Programming techniques


Arduino for Secret Agents. Transform your tiny Arduino device into a secret agent gadget to build a range of espionage projects with this practical guide for hackers

Marco Schwartz

Q might have Bond’s gadgets– but he doesn’t have an Arduino (not yet at least). Find out how the tiny Arduino microcomputer can be used to build an impressive range of neat secret agent projects that can help you go undercover and get to grips with the cutting-edge of the world of espionage with this book, created for ardent Arduino fans and anyone new to the powerful device.Each chapter shows you how to construct a different secret agent gadget, helping you to unlock the full potential of your Arduino and make sure you have a solution for every tricky spying situation.You’ll find out how to build everything from an alarm system to a fingerprint sensor, each project demonstrating a new feature of Arduino, so you can build your expertise as you complete each project. Learn how to open a lock with a text message, monitor top secret data remotely, and even create your own Arduino Spy Robot, Spy Microphone System, and Cloud Spy Camera This book isn’t simply an instruction manual – it helps you put your knowledge into action so you can build every single project to completion.


ASP.NET Core 1.0 High Performance. Create fast, scalable, and high performance applications with C#, ASP.NET Core 1.0, and MVC 6

James Singleton, Pawan Awasthi, Dylan Beattie

ASP.NET Core is the new, open source, and cross-platform, web-application framework from Microsoft. It's a stripped down version of ASP.NET that's lightweight and fast. This book will show you how to make your web apps deliver high performance when using it.We'll address many performance improvement techniques from both a general web standpoint and from a C#, ASP.NET Core, and .NET Core perspective. This includes delving into the latest frameworks and demonstrating software design patterns that improve performance.We will highlight common performance pitfalls, which can often occur unnoticed on developer workstations, along with strategies to detect and resolve these issues early. By understanding and addressing challenges upfront, you can avoid nasty surprises when it comes to deployment time.We will introduce performance improvements along with the trade-offs that they entail. We will strike a balance between premature optimization and inefficient code by taking a scientific- and evidence-based approach. We'll remain pragmatic by focusing on the big problems.By reading this book, you'll learn what problems can occur when web applications are deployed at scale and know how to avoid or mitigate these issues. You'll gain experience of how to write high-performance applications without having to learn about issues the hard way.You'll see what's new in ASP.NET Core, why it's been rebuilt from the ground up, and what this means for performance. You will understand how you can now develop on and deploy to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux using cross-platform tools, such as Visual Studio Code.


ASP.NET Core: Cloud-ready, Enterprise Web Application Development. Create fast, scalable, and high-performance applications with C# and ASP.NET Core

Mugilan T. S. Ragupathi, Valerio De Sanctis, James Singleton

ASP.NET Core is the new, open source, and cross-platform, web-application framework from Microsoft. ASP.NET Core MVC helps you build robust web applications using the Model-View-Controller design. This guide will help you in building applications that can be deployed on non-Windows platforms such as Linux. Starting with an overview of the MVC pattern, you will quickly dive into the aspects that you need to know to get started with ASP.NET. You will learn about the core architecture of model, view, and control. Integrating your application with Bootstrap, validating user input, interacting with databases, and deploying your application are some of the things that you will learn to execute with this fast-paced guide. You will test your knowledge as you build a fully working sample application using the skills you’ve learned throughout the book.Moving forward, this guide will teach you to combine the impressive capabilities of ASP.NET Core and Angular 2. Not only will you learn how Angular 2 can complement your .NET skills and toolkit, you'll also learn everything you need to build a complete, dynamic single-page application. Find out how to get your data model in place and manage an API, before styling and designing your frontend for an exceptional user experience. You will find out how to optimize your application for SEO, identify and secure vulnerabilities, and how to successfully deploy and maintain your application. From here, you will delve into the latest frameworks and software design patterns to improve your application performance. The course offers premium, highly practical content on the recently released ASP.NET Core, and includes material from the following Packt books: Learning ASP.NET Core MVC Programming, ASP.NET Core and Angular 2, and ASP.NET Core 1.0 High Performance.


ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook. Over 60 recipes for writing client script in ASP.NET 4.6 applications using jQuery - Second Edition

Sonal Aneel Allana

jQuery is a lightweight JavaScript library that has changed the landscape of client scripting in web applications. Developed by John Resig in 2006, it has taken the web by storm because of its cross-browser compatibility and the ability to get more done with less code. It has gained popularity with ASP.NET developers and is now distributed with Visual Studio and the NuGet package manager. ASP.NET jQuery Cookbook explores the wide range of utilities that the jQuery library provides. It teaches you the nitty-gritty of plugging in these features in ASP.NET web applications. It covers every aspect of interfacing the library, right from downloading and including jQuery on web pages to selecting controls, handling events, and creating animations. This book also walks you through DOM traversal and manipulation in ASP.NET and then through visual effects and graphics in ASP.NET sites. It explores advanced features such as posting AJAX requests and writing plugins. It will provide you with all the information you need to use this library confidently with ASP.NET.


ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile App Development. If your skill-sets include developing in C# on the .NET platform, this tutorial is a golden opportunity to extend your capabilities into mobile app development using the ASP.NET MVC framework. A totally practical primer

Andrew Scott Meadows, Andy Meadows

The ASP.NET MVC 4 framework is used to build scalable web applications with the help of design patterns and .NET Framework. The Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a design principle which separates the components of a web application. This separation helps you to modify, develop, and test different components of a web application.ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile App Development helps you to develop next generation applications, while guiding you to deal with the constraints the mobile web places on application development. By the end of the book, you will be well versed with all the aspects of mobile app development.ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile App Development introduces you to developing mobile web apps using the ASP.NET MVC 4 framework. Walking you through the process of creating a homebrew recipe sharing application, this book teaches you the fundamentals and concepts relevant to developing Internet-ready mobile-enabled web apps. Through the sample application, you will learn how to secure your apps against XSS and CSRF attacks, open up your application to users using third party logins such as Google or Facebook, and how to use Razor, HTML 5, and CSS 3 to create custom views and content targeting mobile devices. Using these custom views, you will then learn how to create web apps with a native mobile device feel using jQuery mobile. By the end of the book, you will be presented with a set of challenges to prove to yourself that you now have the skills to extend your existing web applications to the mobile web or create new mobile web apps.


Asynchronous Android. As an Android developer you know you're in a competitive marketplace. This book can give you the edge by guiding you through the concurrency constructs and proper use of AsyncTask to create smooth user interfaces

Steve Liles

With more than a million apps available from Google Play, it is more important than ever to build apps that stand out from the crowd. To be successful, apps must react quickly to user input, deliver results in a flash, and sync data in the background. The key to this is understanding the right way to implement asynchronous operations that work with the platform, instead of against it. Asynchronous Android is a practical book that guides you through the concurrency constructs provided by the Android platform, illustrating the applications, benefits, and pitfalls of each.Learn to use AsyncTask correctly to perform operations in the background, keeping user-interfaces running smoothly while avoiding treacherous memory leaks. Discover Handler, HandlerThread and Looper, the related and fundamental building blocks of asynchronous programming in Android. Escape from the constraints of the Activity lifecycle to load and cache data efficiently across your entire application with the Loader framework. Keep your data fresh with scheduled tasks, and understand how Services let your application continue to run in the background, even when the user is busy with something else.Asynchronous Android will help you to build well-behaved apps with smooth, responsive user-interfaces that delight users with speedy results and data that's always fresh, and keep the system happy and the battery charged by playing by the rules.


Asynchronous Android Programming. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Helder Vasconcelos, Steve Liles

Asynchronous programming has acquired immense importance in Android programming, especially when we want to make use of the number of independent processing units (cores) available on the most recent Android devices. With this guide in your hands you’ll be able to bring the power of Asynchronous programming to your own projects, and make your Android apps more powerful than ever before!To start with, we will discuss the details of the Android Process model and the Java Low Level Concurrent Framework, delivered by Android SDK. We will also guide you through the high-level Android-specific constructs available on the SDK: Handler, AsyncTask, and Loader. Next, we will discuss the creation of IntentServices, Bound Services and External Services, which can run in the background even when the user is not interacting with it. You will also discover AlarmManager and JobScheduler APIs, which are used to schedule and defer work without sacrificing the battery life. In a more advanced phase, you will create background tasks that are able to execute CPU-intensive tasks in a native code-making use of the Android NDK. You will be then guided through the process of interacting with remote services asynchronously using the HTTP protocol or Google GCM Platform. Using the EventBus library, we will also show how to use the Publish-Subscribe software pattern to simplify communication between the different Android application components by decoupling the event producer from event consumer.Finally, we will introduce RxJava, a popular asynchronous Java framework used to compose work in a concise and reactive way. Asynchronous Android will help you to build well-behaved applications with smooth responsive user interfaces that delight the users with speedy results and data that’s always fresh.


