Hans, Shashikant Jagtap

Apple Watch App Development. Click here to enter text

Steven F. Daniel

Application Development with Qt Creator. Build cross-platform applications and GUIs using Qt 5 and C++ - Third Edition

Lee Zhi Eng, Ray Rischpater