Publisher: 2

Machine Learning with Spark. Develop intelligent, distributed machine learning systems - Second Edition

Rajdeep Dua, Manpreet Singh Ghotra

Mastering Microservices with Java. Build enterprise microservices with Spring Boot 2.0, Spring Cloud, and Angular - Third Edition

Sourabh Sharma

Największe katastrofy lotnicze w Polsce

Jacek Leski

Znajdź z polskim wspólny język. Fonetyka w nauczaniu języka polskiego jako obcego. Poradnik metodyczny

Michalina Biernacka

Mastering Geospatial Analysis with Python. Explore GIS processing and learn to work with GeoDjango, CARTOframes and MapboxGL-Jupyter

Silas Toms, Paul Crickard, Eric van Rees

"Scripta Classica" 2018. Vol. 15

red. Edyta Gryksa



Statistics for Data Science. Leverage the power of statistics for Data Analysis, Classification, Regression, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks

James D. Miller