Augmented Reality using Appcelerator Titanium Starter. Learn to create Augmented Reality applications in no time using the Appcelerator Titanium Framework with this book and

Trevor Ward

Titanium Mobile has quickly become the platform of choice for many mobile developers and is growing and changing at a rapid rate. From the implementation of CommonJS, Cloud Services, MVC design patterns and more, the last year in Titanium development has been a roller coaster of change for the better. Augmented Reality is a hot area for mobile applications and this book along with the augmentedTi open source application will give a great start to all augmented applications. This book will show you how to build an Augmented Reality application, which is clean, efficient and usable. It shows how to hide the processing from the user and build a display which updates and rotates smoothly.Mobile devices have got more powerful, but they still have limitations. Augmented Reality applications test these devices to breaking point and without the correct coding techniques make the applications unresponsive and cumbersome.This book gives a solution, which will enable you to build an effective application, and is accompanied by a complete working application and source code. It's essential for anybody who is creating a multiple points of interest augmented reality application. It shows how to build this type of application efficiently and takes into consideration the devices limitations and processing capabilities.


Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines. Build efficient CI/CD pipelines to verify, secure, and deploy your code using real-life examples

Christopher Cowell, Nicholas Lotz, Chris Timberlake

Developers and release engineers understand the high stakes involved in building, packaging, and deploying code correctly. Ensuring that your code is functionally correct, fast, and secure is a time-consuming and complex task. Code implementation, development, and deployment can be conducted efficiently using GitLab CI/CD pipelines.Automating DevOps with GitLab CI/CD Pipelines begins with the basics of Git and GitLab, showing how to commit and review code. You’ll learn to set up GitLab Runners for executing and autoscaling CI/CD pipelines and creating and configuring pipelines for many software development lifecycle steps. You'll also discover where to find pipeline results in GitLab, and how to interpret those results. Through the course of the book, you’ll become well-equipped with deploying code to different environments, advancing CI/CD pipeline features such as connecting GitLab to a Kubernetes cluster and using GitLab with Terraform, triggering pipelines and improving pipeline performance and using best practices and troubleshooting tips for uncooperative pipelines. In-text examples, use cases, and self-assessments will reinforce the important CI/CD, GitLab, and Git concepts, and help you prepare for interviews and certification exams related to GitLab.By the end of this book, you'll be able to use GitLab to build CI/CD pipelines that automate all the DevOps steps needed to build and deploy high-quality, secure code.


AWS DevOps Simplified. Build a solid foundation in AWS to deliver enterprise-grade software solutions at scale

Akshay Kapoor, Paul Duvall

DevOps and AWS are the two key enablers for the success of any modern software-run business. DevOps accelerates software delivery, while AWS offers a plethora of services, allowing developers to prioritize business outcomes without worrying about undifferentiated heavy lifting. This book focuses on the synergy between them, equipping you with strong foundations, hands-on examples, and a strategy to accelerate your DevOps journey on AWS.AWS DevOps Simplified is a practical guide that starts with an introduction to AWS DevOps offerings and aids you in choosing a cloud service that fits your company's operating model. Following this, it provides hands-on tutorials on the GitOps approach to software delivery, covering immutable infrastructure and pipelines, using tools such as Packer, CDK, and CodeBuild/CodeDeploy. Additionally, it provides you with a deep understanding of AWS container services and how to implement observability and DevSecOps best practices to build and operate your multi-account, multi-Region AWS environments.By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with solutions and ready-to-deploy code samples that address common DevOps challenges faced by enterprises hosting workloads in the cloud.


Azure Containers Explained. Leverage Azure container technologies for effective application migration and deployment

Wesley Haakman, Richard Hooper

Whether you’re working with a start-up or an enterprise, making decisions related to using different container technologies on Azure has a notable impact your app migration and modernization strategies. This is where companies face challenges, while choosing the right solutions and deciding when to move on to the next technology. Azure Containers Explained helps you make the right architectural choices for your solutions and get well-versed with the migration path to other platforms using practical examples.You’ll begin with a recap of containers as technology and where you can store them within Azure. Next, you’ll explore the different Microsoft Azure container technologies and understand how each platform, namely Azure Container Apps, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), Azure Container Instances (ACI), Azure Functions, and Azure App Services, work – you’ll learn to implement them by grasping their respective characteristics and use cases. Finally, you’ll build upon your own container solution on Azure using best practices from real-world examples and successfully transform your business from a start-up to a full-fledged enterprise.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to effectively cater to your business and application needs by selecting and modernizing your apps using various Microsoft Azure container services.


