
Our online library contains some publications, thanks to which programming will have no secrets from you. The books included here will introduce you to such languages as HTML, JavaScript, Python and CSS. Due to them, you will also learn how to create effective algorithms, design mobile applications or take care of the correct information architecture on websites.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Programowanie w C#

Dawid Farbaniec

Microsoft Visual Studio 2012. Programowanie w C i C++

Radosław Sokół

Microsoft XNA 4.0 Game Development Cookbook. This book goes further than the basic manuals to help you exploit Microsoft XNA to create fantastic virtual worlds and effects in your 2D or 3D games. Includes 35 essential recipes for game developers

Luke Drumm

Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0. Projektuj i buduj własne gry dla konsoli Xbox 360, urządzeń z systemem Windows Phone 7 i własnego PC

Rob Miles

Migrating Applications to the Cloud with Azure. Re-architect and rebuild your applications using cloud-native technologies

Sjoukje Zaal, Amit Malik, Sander Rossel, Jason Marston, ...

Mikrofrontendy w akcji

Michael Geers

Mikrousługi. Budowa i działanie. Przewodnik po budowaniu architektury mikrousług

Ronnie Mitra, Irakli Nadareishvili

Mikrousługi oparte na zdarzeniach. Wykorzystywanie danych w organizacji na dużą skalę

Adam Bellemare

Mikrousługi w Javie. Poradnik eksperta

Sourabh Sharma

Minikomputer Onion Omega 2. Internet rzeczy i inne zastosowania

Wolfram Donat

Minimal APIs in ASP.NET 9. Design, implement, and optimize robust APIs in C# with .NET 9 - Second Edition

Nick Proud

Minimal CMake. Learn the best bits of CMake to create and share your own libraries and applications

Tom Hulton-Harrop

Mistrz czystego kodu. Kodeks postępowania profesjonalnych programistów

Robert C. Martin

Mistrz języka C. Najlepsze zasady, praktyki i wzorce

Christopher Preschern

Mistrz PHP. Pisz nowoczesny kod

Matthew Turland, Davey Shafik, Lorna Mitchell

Młody mistrz programowania. Języki Baltie i Scratch dla dzieci

Agnieszka Borkowska, Paweł Borkowski

Młody programista. Nauka programowania w Scratchu

Witold Krieser

Młodzi giganci programowania. Scratch

Radosław Kulesza, Sebastian Langa, Dawid Leśniakiewicz, Piotr Pełka, ...

Młodzi giganci programowania. Scratch. Wydanie II

Radosław Kulesza, Sebastian Langa, Dawid Leśniakiewicz, Piotr Pełka, ...

Mobile Application Development: JavaScript Frameworks. Click here to enter text

Sani Yusuf, Tom Bray, Hazem Saleh, Ethan Holmes

Mobile Application Penetration Testing. Explore real-world threat scenarios, attacks on mobile applications, and ways to counter them

Vijay Kumar Velu

Mobile Artificial Intelligence Projects. Develop seven projects on your smartphone using artificial intelligence and deep learning techniques

Karthikeyan NG, Arun Padmanabhan, Matt R. Cole

Mobile Deep Learning with TensorFlow Lite, ML Kit and Flutter. Build scalable real-world projects to implement end-to-end neural networks on Android and iOS

Anubhav Singh, Rimjhim Bhadani

Mobile Development with .NET. Build cross-platform mobile applications with Xamarin.Forms 5 and ASP.NET Core 5 - Second Edition

Can Bilgin