BBC Micro:bit in Practice. A hands-on guide to building creative real-life projects with MicroPython and the BBC Micro:bit

Ashwin Pajankar, Abhishek Sharma, Sandeep Saini

This book is a one-stop guide for learning BBC Micro:bit with MicroPython, exploring many hardware components and programming techniques to provide detailed insights into developing practical applications with the Micro:bit. It will also show you how hardware components can be manipulated using a combination of Micro:bit and MicroPython for developing practical projects. BBC Micro:bit in Practice will help you gain a holistic understanding of the BBC Micro:bit platform and MicroPython programming, guiding you through mini projects aimed at developing practical knowledge of circuit design and writing programs. You’ll learn how to write programs for working with built-in LEDs and buttons, interfacing external LEDs, buttons, motors, buzzers, and much more. You’ll also work with built-in radio, speakers, accelerometer, and a compass. You’ll dive into concepts related to the Micro:bit filesystem, interfacing external displays, and working with libraries in detail before exploring sewable circuits and wearable technology.After reading this Micro:bit book, you’ll understand how to apply principles in electronics and MicroPython to create interesting real-life projects from scratch.


Becoming KCNA Certified. Build a strong foundation in cloud native and Kubernetes and pass the KCNA exam with ease

Dmitry Galkin

The job market related to the cloud and cloud-native technologies is both growing and becoming increasingly competitive, making certifications like KCNA a great way to stand out from the crowd and learn about the latest advancements in cloud technologies.Becoming KCNA Certified doesn't just give you the practical skills needed to deploy and connect applications in Kubernetes, but it also prepares you to pass the Kubernetes and Cloud Native Associate (KCNA) exam on your first attempt.The book starts by introducing you to cloud-native computing, containers, and Kubernetes through practical examples, allowing you to test the theory out for yourself. You'll learn how to configure and provide storage for your Kubernetes-managed applications and explore the principles of modern cloud-native architecture and application delivery, giving you a well-rounded view of the subject. Once you've been through the theoretical and practical aspects of the book, you'll get the chance to test what you’ve learnt with two mock exams, with explanations of the answers, so you'll be well-prepared to appear for the KCNA exam.By the end of this Kubernetes book, you'll have everything you need to pass the KCNA exam and forge a career in Kubernetes and cloud-native computing.


Beginning C++ Game Programming. Learn C++ from scratch and get started building your very own games

John Horton

This book is all about offering you a fun introduction to the world of game programming, C++, and the OpenGL-powered SFML using three fun, fully-playable games. These games are an addictive frantic two-button tapper, a multi-level zombie survival shooter, and a split-screen multiplayer puzzle-platformer.We will start with the very basics of programming, such as variables, loops, and conditions and you will become more skillful with each game as you move through the key C++ topics, such as OOP (Object-Orientated Programming), C++ pointers, and an introduction to the Standard Template Library. While building these games, you will also learn exciting game programming concepts like particle effects, directional sound (spatialization), OpenGL programmable Shaders, spawning thousands of objects, and more.


Bitcoin Essentials. Gain insights into Bitcoin, a cryptocurrency and a powerful technology, to optimize your Bitcoin mining techniques

Albert Szmigielski

Blockchain is being billed as the technology of the future. Bitcoin is the first application of that technology. Mining is what makes it all possible. Exploring mining from a practical perspective will help you make informed decisions about your mining setup. Understanding what the future may hold for blockchains, and therefore for mining, will help you position yourself to take advantage of the impending changes.This practical guide starts with an introduction to Bitcoin wallets, as well as mining hardware and software. You will move on to learn about different mining techniques using the CPU, GPU, FPGA, and ultimately the ASIC as an example. After this, you will gain an insight into solo mining and pool mining, and see the differences between the two. The book will then walk you through large-scale mining and the challenges faced during such operations. Finally, you will take a look into the future to see a world where blockchain-based applications are commonplace and mining is ubiquitous.


Blazor WebAssembly By Example. Use practical projects to start building web apps with .NET 7, Blazor WebAssembly, and C# - Second Edition

Toi B. Wright, Scott Hanselman

Blazor WebAssembly helps developers build web applications without the need for JavaScript, plugins, or add-ons. With its continued growth in popularity, getting started with Blazor now can open doors to new career paths and exciting projects – and Blazor WebAssembly by Example will make your first steps easier. This is a project-based guide that will teach you how to build single-page web applications with Blazor, focusing heavily on the practical over the theoretical by providing detailed step-by-step instructions for each project. The author also includes a video for each project showing her following the step-by-step instructions, so readers can use them if they're unsure about any particular step.In this updated edition, you'll start by building simple standalone web applications and gradually progress to developing more advanced hosted web applications with SQL Server backends. Each project will cover a different aspect of the Blazor WebAssembly ecosystem, such as Razor components, JavaScript interop, security, event handling, debugging on the client, application state, and dependency injection. The book’s projects get more challenging as you progress, but you don’t have to complete them in order, which makes this book a valuable resource for beginners as well as those who just want to dip into specific topics.By the end of this book, you will have experience and lots of know-how on how to build a wide variety of single-page web applications with .NET, Blazor WebAssembly, and C#.


Blender 3D Printing Essentials. Learn 3D printing using the free open-source Blender software. This book gives you both an overview and practical instructions, enabling you to learn how to scale, build, color, and detail a model for a 3D printer

Gordon Fisher, Ton Roosendaal

Like computing, 3D printing has been around for decades but it was expensive and was only used for making complex prototypes. Now, prices have dropped and third-party printing services such as Shapeways have become available, making the technology available to everyone.Blender is an open source modeling and animation program popular in the 3D printing community. 3D printing demands more of a modeler than animation or virtual reality. The model maker must engineer their model to work in the real world. They must keep in mind the particular needs of the materials and printers that they are planning to use to print their model. This practical guide gives Blender users all the information they need to design high-quality 3D printed objects. With a solid exploration of the 3D modeling process, design considerations for 3D printing, plus step-by-step exercises, you will soon be comfortable making 3D objects for real-world enjoyment. Starting with an overview of 3D printing, this guide moves onto to precision measurement, fixing problems in a 3D model, and how to make it light and strong enough for real-world use.You will learn how to scale, build, and detail a model for a 3D printer. You will learn to color and decorate it, as well as making parts precisely in the size you want them, so that multi-part objects fit together smoothly. You will also learn tips on saving money when you have printed your model.With the help of this guide, you will be able to complete your project and learn how to export the file so it is ready for a variety of 3D printers.


Bootstrap 4 - Responsive Web Design. A step-by-step practical course enabling you to nail Bootstrap and make your web designs responsive

Silvio Moreto, Matt Lambert, Benjamin Jakobus, Jason Marah

Bootstrap framework's ease-of-use (along with its cross-browser compatibility, support for mobile user interfaces, and responsive web design capabilities) makes it an essential building block for any modern web application. With the first module, plunge into the Bootstrap frontend framework with the help of examples that will illustrate the use of each element and component in a proper way. You will get a better understanding of what is happening and where you want to reach. Also, you will gain confidence with the framework and develop some very common examples using Bootstrap. All these examples are explained step by step and in depth. The second module is a comprehensive tutorial; we'll teach you everything that you need to know to start building websites with Bootstrap 4 in a practical way. You'll learn about build tools such as Node, Grunt, and many others. You'll also discover the principles of mobile-first design in order to ensure that your pages can fit any screen size and meet responsive requirements. Learn Bootstrap's grid system and base CSS to ensure that your designs are robust and that your development process is speedy and efficient. Right from the first chapter of the third module, you'll delve into building a customized Bootstrap website from scratch. Get to grips with Bootstrap's key features and quickly discover the various ways in which Bootstrap can help you develop web interfaces. Once you reach the final pages of this book, you should have mastered the framework's ins and outs, and should be building highly customizable and optimized web interfaces. The course will enable you to rapidly build elegant, powerful, and responsive interfaces for professional-level web pages using Bootstrap 4.This Learning Path combines some of the best that Packt has to offer in one complete, curated package. It includes content from the following Packt products:? Bootstrap by Example – by Silvio Moreto? Learning Bootstrap 4, Second Edition – by Matt Lambert ? Mastering Bootstrap 4 – by Benjamin Jakobus and Jason Marah


Bootstrap 4 Site Blueprints. Design mobile-first responsive websites with Bootstrap 4 - Second Edition

Bass Jobsen, Ian Whitney, David Cochran

Packed with trade secrets, this second edition is your one-stop solution to creating websites that will provide the best experience for your users. We cover six popular, real-world examples, where each project teaches you about the various functionalities of Bootstrap 4 and their implementation.The book starts off by getting you up and running with the new features of Bootstrap 4 before gradually moving on to customizing your blog with Bootstrap and SASS, building a portfolio site, and turning it into a WordPress theme. In the process, you will learn to recompile Bootstrap files using SASS, design a user interface, and integrate JavaScript plugins. Towards the end of the book, you will also be introduced to integrating Bootstrap 4 with popular application frameworks such as Angular 2, Ruby on Rails, and React.


Bootstrap for ASP.NET MVC. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

One of the leading open source frontend frameworks, Bootstrap has undergone a significant change and introduced several features that make designing compelling, next-generation UIs much simpler. Integrating Bootstrap with ASP.NET's powerful components can further enhance its capabilities.This book guides you through the process of creating an ASP.NET MVC website from scratch using Bootstrap. After a primer on the fundamentals of Bootstrap, you will learn your way around and create a new ASP.NET MVC project in Visual Studio. You will move on to learn about the various Bootstrap components as well as techniques to include them in your own projects. The book includes practical examples to show you how to use open-source plugins with Bootstrap and ASP.NET MVC and guides you through building an ASP.NET MVC website using Bootstrap, utilizing layout and user-interface components. At the end of this book, you will find some valuable tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your Bootstrap-integrated and ASP.NET MVC-integrated website.


BPEL and Java Cookbook. Written by an SOA guru to help you orchestrate web services, the 100 recipes in this book will make integrating Java and BPEL a smooth process. Using the examples you'll avoid common problems and learn sophisticated techniques

Jurij Laznik

The Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) has become the de-facto standard for orchestrating web services. BPEL and web services are both clamped into Service-oriented Architecture (SOA). Development of efficient SOA composites too often requires usage of other technologies or languages, like Java. This Cookbook explains through the use of examples how to efficiently integrate BPEL with custom Java functionality.If you need to use BPEL programming to develop web services in SOA development, this book is for you.BPEL and Java Cookbook will show you how to efficiently integrate custom Java functionality into BPEL processes. Based on practical examples, this book shows you the solutions to a number of issues developers come across when designing SOA composite applications. The integration between the two technologies is shown two-fold; the book focuses on the ways that Java utilizes the BPEL and vice-versa.With this book, you will take a journey through a number of recipes that solve particular problems with developing SOA composite applications. Each chapter works on a different set of recipes in a specific area. The recipes cover the whole lifecycle of developing SOA composites: from specification, through design, testing and deployment.BPEL and Java Cookbook starts off with recipes that cover initiation of BPEL from Java and vice-versa. It then moves on to logging and tracing facilities, validation and transformation of BPEL servers, embedding of third-party Java libraries into BPEL. It also covers manipulation with variables in BPEL different techniques of Java code wrapping for web service usage and utilization of XML fa?ßades.After reading BPEL and Java Cookbook you will be able to circumvent many of the issues that developers experience during SOA composite application development. 


Budowanie mikrousług

Sam Newman

Wykorzystaj potencjał architektury usług! Architektura mikrousług to sposób na odejście od dużych, monolitycznych aplikacji. Wyspecjalizowane usługi realizujące konkretne zadania i komunikujące się z otoczeniem pozwalają na lepsze zapanowanie nad kodem, są łatwiejsze do przetestowania oraz bardziej elastyczne. Jednak oprócz zalet mają też wady. Sięgnij po tę książkę i dowiedz się, jak najlepiej radzić sobie z architekturą mikrousług! Autor przedstawia w książce skuteczne techniki projektowania i korzystania z architektury mikrousług. W trakcie lektury kolejnych rozdziałów poznasz w szczegółach ideę mikrousług, korzyści ich stosowania, sposoby modelowania usług oraz skuteczne techniki dzielenia dużej aplikacji na mikrousługi. Ponadto zapoznasz się z możliwymi sposobami integracji: zdalne wywołanie procedur, REST i zdarzenia — to tylko niektóre z poruszanych kwestii. Na sam koniec zaznajomisz się z najlepszymi metodami testowania i monitorowania usług, zapewnisz im bezpieczeństwo dzięki kluczom API oraz innym technikom. Ta książka jest obowiązkową lekturą dla wszystkich osób chcących tworzyć nowoczesne systemy bazujące na architekturze mikrousług. Odkryj, jak można dostosować projekt systemu do celów Twojej organizacji stosując architekturę mikrousług Zapoznaj się z możliwościami integracji usług z pozostałą częścią systemu Zastosuj przyrostowe podejście do podziału monolitycznych baz kodu Wdrażaj pojedyncze mikrousługi korzystając z techniki ciągłej integracji Zbadaj złożoność testowania i monitorowania rozproszonych usług Zarządzaj zabezpieczeniami stosując modele użytkownik-usługa oraz usługa-usługa Zapoznaj się z wyzwaniami skalowania architektury mikrousług Przekonaj się, jak architektura mikrousług zmieni Twoje spojrzenie na aplikacje!


Budowanie mikrousług. Projektowanie drobnoziarnistych systemów. Wydanie II

Sam Newman

Mikrousługi są dla wielu organizacji wspaniałą alternatywą. Systemy rozproszone złożone ze współpracujących ze sobą mikrousług pozwalają na efektywne i elastyczne dostarczanie oprogramowania, które ściśle odpowiada na wymagania użytkowników. Dodatkową zaletą jest możliwość relatywnie szybkiego wprowadzania modyfikacji w systemie, co ułatwia płynne zaspokajanie zmieniających się potrzeb. Pewnym wyzwaniem dla programistów jednak może być złożoność powodowana przez właściwości architektury systemów rozproszonych, a także pojawiające się wciąż nowe technologie i metodyki, które znacząco zmieniają sposób korzystania z mikrousług. To drugie wydanie praktycznego przewodnika po projektowaniu, tworzeniu, wdrażaniu, skalowaniu i utrzymaniu systemów opartych na drobnoziarnistych mikrousługach. Publikacja została uzupełniona o informacje dotyczące najnowszych trendów i technologii związanych z mikrousługami. Sporo miejsca poświęcono na staranne przeanalizowanie przykładów dotyczących opisywanych koncepcji, a także pokazanie optymalnych sposobów rozwiązywania różnych problemów. Opisano również najnowsze rozwiązania dotyczące modelowania, integracji, testowania, wdrażania i monitorowania autonomicznych usług. Bardzo interesującą częścią są studia przypadków, w których przeanalizowano, jak organizacjom udaje się w praktyce w pełni wykorzystywać możliwości mikrousług. Dzięki książce dowiesz się, jak: przeprowadzać orkiestrację kontenerów i wdrażać rozwiązania bezserwerowe dostosowywać projekt systemu do potrzeb organizacji wybrać najlepszy sposób integracji usługi z systemem samodzielnie wdrażać mikrousługi skutecznie testować i monitorować usługi rozproszone zarządzać zabezpieczeniami dla rozszerzonej zawartości Architektura mikrousług: naucz się podejmować najlepsze decyzje projektowe!


Build Gamified Websites with PHP and jQuery. Using gaming principles to make learning more engaging, motivating, and interactive is a growing trend in web development. It's called gamification, and this book is the complete introduction to its theory and practice

Detrick DeBurr

Gamification involves the process of leveraging the features of real games into real life. A gamified website has the potential to increase user engagement, ROI, and learning. This book will help you build gamified websites with PHP and jQuery by making you understand the gamification design process to implement game mechanics in practical applications.Gamified websites are very popular amongst Internet users. The gamification of a web content draws users into action to empower them and help them develop new skills. Games engage user attention into the task and each task accomplished will mean the development and enhancement of new skills. This book will help you to apply the essence of games into real word applications such as business and education.Build Gamified Websites with PHP and jQuery aims at empowering and educating the users with an educational gamified website. The book walks through the process of developing a gamified website. Through the course of the book, you will learn gamification development process. The book emphasizes on the application of game mechanics to motivate the user. You will then use the Fogg behaviour model to influence the user behaviour. By the end of the book, you will see yourself building more engaging yet simple websites based on rational principles.